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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

- ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الجزائر –شرق‬ ‫الثانية المتوسط‬:‫المستوى‬

‫ فتية‬:‫مؤسسة التربية والتعليم الخاصة‬ 22/02/2022:‫تاريـخ اإلجراء‬
2022/2021 :‫السنـــــــة الدراســـية‬ ‫ ساعة‬01 :‫مــــدة اإلجراء‬

‫فرض الفصل الثاني في مادة اإلنجليزية‬

Activity01 : Classify these words according to their pronounciation : ( 04pts)

boys- faces- books- loses – eggs- carrots- sandwiches - onions

/S/ /Z/ / IZ/

Activity02 : Write C for countable and U for uncountable nouns : (02pts)

..……………: potato/01

……………… : milk /02

.……………… : Salt /03

.……………: apple /04

Activity03 : Turn the sentences into the negative form by using any :(04pts)

.There is some water in the bottle /-01


.There are some eegs in the fridge -02


.There is a jug on the table -03


? Are there any oranges in the market -04


Activity 04 : Match each word with the correct synonym :(04pts)

1) Shop assistant shoping center

2) Client Grocer
3) A lot of shopper
4) mall many

Activity05 : Complete the sentences with some or any : ( 03pts)

01) There is ……..jam in the fridge _ but there isn’t …….. butter.

02) Is there …….Cola in the bottle ?_ Yes there is……..Cola.

03) Are there………burgers ?_ No there aren’t………burgers.

Activity06 : Circle the odd word : (03pts)

a) Apple orange onion banana

b) Some many any a

c) Buy market shop supermarket

Good luck

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