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Rax - Writer/narrator

Vince - Protagonist
Ashley - Protagonist
Reizha - 2nd Protagonist
gaihle - somewhat major character
Jenina - somewhat major character

You’re Mine
(A special christmas oneshot)
Written by:
Rax Llorente

Played by:
Vince Nathan Albino
Ashley May Boquecosa
Reizha Pangilinan
Gaihle Gamana
Jenina Malit
Ah, Christmas. A beautiful time of the year is it not? The time for giving and receiving.
Spending time with friends and families, getting a kiss underneath the mistletoe, feeling
jealous about the couples around. Good times, good times. Anyway, on this particular
Christmas, Number four of Valorbound, Nathaniel Clay(Vince), was in a dilemma.

Squad Valorbound Dorm, 12:00 PM

Nathan paced around the living room back and forth repeatedly muttering “What do I do?
What should I do?”. Allen(Rax) sat on the couch with a cup of coffee somewhat amused as
Rhea(Reizha) entered the room

Rhea: “What’s with him?” She asks Allen

Allen: “Dunno but it’s amusing” Allen said taking a sip of coffee chuckling as he eventually
got up and sighed “Guess got to end this”

Allen approached Nathan before slapping the back of his head, snapping Nathan out of his

Allen: “You good now man?” He asks Nathan with a small smile

Nathan: “Yeah, phew…” Nathan rubbed the back of his head as he took a deep breath

Allen: “What’s up with you today?” Allen questioned as he leaned on the wall

Nathan: “Ah… it’s nothing” Nathan replied, attempting to wave off Allen’s question

Allen: “hmmm” Allen just stared suspiciously at nathan, before shrugging “By the way, you
and Kaito have a mission, he’s waiting by drop area”

Nathan: “right.. Thanks…” Nathan thanks allen before leaving the room

As he left, Allen turned to Rhea and spoke

Allen: “Wanna grab a bite or something?” Allen asked

Rhea: “Sure why not” Was Rhea’s reply before the two walked away

Timeskip to Kaito and Nathan’s mission

Kaito(jc) swung his blade(arnis) to the side, cleaning of the blood before grabbing a
handkerchief to get rid of any dirt that remained while Nathan just took a breath, the
battlefield was littered with Ethereal corpses and flowers, vines as well as other greenery.
Some of the corpses were cut in half, beheaded, crushed bodies, kicked and punched. Some
were impaled branches and some were frozen like a statue but with no ice and a flower
bloomed in their mouth and vines taking the place of the eyes, a truly gruesome scene

Nathan: “Well that’s done, why’d they send us out anyway? Just send some Grade 4 or Grade
5 Aegis squads” Nathan complained, kicking a corpse away

Kaito: “There’s too many here and a good number of them were Grades 4 and 5, the squads
would be overwhelmed” Kaito stated before he sighed and held his blade “Let’s head back”

Were kaito’s words, before he cut the air in a cross pattern and a gateway appeared as the
two of them walked through and vanished


After the two reported to the principal, they went their separate ways with Kaito going to
see his girlfriend. At the moment, Nathan was staring at a girl(Ashley) with long silky black
hair from the third floor of the school while she chatted with a friend(reizha)

Jade(Jenina): “what are you doing you oaf?” She asked as she approached him annoyed
before stopping to gaze at the girl

Nathan: “She’s pretty….” He said, staring at the girl like he was a maiden in love

Jade: “And you’re ugly, now let’s go” Was jade’s answer before grabbing Nathan by the ear
and dragging him away

Meanwhile, with the girl and her friend, They walked through the hallways just chatting
about their plans and who they were going to take the everwinter ball

Kaylee(Ghaile): “Like I said, I’ll probably ask Xavier to go with me. What about you Lillian?”
Kaylee asked with a smile

Lillian: “I’m not sure…” She muttered still thinking who to ask out

Kaylee: “Well, you can still try to ask Nath-” Kaylee tried to suggest before she was
interrupted by Lillian
Lillian: “No! I doubt he’d say yes anyways…” Lillian muttered, looking somewhat depressed

Kaylee: “You need some more confidence girl, you know, if you keep up like this he might
get snatched away from you” Kaylee said as Lillian stayed silent, the thought of losing
nathan hurt more than anything

Lillian: “Mhm…”

The two continued on their now silent walk as Lilian contemplated her choices

Meanwhile at Squad Valourbound’s Dorm

Allen was bashing his head on the table crying his heart out in sadness as he drank a glass
of beer. Kaede(bee an), just watched with a blank face as Nathan approached her

Nathan: “What’s up with him?” Nathan questioned, staring at his best bro who was crying
and drinking his heart away

Kaede: “Ah… He felt lonely and his date ditched him so now he’s crying because he’s too
lonely to find someone…” Kaede said as she stared at Allen with pity in her eyes

Allen: “Ughh.. I don’t understand why she had to do that? *Hic* I did my best *hic* uwahhh!”
Allen exclaimed as he shouted, drunkenly in tears

Nathan just looked at Allen as he pondered on what would happen to him if he lost Lillian.
The mere thought of losing her to another man hurt him and somewhat frustrated him. He
quickly shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

Nathan left the dorms and wandered the giant city like campus, as he walked through he
saw Lilian talking with some random guy, though, Lillian did look a bit uncomfortable

Nathan just growled as anger bubbled up inside him and he approached them, quickly
putting a smile to hide the animosity directed towards the man

Nathan: “Hey there comrade… Nice to meet you, would you mind NOT holding her?”
Nathan requested as he grabbed the man’s wrist and tightly held it
Man: “Who are you? Her boyfriend?”

Nathan: “Matter of fact, I AM. So Kindly remove your hand please” Nathan increased his
grip causing the man to hiss in pain as he quickly let go and left. Once he was gone, Nathan
turned to Lillian and asked “Are you okay”

Lillian: “Y-yes thank you…” Lillian said, stuttering a bit as she blushed. Her heart fluttered
like a butterfly as she smiled to herself

Nathan: “Also, sorry for claiming to be your boyfriend and all that” Nathan apologized, a tad
bit embarrassed

Lillian: “No it’s okay. Thank you for making him leave, I was somewhat uncomfortable”
Lilian quickly replied to not upset Nathan as Nathan nodded and smiled.

An awkward silence filled the area as the two just stood there and Nathan tried to say

Nathan: ‘Come on, nathan. Man up and invite her!’ “So uh, I was wondering if, you might
want to come with me to the everwinter ball with me. It’s fine if you don't, of course! I don’t
want to force you or anything” Nathan said

Lillian: “No! I mean, I would love to go with you” Lillian quickly accepted with a smile,
feeling joy inside her

Nathan: “Really!? I mean, great! I’ll come pick you up then” Nathan smiled as the two parted
ways with Nathan skipping happily back to his squad’s dorm.

Upon arriving, he saw Allen sighing as he read a book. When he heard the door open, He
looked and greeted Nathan

Allen: “Hey man, what’s got you in a good mood?” Allen asked taking a sip of his tea

Nathan: “Allen! I managed to invite Lillian to the ball and she said yes!”

Allen does a spit take, coughing as he hits his chest. He then turned to look at Nathan asking
him if he was serious. Once it was confirmed he quickly called the others and informed
them as they agreed to help Nathan get ready
Timeskip to the event

Nathan wore an all black suit with a gold watch on his wrist. He stood in front of Lillian and
was taken away by her beauty. Her long black suit and beautiful maroon colored hair left
him breathless

Lillian: “Like what you see?” Lillian giggled as she watched Nathan with his jaw practically
dropped as he quickly fixed himself

Nathan: “Y-yeah, it suits you. Ehem, shall we go my lady?” He extended his hand as he held
hers and she chuckled

Lillian: “Alright, let’s go handsome” The two went to his car which was a black
Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Later as they arrived at the ball, they walked in with their arms interlocked with each
others’. They walked in and went to the other members of Valorbound

Allen: “Well well well, the couple of the day has arrived. Looking sharp you two” Allen said
with smirk and thumbs up as he complimented them

Kaito: “Not bad”

Jade and Kaylee: “Girl you look perfect!”

Kaede: “Looking sharp you two”

Rhea: “I agree with her”

Lillian: “Thank you everyone..” Lillian said as she thanked them happily and they chatted

Eventually, the event began. They chatted and interacted with other guests, as they all had
fun. Now comes the fun part, the dance. Nathan stands in front of Lilian with a smile

Nathan: “May I have this dance m'lady?” He asked, holding his hand out following the
typical ball fashion

Lillian: “You may” Lillian replied, as she happily accepted his hand and the two dance
The two held each other close, as they danced together. They looked into each other’s eyes,
smiling as the two gently pressed their foreheads together as they danced

Nathan: “Thank you Lillian” Nathan said

Lillian: “I should be thanking you Nathan. Thank you for this” Lillian replied as smiled

Nathan: “I love you Lillian…”

Lillian: “I love you too Nathan…”


After the dance, the two were out on the balcony staring at the starry night sky, holding
each other's hands while they both leaned on the railings. Nathan smiled and tightened his

Nathan: “You know some might be jealous or unhappy right?” Nathan said as he waited for
Lillian’s answer

Lillian: “Then let them be, I’m happy like this and they won’t change that”

Nathan: “As expected…” Nathan said with a chuckle, holding her hand in his as he smiled
and leaned forward to kiss her

“I Love you, Lillian Cherith”

“I Love you, Nathaniel Clay”

“Three words, eight letters”

“I Love you”

You’re Mine
Message from the author:

I feel lonely… I want to experience what I write, but now I feel bitter. Anyway, that’s enough of my
yapping. As stated, this is a rewrite of the abomination from before, tell me what you guys think
Anyway, i’ll go cry in the corner now

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