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TUGAS 10 Organizational Behavior

1. Baca dan pahami Chapter 12 Leadership. Jelaskan berbagai teori kepemimpinan

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2. Baca dan analisis Kasus: Moving from Collegue to Supervisor di bawah ini. Buat
laporan dengan:
a. Membuat ringkasan kasus
b. Menjawab pertanyaan kasus
Kerjakan secara individual; kecuali untuk presenter, nomor 2 dikerjakan secara

*Catatan tambahan untuk presenter:

1. Analisis kasus dibuat secara kelompok
2. Format laporan: times new roman 12 spasi 1,5. Beri cover standar yang meliputi
judul kasus yang dianalisis, nama dan nim anggota kelompok
3. Membuat ppt untuk presentasi

Moving from Colleague to Supervisor

Cheryl Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGree have some thing in common.
They all were promoted within their organization into management positions. And
each found the transition a challenge.
Cheyrl Kahn was promoted to director of catering for the Glazier
G r o u p o f restaurant in New York City. With the promotion, she realized that things
would be never the same again. No longer she would be able to participate in
water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic lateness. She says she found
her new role to be daunting. “At first I was like a bulldozer knocking everyone over, and
that was not well received. I was saying, ‘It is my way or highway’. And was forgetting
that my friends were also in tension.” She admits that this style alienated
just about everyone with whom she worked.
Rob Carstons, a technical manager at IBM in California, talk about the
uncertainty he felt after being promoted to being a manager from being a junior
programmer. “It was a little bit challenging to be suddenly giving directives to
peers, when just the day before you were one of them. You try to be careful not to
offend anyone. It’s strange walking into a room and the whole conversation change.
People don’t want to be as open with you when you become a boss.”
Linda McGee is now a president of Medix Insurance Services in Baltimore,
Maryland. S h e s t a r t e d a s a c u s t o m e r service representative with the
company and then l e a p f r o g g e d o v e r c o l l e a g u e s i n a s e r i e s o f
p r o m o t i o n s . H e r f i r s t r i s e c r e a t e d problems. She says colleague “would say, ‘oh,
here come the big cheese now.”Only God knows what they talked about behind my back.”
1. A lot of new managers err in selecting the right leadership styles when
theymove into management. Why do you think this happens?
2. What does this say about leadership and leadership training?
3. Which leadership theories, if any could help new leaders deal with this type
of transition?
4. D o y o u t h i n k i t ’ s e a s i e r o r h a r d e r t o b e p r o m o t e d i n t e r n a l l y i n t o
a f o r m a l leadership position than to come into it as an outsider? Explain.

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