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Weaver Ministry Update

Winter 2023

Great Treasure Day

We are excited to report five professions of faith as a
result of the Kid’s Beach Club program Jill helped
initiate this past Fall! Beach Club is an after-school Bible
program that meets in public schools across Texas.
Because Jill homeschools, she had been praying for a
ministry in the community, in which our two children
could be involved in as well. Through a series of God-
ordained events, she discovered Kid’s Beach Club and
began taking steps towards starting a club in one of our
local public schools. Our home church, Fellowship
Forney, is the official sponsor. The church has been
amazing at finding volunteers, and supplying Jill with
the materials and support she needs to run the Club.

Every Thursday, 40 fifth and sixth graders flood the

school library with excitement. During Kid’s Beach
Club, the children meet with their small group, memorize
Scripture, and listen to the Bible story. The gospel is presented every week. Most of the children are unchurched and come
from a variety of backgrounds. The first five weeks of Kid’s Beach Club builds anticipation for Great Treasure Day, the
official day in which every child receives his or her own personal Bible. Last Thursday was our Great Treasure Day! The
kids were beyond excited to receive their gift, a personal Bible, just for them! They are encouraged to read the Bible
throughout the week, using a take-home devotional paper, and bring it to Club meetings.

Please be in prayer for these 40 young people who are hearing the gospel every week and learning the Word of God. We
know the Spirit is at work, and we are excited to see more salvations as the kids’ eyes are opened to Light of Jesus Christ.
Please also pray for more volunteers! More children would like to join Beach Club, but Jill is limited due to the
availability of helpers. Finally, please pray that our church is a light to this particular school as we enter their premises and
spread the joy of Christ. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support! We are blessed because of you!

Psalm 119:162 says, “I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great treasure.”

Israel, Hamas, & Antisemitism

What is fact and what is fiction regarding the war in
Gaza? The proliferation of false information makes it
difficult to discern the truth from lies. In the latest Bible
and Theology Matters Podcast, Paul interviewed Mottel
Baleston, a Messianic Jew, who gives a helpful
explanation of the facts from a Christian worldview. They
discuss the prophetic significance of the events and how a
Christian should respond. You can listen to this important
episode on most podcast platforms or view it on our
YouTube channel:
Director of Faculty Recruitment Winter 2023

In addition to Paul’s role with Dallas Theological Seminary,

he has taken on an additional voluntary responsibility with
The National Theological College and Graduate School. You
might recall that Paul is on the board of NTCGS, and that
NTCGS is a fully accredited college and graduate program
with campuses in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and East
Africa. The ministry’s focus is training nationals for the
work of ministry in their countries of origin. Paul is a
voluntary professor for NTCGS in a missionary status, but he
has also agreed to help recruit and vet much-needed faculty
for these locations. NTCGS is an incredible ministry doing
an amazing job in very strategic and challenging parts of the
world. Please continue to pray for Paul’s role as a volunteer
board member, faculty member, and now faculty recruiter.

To learn more about NTCGS and/or to give financially to

help NTCGS, please visit:

Also, if you would like to join our ministry team, not only
through your prayers but also through your giving, you
can do so at:

Family Fun and Learning

Jill continues to homeschool Caroline and Jeremiah.
Jeremiah is advancing quickly in his reading ability, and
Caroline in her math. Both are enjoying learning history,
Bible, and even Latin! They love their Classical
Conversations co-op group that meets weekly. Caroline es-
pecially loves her teacher (Jill). As you can see from the pic-
ture to the left, Caroline recently had an accident in which
she fell off her scooter, and broke her arm in two places. We
are looking forward to a full recovery around December 1st!

This Saturday will wrap up Jeremiah’s first soccer season,

and Paul’s first time coaching kids. Jeremiah has improved
greatly, and Paul has made great strides in corralling 5-year-
old boys. Next, is basketball! Both Caroline and Jeremiah
will be involved in “Upwards Basketball” a church-based
sports league. Paul will be coaching Jeremiah’s team and
possibly assistant coaching Caroline’s team.

As always, we want to thank you for your continued

interest in, and prayer for, our family and the ministry
that God has entrusted to us!

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