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Hey reader, my initiatives for upcoming events, activities , seminars etc are as follows :-

1.Periods pain simulator camp :- So basically it’s like its name periods 🩸 pain
simulation, we can collab with some other wd ngo etc for this. It spreads awareness among

boys that periods are not jokes ,like why girls start having mood swings while menstrual
cramps that’s it.

2. Education:- We all know education plays a very important role in not only one’s life
but also for the development of a country.
We can talk upon
We all know how reproduction chapters get skipped by teachers because they themselves
do not accept discussing them.
Via proper education Teenagers have a better understanding of values and autonomy over
their bodies. Sex education teaches the child not only the basics of puberty, body changes
and development but also gives a comprehensive understanding of their bodies and how to
say no to unwanted sexual activities.

Literacy rate of India in the world list is 77.37% for 2022. We stand at rank of about 140
We can do podcasts and speaker sessions on this.

3.Suicides :- Men are more likely to commit suicide.The male-to-female suicide ratio in
2021 was 72.5 : 27.4.
So why male suicide ration is high ? Coz when we talk about India we think it’s a patriarchal
country! Right

People expect men to be “masculine.” Certain traits are associated with men, and all men
are expected to possess them. Society burdens men with unnecessary things. For instance,
society looks down upon men who cry. Aren’t we all humans? Then why is it such taboo to
cry? Why tell the guys to “find the courage and stop crying”?
Traditional stereotypes are difficult for many men to live up to. They feel pressure to be a
‘real man’, to be physically and emotionally strong, and be the main income earner.
They are less likely to seek professional help or talk about their problems with friends or
Men are more likely to drink too much, take unhealthy risks and engage in violence.
Major reason behind these suicides are Family issues.
We can also do some podcasts on this massive problem.

4. Gender neutral posts

When we think about a perfect gym instructor, we usually think about A man or women with
great physique but we never even imagine transgenders as gym instructor, school Teacher,
professors etc
So how did this mentality stick in our mind ?
I didn’t think so ki posts ka koi gender hota h like whoever are eligible can do a job, gender
not define that a physics teacher must only be a man or woman .
So we can do a speaker session on this problem.
Or we can collaborate with DN society for a stage play.
5.Periods related holidays
We can raise the issue that there should be provision for working women(like teachers &
students) to get leave during periods. Zomato food delivery company has decided to give ten
periods related holidays to its female employees in a year.
We can do a rally , podcast or speaker sessions on this.

I can further explain any of these topics

Agar grammar mistakes ho to pls ignore Han 🥲🤝

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