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Encontre as palavras abaixo, no texto:

role blinking allowing shapes and sizes

laws magnifier - aloud

Observe a sentença abaixo:

Motor-impaired workers unable to type on a standard keyboard can employ expanded

or ergonomic keyboards, on-screen keyboards, adaptive switches and voice
recognition systems

Sem consultar o dicionário, o que significa a palavra motor-impaired?

Retorne a tabela e identifique as palavras que você já conhece.

Usando o contexto das frases do texto, relacione as palavras da tabela com seus

role The principles and regulations established in a community

by some authority and applicable to its people,

whether in the form of legislation or of custom and

policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.

Laws Function

Blinking Specific form or figure and spatial dimensions,


Magnifier With the normal tone and volume of the speaking voice

allowing To open and close the eye, especially involuntarily;

rapidly and repeatedly

shapes and sizes A lens or combination of lenses that makes objects bigger
aloud To give permission; permit

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