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Hello, everyone.

Hope you're all doing well today

Today's my day off, which means I've got some free time, and it's pretty awesome. I like
doing things I enjoy, I often choosing to spend my day off at home. and I often choose
to hang out at home when I'm off. The Jakarta weather can be scorching, and I can't
stand the heat. Staying at home is the best option for me when I have some time off.
However, being at home doesn't mean I'm lazing around. Nope, not at all, you see? I
thoroughly enjoy spending my leisure time engaging in physical activities and reading.
My motivation for doing so is that exercise brings me great joy. It's amazing to be able
to stretch my muscles after a week of work, and, believe it or not, I feel a profound
appreciation for my body when I work out. Self-love is super important, you know. Now,
let's get back to why exercise makes people happy.

What does it mean? The reason exercise makes people happy and reduces stress is all
about those endorphins.. In addition to increasing endorphin levels, exercise can also
elevate dopamine, serotonin, and tryptophan hormones. Dopamine is often referred to
as the happiness hormone because it induces feelings of joy. Meanwhile, serotonin
regulates emotions, memory, and reduces stress caused by physical fatigue. Dopamine
and serotonin team up to regulate put you in a good mood, bring out positive feelings,
and make you think positively. That's why I enjoy exercising, it makes me feel light, gets
rid of physical fatigue, and keeps me healthy by strengthening my immune system. In a
nutshell, exercise has loads of benefits.

After my workout, I take a shower and then it's time to read. Reading enhances my focus
and mindfulness, leaving my body relaxed and at ease. I've been a book lover for a long
time, collecting and cherishing my books. Like they say, "books are the windows to the
world," and through reading, one gains a wealth of knowledge. I truly adore it. Now, I'd
like to share with you the book I'm currently reading, a novel by Tere Liye titled "Pulang
Pergi." I've read almost all of Tere Liye's novels. What I love about Tere Liye's writing is
how it's packed with life lessons and deep thinking. It's not just about that; it's about
learning to love yourself, embracing sincerity, valuing honesty, and lots of other
profound insights.

Okay, okay, the bottom line is that on my day off, I relish being productive. It makes me
think because when I think, I exist.

Lastly, stay productive, my friends. See you.

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