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Human Resource Management (HRM)

Instructor: Jiwon, Jung, PhD

Week 14: Weekly Reading Note

Employee relations practices: Diversity and organizational culture

Student ID: ___________________________

Student Name: ___________________________________

1. How do family-friendly policies relate to the paradox of needs? (p.293)

2. How has workforce composition change in recent years? (p.293–294)

3. What are four employer-sponsored childcare programs? (p.296–297)

4. How have employers and employees benefited from a flexible work program in Great Britain? (p.297)

5. What cost indicators of parental leave programs exist at each stage? (p.301)
a. Before leave:

b. During planning:

c. During leave:

d. While staffing:

e. After leave:

6. Why might single employees harbor resentment against family-friendly policies? (p.304)

7. What are the three most useful strategies for reducing stress in your opinion and briefly explain why? (p.305–306)

8. What are seven types of alternative work arrangements? (p.310)

9. What is flextime and what are some implementation problems/challenges with flextime? (p.311)

10. Describe the “Hard HRM” and the “soft HRM.” (p.320)

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