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A word that had a surprising meaning to me was the word simple in the oxford dictionary has

the meaning of, of low or humble birth; this was surprising to me because Jesus is also
described as having a low and humble birth, my initial thought was just something that is not
complicated. The word Instance in the Websters 1828 and the oxford dictionaries had the
meaning of urgency, and earnestness; I have never thought about instance having that meaning
I mostly thought of instance as a point in time. I also love the definition for the word confound,
in our day it is; to cause to be confused or perplexed, but in the 1828 webster dictionary it has
the meaning of; to mingle and blend, and in the oxford dictionary it has the meaning; to destroy
which is a lot more active than just; to cause to be confused. The word means is pretty much
what I suspected, having the meaning in the 1828 webster dictionary, of an instrument that
which is used to affect something, and also other definitions, of a method, or course of action.
Most of the words were as I thought especially salvation, and others but there were some
surprising changes based on when they were used in time, like the word means also means; to
lament for something, which I had never heard of before.

My initial interpretation of the 6th verse was that by small and simple instruments great things
can happen and that by the small things the smart people will be confused, but I now have an
interpretation I like a lot better. The word simple in the oxford definition has the meaning of low
and humble birth, which is another description of Jesus, so I like to think that it is through Jesus
Christ that great things are brought to pass. Also, the word confound in both verses has taken a
different meaning for me, instead of just the idea of becoming confused I like the idea that by
small instruments, or purposes, the Lord will destroy the wise, which meaning we get from the
oxford dictionary. This helps me have a better imagine of what will happen to the wise, but I
also like the idea of failing to distinguish as found in the American heritage dictionary, and the
‘to discomfit or put to shame’ in the oxford dictionary which also mentions that this last
meaning is chiefly scriptural. Since we are reading scripture I think that is totally reasonable to
imagine that this is what Mormon is trying to explain, that these wise people whose biggest
purpose is to be recognized and be popular among men will not receive the glory and
recognition of God, and will be put to shame.

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