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Human Resource Management (HRM)

Instructor: Jiwon, Jung, PhD

Week 10-12: Weekly Reading Note

Understanding the employees: Motivation and workplace behaviors

Student ID: ___________________________

Student Name: ___________________________________

1. What is motivation? (p.209)

2. How does HRM affect employee motivation? (p.209)

3. What does empirical data show about motivation in the workplace? What is the 25–50–25 rule? (p.210)

4. How does management by objectives (MBO) further motivation? (p.214)

5. What is employee engagement? (p.215)

6. How do younger employees differ in motivations from older workers? (p.217)

7. What is a psychological contract? (p.222, also see Exhibit 6.4.) How is it differ by (or extend) the insights of the
original MBO (management by objectives)?

8. Give some examples of how inadequate feedback can be detrimental. (p.226–228)

Bertelli, A. M. (2007). Determinants of bureaucratic turnover intention: Evidence from the Department of the
Treasury. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17(2), 235-258.

9. Identify five hypotheses suggested in the study and examine whether each hypothesis is either supported, not
supported, or partially supported. Explain the empirical results.

Hypotheses Empirical results






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