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3rd June plan

Out line


3.Approval of third June plan

4.Main features of the third June plan

5.Implementation of the plan

6.Three major unresolved problems

In February 1947 the British prime minister Cement Attle announced to the house of common in
London that the British government decided to leave the subcontinent no later than June 1948 .

He also He also announced that the last British viceroy was to be Lord Mountbatten. The transfer of
power was now working to a fixed schedule

Lord Mountbatten had been appointed as last viceroy who was to replace lord Wavell He arrived in
India on 22 march 1947 . He came charged with the task to make peaceful transfer of power from
British to Indian hands by June 1948

Approval of the Third June plan:

Lord Mountbatten soon began negotiation with the Political leaders of India. After prolong talks
Mountbatten worked out a Partition plan by middle of April ,1947.Then on2nd May 1947,he sent that
plan to England for approval .The British Government approve the plan with certain amendments and
sent it back to india on 10th May,1947.This draft was not accepted by nehru and congress leaders.Thus
on request of viceroy ,Nehru and Memon prepared a revised partition plan which suited their interest.
Mountbetton took that plan to England and at the threat of his resignation got it approved by British
Cabinet.He returned back to indiaon 31st May 1947.The partion plan was made public on 3rd June 1947
and is known as 3rd June plane.

Main Features of the 3rd June plan:

Following were the main features of the plan
1. The legislatures of Punjab and Bengal shall decide that weather the province should be
divided or not.
2. The Indian people shall make the constitution of India .This constitution shall not be applicable
to those areas whose people reject it.
3. Referendum shall be held in NWFP.
4. The province of Balochistan shall adopt a proper way to decide its future.
5. States shall be free and independent to join one of the other country.Both countries have their
own Governor Gernal who will be Excutive head of their respective countries.
6. A Boundary commission shall be set up to determine the boundaries of two countries.
7. Military assests shall be divided between two countries after partion.

Implementation of the plan:

The June Third plan or the Mountbatten plan was accepted by all three Political parties of India .
Thus, Finally,His Majisty Government and the Vicery concentrated on the implementation of
Mountbattten plan . The achivment of the plan included the verdicts of the provinces and
parlimentry legistration when partition was decided on . The administrative service and armed
forces needed to be devided , assets and liabilities to be apportioned and the boundries in
disputive areas to be settled .

1.Bengal province:

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