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Ultimate Guide on Atmokinesis:

The Ability to Manipulate Weather

APRIL 30, 2021 / POWERS

Atmokinesis is the ability to manipulate the

weather making it conform to practically any
conditions. For this to be done at an optimal
standard, prior experience in the powers
electrokinesis, hydrokinesis and aerokinesis
assist greatly with the implementation of this

This is due to how the aforementioned

abilities correlate with different weather
conditions; Electrokinesis (the ability to
manipulate electricity) relates to the creation
of thunderstorms and other weather
conditions that feature lightning.
Hydrokinesis (the ability to manipulate water)
assists with the development of different wet
weather conditions and aerokinesis (the
power to manipulate air) helps with creating
windy conditions.

These powers worked into atmokinesis then

allow for the creation of almost any condition
by combining different abilities. For example,
an experienced atmokinesis user could
create a thunderstorm with heavy rain by
combining the base ability of atmokinesis
with electrokinesis and hydrokinesis.

Due to the ease of use when creating

weather conditions knowledge in how to use
the aforementioned abilities creates; it is
highly advised that you look into learning
them prior to delving deep into atmokinesis.
When you learn atmokinesis the basics of
some of those abilities are learnt as they are
interconnected with the power.

However previous knowledge makes the

learning experience a lot easier. If you’re
interested in learning electrokinesis,
hydrokinesis or aerokinesis please take the
time out to take a look at our articles on them
and then some of our ebooks on learning
Capabilities of
When looking at any ability, one of the most
interesting things to look into is the
capabilities of the power. That meaning how
the ability can be implemented and used to
the greatest extent. Atmokinesis is an
extremely powerful ability; the weather
dictates a multitude of aspects of everyone’s
lives and to have control over it is an
enormous power to hold.

The capabilities of the power stretch to the

creation and manipulation of almost every
aspect of the weather. This includes even the
most extreme weather conditions such as
tornados, hurricanes and potentially even
tsunamis. But the most incredible capability
of atmokinesis is the ease to which basic
facets of weather can be altered.

For example if it’s cloudy outside and a

wielder of atmokinesis wanted it to rain, this
could easily be done even if the user had
little experience. This is due to the fact that
clouds are merely evaporated water for the
most part so cooling them to the point they
are again a liquid at that altitude can easily be
What are the
Limitations of
As with any ability; atmokinesis comes with a
range of different strengths and limitations.
Its strengths come mostly from its
incorporation of other powers along with its
range of uses whilst its limitations mainly
stem from the experience the wielder has in
the ability.

The Range and

Volume to which
weather changes
are possible.
Biggest limitations that plagues most
abilities including atmokinesis is the
range to which the power can be used.
This is always a difficult limitation to
give an exact figure for as there are
many factors that effect range.
Specifically with atmokinesis; the main
things that effect the range the ability
can be used are experience, time and
aspect of weather.

The more experienced a wielder of this

ability is; the further they can stretch
the effects of the power. Additionally, if
more time is put into altering a weather
condition, the change take effect over a
far greater distance.

The last factor that effects range is the

aspect of weather being manipulated. If
the weather condition being altered is
simple, it can be changed over a larger
distance. For example rain is a simple
part of naturally occurring weather and
without incorporating wind and
lightning, can be produced with this
ability over a large distance.

Restrictions based
on the surrounding
Another limitation of atmokinesis is that
it requires use of the surrounding
atmosphere to be utilized. This limits
the abilities use in accordance to
location as well as restricting it to solely
use outdoors (which should be a given
considering there aren’t a lot of weather
conditions that occur within the
confines of a building).

The location aspect of this limitation

mainly occurs due to lack of resources
in the surrounding atmosphere to
produce desired conditions. For
example, it would be almost impossible
to enact a storm whilst in the Sahara
Desert as there would not be enough
water in the atmosphere to do so.

fluctuation could
heed fatal.
Another limitation that effects
atmokinesis is the impact the user’s
emotions at the time the ability is being
put in use has on the desired outcome
(weather condition produced). This is
due to the fact that atmokinesis
requires the incorporation of several
different abilities and thus requires
immense concentration.

As a result of this, even the slightest

alteration in emotion can gravely effect
the overall result of the weather
condition being altered. This limitation
is especially true when attempting to
have a particular weather condition
occur continuously; even a slither of
frustration whilst attempting to maintain
a certain weather condition can cause a
disruption in flow and thus the
condition to either mutate into another
form of weather or just cease to occur.
For example if a user of atmokinesis
attempting to fast forward a cloudy day
into a light drizzle got frustrated for
some reason; unexpected weather like
a thunderstorm could accidentally be
produced as a result.

The weather could

become Chaotic and
Outside of the limitations mentioned
above, there is only one other notable
limitation of atmokinesis. That is the
fact that weather created may become
uncontrollable and potentially even
chaotic. This limit correlates with the
aforementioned issue with emotion and
control over the weather being
produced; for whatever reason it is,
once control is lost over the conditions
being manifested, nature becomes the
controlling force.

This can be deadly as nature is

unpredictable. Even if control is lost and
the weather formed isn’t chaotic, it’s
still an issue for the user as it is
extremely difficult to once again grasp
control over surrounding conditions.
This can be a major inconvenience for a
wielder of atmokinesis as it will make it
almost impossible to continue to create
their desired weather conditions at that
point in time. Most likely they would
have to wait a while for the conditions
to pass or go to a different location in
order to achieve the desired outcome.

What are the

Strengths of
Moving on though from the few limitations
that come alongside this incredible ability;
there are a lot of strengths the power grants.
Nature is a controlling force over humankind.
Look at all the issues that arise as a sole
result of climate change and natural disasters
striking nations not expecting them.

Once mastered the

power becomes
close to that of a
So the first strength of atmokinesis is
the full might of the ability. Power over
nature, over life and death. It is
unquestionably an enormous thing to
preside over. Also, for this reason, it’s
suggested that only those willing to
bear such a responsibility look into
learning atmokinesis. Even the slightest
rush of lackadaisical concentration can
have dire consequences on the well-
being of a vast quantity of people.

For a novice, it
improves most
aspects of daily life
Aside from this obvious strength,
atmokinesis does have other appealing
qualities for its wielders. It’s potential
use in every day life being one. Simple
things such as, the ability to swiftly get
out of parties or other events by
spending a few minutes creating
particular weather conditions that can
act as either an excuse or a deterrent to
attend said event.

It can also be used to make showing up

late seem like an acceptable offence or
to bring snow to a cool town that
receives rain and cold weather but not
to the point where it snows.

Overall atmokinesis is an amazing ability for

anyone to hold; the old saying is true with the
ability though, “with great power, comes
great responsibility” but if one is willing to
take on said responsibility; they hold a
tremendous asset for everyday life.
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