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1. Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What do you think of the home in the photo?

Would you like to

stay there? Which of these materials did Jaime use?

cardboard glass leather metal paper plastic Wood

2. TRACK 35 Work in pairs. Listen to part of a documentary about Jaime and the house in the photo. Answer the

1 What materials does the speaker mention?_______________________________________________________

Ccomputers, mobile phones, washing machines and cookers.

2 What did Jaime do with them? Give an example. _________________________________________________

He uses them in new ways.

3 What does Jaime want people to think about? ____________________________________________________

The enviroment and recycling

3 Work in pairs. Look at the highlighted expressions for talking about objects. Form similar sentences about the
everyday objects in the box below.

A dictionary an envelope a cell phone a wallet a tin can

A dictionary is made of paper. You use it for looking up words.

4 Think of another everyday object. Don’t tell your partner what it is, but describe what it’s made of and what you
use it for. Your partner has to guess the object
An evelope is made of paper. You use it to letters.
A cell phone is made of aluminum. You use to call and send messages.
A wallet is made of leather. You use it for save money.
A tin can is made of metal. You use it for pack liquids or food.

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Vocabulary recycling

1 Work in pairs. What kind of trash do you throw away or recycle every week? What percentage of each type (a–e) is
in your trash can?

About 25% of my trash is paper.

a electronics b glass c paper and cardboard d metal e plastic

2 Match these objects (1–8) to the type of trash (a–e) in Exercise 1. Some items match two categories.
1 computer _____ e
2 bottle ________ b
3 jar _______ d
4 aluminum foil ______

5 TV ______
a 6 cereal box_______
c 7 magazine _______
c e
8 bag_______

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3 Look at the photos with the article.
electronic devices that no longer work
1. What do you think e-waste is?________________________________________

2. Why is the boy holding part of an old computer?

because he found a lot of e-waste in Ghana.

4 Read the article and check your ideas from Exercise 3.

5 Read the article again and answer these questions.

he found a lot of e-waste
1 What did Peter Essick find in the markets of Ghana? ______________________________________________________
to recycle the metal
2 Why do people melt parts of the broken computers?______________________________________________________

3 Why is recycling the metal dangerous? ________________________________________________________________

because it produces a lot of chemicals that are bad for people´s health
electronic products that you can recycle safely
4 What types of electronic products are environmentally friendly? ___________________________________________

Grammar quantifiers

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a few much
any a little
a lot


How many __________ do ________? How much ___________do_______?
does _______? does_______?
Are there___? Is there___?
Has he got many apples? Is there much water left?
He hasn´t got many apples.

A______ few_______
apples a few____

watera Little__ some___ not much___ a lot (of)___
Some__________ a lot ( of ) ________
apples water water lots (of)
Plenty (of) _______
Not many________apples


SOME ( + ) ANY ( - / ? )
Some letters ( countable) Any letters (countable )
Some money (uncountable)
Any money ( uncountable)
There are some letters for you -Are there any new stories in your store.
I have got some money - Is there any tea in the cupboard?
- I don’t have any new stories for you.

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*Some is used in questions when we want to - There isn’t any tea in the cupboard.
encourage people to say ‘yes’; for example in requests
and offers.

Can you let me have some paper?

Would you like some more tea?
Have you got some paper I could have,

Any is used after words with negative meaning such as:

without, never, seldom, rarely, hardly.

Ex: - I found a taxi without any trouble.
- You never do any homework.
- There are hardly any eggs left.

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1. Affirmatives: There are some people waiting outside. 1. Negatives: I don’t want any sugar.
2. Questions +”yes”: Would you like some orange juice? 2. Uncertain questions: Do you have any money on
3. Requests: May I have some tea? you?
4. (=certain): Some people believe everything 3. With “hardly”, etc.: There’s hardly any rain.
5. Some=several: I haven’t phoned my uncle for some 4. With “at all”: I haven’t any idea at all.
5. After “if”: Buy some apples if you see any.
6. Any=it doesn’t matter who or which: Any fool knows
the right answer.

1. Put in some, any or -.

10. What material do you need? –Some
_____ that is
any bread.
1. We can’t do without ________
2. There isn’t ____________
any life in that girl.
some spices into the soup.
11. Put _________
3. Buy _________________ bread and cheese for the -
12. I hate _________ bad news.
picnic, if you want to help.
13. There aren’t __________
any buses after ten o’clock.
4. I like ____________biscuits -
and __________ sweets.
14. I haven’t got __________friends
any at all.
5. ________doctor
Any will tell you that it is harmful.
15. I can answer only _______
some questions on the subject.
6. There’s hardly ___________
any milk in the bottle. 16. Don’t let us have ________ nonsense about it.
7. If you have _____________news call me back. 17. “Let’s go back home, it’s late.” – “I’d rather stay out
a little longer.” – “I suppose we’ve got to go home
8. Go and ask him for ________ paper. I haven’t ________
- time.”
in my desk.

9. Can we have________
some milk? 18. I don’t think there is ________
any milk left in the jug.

Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few.

a lot of
1. It seems we have had __________________ assignments in English this year.
2. How __________________
much do we have to read this week?
3. __________________
Some, most, a lot of Americans don’t like George Bush
4. There aren’t very __________________
many books in the library.
5. I think he drank __________________
a little, much wine last night.
6. I have had __________________
lots of headaches already because of the stress.
7. I didn’t use ________________
much fertilizer1 last spring, that’s why we had so _________
many weeds2 .
8. It has rained very __________________
much this summer, that’s why the grass is so brown.
9. __________________
A few, a little people know as much about computers as Jack does.
a lot of
10. I’m having __________________ trouble passing my driving test.
11. I do have __________________
a few friends but not that many.

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12. How __________________ juice is left in the bottle?
13. John had __________________
a little money with him so he couldn’t even buy a bus ticket.
14. __________________
A lof ot, much time and money is spent on education in Great Britain.
15. I know __________________
a few, a little Spanish so I am going to have a problem when I get there.
16. __________________
Most, some of the children in our block have got roller skates.
17. Football is the only subject I know very _____________
few of. It doesn’t interest me that much.
18. __________________
Many, a lot of, few people can live without money. We simply need it.
19. There are __________________
a few leftovers for you in the refrigerator.
20. Is she already gone? – I’m only __________________
a few minutes late.
21. There is __________________
a little doubt that Anne will win the contest.
22. There is not very __________________ dancing going on at the party.
23. __________________ people in the city ride a bike to work because you are simply faster.
24. London has __________________
many, a lot of beautiful buildings.
Choose the appropriate quantifier / determiner.

1. Can I have a few / some / many butter please?

2. He has a lot of / many / some money. He owns two large apartments.
3. Do you want sugar in your tea?
“Just how much / a little / a few ‘please.”
4. I have a lot of / much / a little DVDs.
5. I’ll be ready in some / a few / little minutes.
6. How many / how much time do you need to finish your homework?
7. How many / how much books have you read in the last two months?
8. Do you want much / any / few cosmetics from Avon?
9. We have little / a little / few bread. It is not enough for dinner.
10. We have much / many / few chairs but we need more.

Work in pairs. Make a survey about recycling.

A: How much paper do you throw away every week?

B: I don’t throw away any paper. We recycle it in special green bins

1 I throw away a lot of paper every week.

2 In my area, a few places have recycling bins.

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3 My school / place of work doesn’t have any recycling bins for paper.
4 Some people in my country think recycling is important.

1 Track 37 Listen to a news report about two environmental projects and answer the questions.
1 What four deserts does the report mention?

2 Where are the two environmental projects?

3 What type of wall are the countries building?

2 Track 37 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What percentage of the Earth’s land is desert?____________________________________________________

2 When did the Three-North Shelter Forest Program begin? _________________________________________

3 What is its purpose? __________________________________________________________________________

4 How long will the wall be when it’s fi nished in 2050? _____________________________________________

5 How many countries are working together on the project in Africa?____________________________________

6 What are the goals of this project?______________________________________________________________


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A Track 38 Listen to the difference in the pronunciation of the before a consonant sound and before a vowel sound.

/ðə/ /ðiː/

the wall the Earth

B Track 39 Listen and circle /ðə/ or /ðiː/. Then listen again and repeat.

a /ðə/ b /ðiː/

1 the river x
2 the ice x
3 the world x
4 the desert x
5 the oldest x
6 the largest x
7 the Atacama Desert

1 Choose the correct option.

1 Could I have a / – / the glass of juice, please? 7 This is a / – / the best job I’ve ever had.

2 Mom! There’s a / an / the woman on a / an / the phone 8 I’ve got a / – / the problem with my computer.
for you.
3 There are lots of jobs in a / – / the tourism. 9 I’ve got a / – / the same problem I had last week.

4 I’m applying for an / – / the job of marketing manager. 10 What’s a / – / the time?

5 I love working in a / – / the teams. 11 A: Hello, can I speak to a / – / the manager, please?
B: I’m afraid he isn’t in an / – / the office today
6 Can I ask you a / – / the question?

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2 TRACK 6 Add ( a or the) to the conversations where necessary.
1 A: Shall we go to see movie? B: Yes, OK. What do you want to see? to see a movie
2 A: Did you enjoy show? B: Yes, it was great. Music was fantastic. enjoy the show
a a
3 A: Is there bus stop near here? B: Yes, nearest bus stop is on corner, opposite police station.
a a a
4 A: Is that new cell phone? Where did you get it? B: In store downtown. It’s new store. It opened last week.
5 A: This is first time I’ve been to this restaurant. Is it new?

B: No, it’s been here for years. Friend brought me here once after work.
a the The
6 A: Look! There’s man waving at you over there, on other side of street. B: Who? Man with black dog?

---- the
---- -----
--- a
the -----

-------- -----

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1 Complete the sentences with the or – (no article).

1 – Roald Amundsen was the first man to reach the South Pole.

2 More than 370 million people speak _________________English

------ at home.

3 The population of ___________________China

------ ---------
is four times bigger than the population of ________United States.

the Nile is the longest river in the world.
5 ______Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in ___________Africa.

6 _______Sahara
The desert is expanding to ______________south
------ at a rate of 30 miles a year.

7 Most children study ___________history

------- --------
and ______________geography at school.

8 The coldest month of the year ____________in

------- Antarctica is _____________July.

9 ____________Middle the
East is the region of the world east of ___________Mediterranean Sea and west of ______India.

10 Global warming is one of the biggest problems facing the world in_____________
the 21st century.

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2. Track 7. Cross out any unnecessary articles. Then listen and check.

1 A: Where are you from? B: A small town called the Amasra. It’s in the Turkey on the Black Sea.

2 A: Who’s your teacher for the math this year? B: It’s the Mr. Smith I think.

3 A: What are you reading? B: It’s a book about the British explorer, the Scott of the Antarctic.

4 A: What did you do on the weekend? B: We went to the country. We stayed at a hotel near the Lake Balaton.

5 A: Excuse me, do you speak the German? B: No, I’m sorry. I don’t. Do you speak the Portuguese?

6 A: What are you doing for the holidays? B: We’re going to the beach, in the south of the France.

3 Add the ten missing definite articles (the) to the text.

Chile, officially known as Republic of Chile, is the

longest country in world. This long, thin country is

situated between Pacific Ocean in west and Andes

to east. It is more than 4,300 km long and is a land

of extremes, from Atacama Desert in north to the

frozen lakes in south. The official language is Spanish

and the capital city is Santiago, although the main

government buildings are in the city of Valparaiso, on coast.

1 What do you think the article is about?

plastic bottles special boat sail the Pacifi c Ocean San Francisco Sydney

Number of crew 1 _________ 12500
Number of plastic bottles: 2___________
Lenght: 3 _____________m
eigtheen Width: 4 _____________m
Weight: about 5 ________________kg
twelve tousand Average speed: 6_______________knots

Distance covered: over 7 _________________km.

fifteen thousand Number of days at sea: 8________
one hundred

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Critical thinking reading closely
3 Read the sentences (1–6). Circle the correct option for each sentence.

T = The sentence is true. The information is in the text. F = The sentence is false. The information is in the text.

NG = We don’t know if it’s true or false. The information is not given in the text

Statements TRUE FALSE NG

1 The Plastiki is made of the same material as other boats.
2 Humans recycle most of their plastic bottles F
3 Plastic in the ocean is killing animals. T
4 The Plastiki is environmentally friendly T

5 The size of the “Great Garbage Patch” is growing NG

6 The journey took longer than T F NG de Rothschild had planned. T

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Real life calling about an order
3 Track 41 The customer is calling customer service
about her order. Listen to the conversation. Work in
pairs and answer the questions.

1 What information does the customer service

representative fi rst ask for and check?

Your name and the order numbre

2 Why does the customer want the clock quickly?

Because it was a gift for her husband´s birthday

3 What does she decide to do?

Cancel the order

4 What will the customer service representative email

Verification of the cancellation of an order

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4 Track 41 Look at the expressions for calling about an order. Then listen to the conversation again. Circle the
sentences the customer service representative uses.


Telephone expressions
Good morning. How can I help you? Would you like a refund?
I’m calling about an order for a clock. Would you like confi rmation by email?
Can I put you on hold for a minute? Checking and clarifying
Is there anything else I can help you with? Is that A as in America?
Talking about an order Let me check.
Do you have the order number? So that’s F for Freddie?
Would you like to order a different product? That’s right.
Would you like to cancel the order?

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