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Meeting over time

Have you ever dreamed of meeting your childhood idol? It is a well known fact that many

adults dream of being kids again, and this was the closest experience to being a child again

that I have ever experienced.

When I was six years old, my parents gave me the best birthday present I could have ever

imagined. We were going to travel to Paris, and we were visiting Disneyland Paris. I have to

admit that I was really excited, I was going to meet all my favourite characters of my most

liked films. They even bought me a princess costume so I could be dressed as my favourite

princess, Belle.

When we arrived at the park, I felt really excited, I could not wait to encounter with all the

princesses, princes, heroes and villains. However, the one I was more eager to see was Belle.

My grandparents also contributed in the present, they had gifted me with a dinner with all the

princesses, in the most expensive hotel of Disneyland. I could barely contain myself, I had

never been so happy in my life.

That night I was quite nervous. I was going to meet my favourite person in the world. When I

met her, I was wordless, it was one of the happiest days of my entire life. Due to my

anticipation,I gave Belle a bracelet I had bought a few months ago and she told me that was

the best gift she had ever received.

Ten years later, I returned to Disneyland Paris, this time with my girlfriend. She told me she

had a surprise for me. I did not know what she was talking about, and she told me to close my

eyes. When I opened them, Belle was standing in front of me and I immediately hugged her,
and when I looked down at her wrist, she was still wearing the bracelet I had given her ten

years ago.

Candela Navarro Romero (

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