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Tutorial de ingles y enlace del video.

Hello guys, I am Alex cardona, and today we will see how learn to use the software premier pro,
for beginners.

So first thing we do is open premier. Now thing that you will find is a little strong. But calm down.

We wait that the software loading.

Here we click in new project, and then opens a new windows.

Here you are gonna name you project and will you choose where save. Also there are other
options. but are not important for now.

Here we click in accept.

Next, we will see the software and all its windows. Here are, file, edition, clip, sequence.

Ok, let's go to the lower left side of the screen

Here we right click, appears next on the screen several options.

We choose new element and then sequence.

Here we choose the format we need, or files best meets your project,

Here you can find since the format of Arri, also you can find, Canon, Digital SLR, Avc intra, Red and

If you don't know the format or file your project, you can choose Dnx , This fits In any file. Then we
click in accept.

Right now, we have our time sequence.

Now what we have to do is import the files, we have two options, the first, we to press the button
control + i,

or easiest way is to get into the folder and drag whenever it is going to import. Best thing to do is
to import the entire folder so that everything is organized.

See if we double-click here on the videos, it will give us a small visualization of the files. also here
we cut the fragment we need of the videos together with the sound .

now, we take our selection and we carry our time sequence, now we can start with our editing

that is all for now . i see you in the next tutorial , good bye.

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