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Human Resource Management (HRM)

Instructor: Jiwon, Jung, PhD

Week 13: Weekly Reading Note

Managing job stress and counterproductive behaviors

Student ID: ___________________________

Student Name: ___________________________________

Kroll, A., & Vogel, D. (2021). Why public employees manipulate performance data: prosocial impact, job
stress, and red tape. International Public Management Journal, 1-38.

1. Draw a theoretical framework (with boxes and arrows) this article has hypothesized using + (positive) and -
(negative) sign. (p.5-6) Then, further indicate the findings of the article using +, - and the significance level
symbols (†: p<0.1, *:p<0.05, **:p<0.01, ***:p<0.001) (p. 9, Table 2). What relationship did this article
examined and what were the findings?

2. A) What is prosocial impact? (How did the authors define prosocial impact?) (p.4)

B) What is job stress? (p.5)

C) What is definition of red tape? (p.5)

Schiff, J. W., & Lane, A. M. (2019). PTSD symptoms, vicarious traumatization, and burnout in front
line workers in the homeless sector. Community mental health journal, 55(3), 454-462.

1. Which group of the society did the article study to investigate trauma-related problems? (p.454)

2. What are the measures the authors have obtained through the survey? If you can, try to distinguish the dependent
and independent variables and control variables. (p.456)

3. Briefly discuss the findings of the paper. What are the found relationships among secondary traumatic stress
(STS), burnout, and PTSD symptoms – the three variables identified in the title of the article? (p.458-459)

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