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Graduation Speech

Good morning everyone my fellow graduates,students ,

teachers, visitors, parents and guest .as we ponder the
aisle a mixture of feelings radiates in our hearts a
feeling of joy that we come to this moment of moving
up.sadness for soon we will be apart.but the
camaraderies we shared will always in my heart.Special
congratulations to my fellow graduates enspite of
struggle and keep learning to all subjects so you finally
reach your destination and be ready to the next grade
level that surprised you in some learning and upcoming
grades too .The journey will starts soon I hope it some
improvement in our studies ,talents and some skills tot
.Once again special congratulations to my fellow
graduates .be proud of yourself.First gratitude to our
teachers who guides us and teach us become more
productive.Second with my classmates I was having fun
when practicing with them and some Christmas party
together and become friends too.Thirdly about my
parents well they are supporting me about my learning
preparing materials that I need.When I am feeling down
with my studies they encourage me well and I am so
happy for that and lastly I wanted to say thank you and
I gained some experience too.Lets start talking about
difficulties and struggling .I am really low self esteem .
My fellow graduates I realized that it is not what we
learned in the four corners of classroom but what's
important is the fact that we have applied what we
have learned for our benefits of our self and for the
benefits of our fellow men.once again

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