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Ref. DC2023SSC025 Milan, 03-03-2023

DNV Business Assurance Italy S.r.l.
Via Energy Park, 14
20871 Vimercate (MB)

Att. Dr.ssa Sabrina BIANCHINI

SU B J E C T: F S M S a c c r e d i t a t i o n s t a t us

Herewith ACCREDIA confirms that DNV Business Assurance Italy Srl (DNV BA Italy) has requested
to ACCREDIA the transfer of the ISO 22000, FAMI QS and FSSC 22000 accreditation. The
ACCREDIA Accreditation Committee has accepted the transfer request on 27 January 2023; this
decision was taken in accordance with international accreditation rules with the support and
approval of the outgoing accreditation body (RVA).

To date, we confirm that DNV BA Italy has not issued any certificates related to ISO 22000, FAMI
QS and FSSC 22000 standards; we confirm also that accreditation has been transferred and all
ISO 22000, FAMI QS and FSSC 22000 certificates issued by DNV NL with RVA accreditation are
valid and active because are now under Accredia accreditation, based on international
accreditation rules.

All certificates will be reissued under the new legal entity name, i.e. DNV Business Assurance
Italy Srl - and new accreditation body, i.e. ACCREDIA - when the transfer process will be
completed, according to the approved transfer plan. These aspects and the implementation of
all the actions declared in the transfer plan will be evaluated during the next on-site assessment,
scheduled for 30 and 31 March, 2023.

DNV BA Italy have to agree specific actions by contacting the scheme owners as foreseen in the
transfer plan mentioned above.

Best regards,

Emanuele Riva

Certification & Inspection Department


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