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This text is for questions number 6 and 7.

Owner‟s Manual
Instruction :
1. Make sure that the TV set is in a good condition physically.
2. Plug the power cable into the electricity plug. It is recommended to use a standard
electricity plug to avoid electrical risk.
3. Press the power button. When it is on, search the TV program by selecting the
4. Adjust the volume.
It is recommended to unplug the power cable after using the TV set.
6. What is the purpose of the text above ?
a. To entertain the TV owner
b. To explain how to set a new TV set
c. To describe how a TV set is made
d. To show how to avoid electrical risk
7. What should we do to avoid electrical risk ?
a. Plug the power cable into the plug
b. Make sure the TV set is good
c. Use a standard electricity plug
d. Press the power button

This dialog is for questions 8 to 11.

Tata : Excuse me, Miss
Ms. Nindi : Yes. What can I do for you ?
Tata : I‟d like to put these workbooks on Mr. Steve‟s desk. Could you please tell me. Where his
desk is?
Ms. Nindi : Sure. His desk is at the corner of the room. Over there ! The one with the
globe. On it.
Tata : Alright. Thank you, Miss
Ms. Nindi : You‟re welcome

8. What expression in the dialog express politeness ?

a. Could you please tell me where his desk is ?
b. The one with the globe on it
c. Thank you, Ma‟am
d. You‟re welcome
9. Where do you think the dialog takes place?
a. In a library
b. In a classroom
c. In a teacher‟s office
d. In a laboratory
10. Who do you think Mr. Steve is?
a. A mathematics teacher
b. A P.E teacher
c. A biology teacher
d. A geography teacher
11. Ms. Nindi says “The one with the globe on it.”
What does the word „it‟ refer to?

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