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Identify the unstructured data from the following

Both Image and Video clip

Which preprocessing technique is used for dimensinality reduction?


True Positive is when

The predicted instance and the actual instance are not negative

Technique used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into train set to
train the classifier and test set to test the same.
Cross Validation

True Negative is when

The predicted instance and the actual instance are negative

Which one of the following is not a classification technique?


SIFT computes the gradient histogram only for patches where as HOG is computed for
an entire image.

Select the correct option that directly achieves multi-class classification

(without support of binary classifiers).
K Nearest Neighbor

PCA stands for

Principal component analysis

In Supervised learning, class labels of the training samples are ___________


High classification accuracy always indicates a good classifier.


Which of the following is not a performance evaluation measure?

Confusion matrix

Which algorithm can be used for matching local regions in two images?

Choose the right options based on Pooling.

All the above options

Pruning is a technique associated with ______________.

Decision tree

The variation present in the PCs decrease as we move from the 1st PC to the last

Which of the following is not an example of CNN architectures?

Which classification techniques involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
PCA -- wrong

Clustering is a supervised classification.


Classification where each data is mapped to more than one class is called
Binary Classification

A classifer that can compute using numeric as well as categorical values is

Decision Tree Classifier -- wrong

What is the function that converts K-dimensional vector containing real values to
the same shaped vector of real values in the range of (0,1), whose sum is 1?

Which of the given hyper parameter(s), when increased may cause random forest to
over fit the data?
Depth of Tree

The scale-invariant feature transform can be used to detect and describe local
features in images.

The process of changing the pixel intensity values to achieve consistency in

dynamic range for images is ___________
Image normalisation

Images, documents are examples of ___________.

Unstructured Data

The dimensionality reduction technique that efficiently represents interesting

parts of an image as a compact feature vector.
Feature extraction -- wrong

Which of the following is not a characteristics of HOG?

Computes a simple histogram of oriented gradients -- wrong

A technique used to depict the performance in a tabular form that has 2 dimensions
namely “actual” and “predicted” sets of data is called ___________.
Confusion Matrix

Unsupervised classification identifies larger number of spectrally-distinct classes

than supervised classification.

HOG refers to _________.

Histogram of Oriented Gradient

HOG is simplified version of SIFT


SVM is a __________.
supervised learning algorithm.
In SVD, the matrix A of dimension m x n can be decomposed in to A=USVT, where V is
a ___________.
n x n orthonormal matrix

Supervised learning differs from unsupervised learning. Supervised learning

requires ____________.
Labeled data

Which of the following is a feature extraction technique?

All the options

The most widely used package for machine learning in python is ____________.

The improvement of the image data that suppresses distortions or enhances image
features is called ____________.
Image Feature extraction

SIFT stands for ________________/

Scale Invariant Feature Transform

Which among the following is True? A. SIFT is used for identification of specific
objects B. HOG is used for classification
Both A and B

Model Tuning helps to increase the accuracy


Higher value of which of the following hyperparameters is better for decision tree
Cannot say

Which type of cross validation is used for imbalanced dataset?


The fit(X, y) is used to ___________

Train the Classifier

Which of the following is not a preprocessing technique used for image processing?
Noise filtering

Select the correct statements about Nonlinear classification.

Kernel tricks are used by Nonlinear classifiers to achieve maximum-margin

Choose the correct sequence from the following:

Image Analysis -> PreProcessing -> Model Building--> Predict

GradientDescent is one of Backward propagation techniques to find the best set of

parameters of the network.

TF-IDF is a common methodology used in pre-processing of images

Choose the correct sequence for classifier building from the following:
Initialize -> Train - -> Predict-->Evaluate

The first layer in a CNN is never a Convolutional Layer.


Which classifier involves finding Optimal hyperplane for linearly separable


The normalized linear combination of the original predictors in a data set is

called ____________.
Principal component

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