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The term ‘‘Postcolonialism’’ means generally the ways in which culture, ethnicity, race, and
human identity are portrayed in the modern era,after numerous colonized countries declared their
independence. Nevertheless, some critics employ the term to point
out all culture and cultural products that have been affected by imperialism from the time of
colonization up to the twenty-first century. Postcolonial literature endeavors to illustrate the
interactions between Europeans and the people they colonized.


Edward Said's work in post-colonialism has had a lasting impact on the way scholars, activists,
and thinkers approach the study of imperialism, colonialism, and the dynamics of power. His
ideas have influenced various academic disciplines and continue to shape discussions
surrounding identity, culture, and decolonization. While his work has been both praised and
critiqued, there's no denying his significant role in advancing the field of post-colonial studies
and fostering critical thinking about the legacies of colonialism.

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