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SVM will not perform well with large data set because (select the best answer)

classification becomes difficult

While running the same algorithm multiple times, which algorithm produces same
K Means clustering
Which model helps SVM to implement the algorithm in high dimensional space?

Problems that predict real values outputs are called ?

Regression Problems
What measures the extent to which the predictions change between various
realizations of the model ?
____________ function is used as a mapping function for classification problem.
What is the Learning Technique in which the right answer is given for each example
in the data called ?
Reinforcement Learning
So when a ML Model has high bias, getting more training data will help in improving
the model
For ______________ the error is determined by getting the proportion of values
miss-classified by the model
The objective function for linear regression is also known as Cost Function.
What measure how far the predictions are from the actual values ?
Where does the sigmoid function asymptote ?
0 and 1
____________ is the line that separates y = 0 and y = 1 in a logistic function.
Decision Boundary
I have a scenario where my hypothesis fits my training set well but fails to
generalize for test set. What is this scenario called ?
What is the process of dividing each feature by its range called ?
Feature Scaling
For _____________ the error is calculated by finding the sum of squared distance
between actual and predicted values

What is the process of subtracting the mean of each variable from its variable
called ?
Mean Normalization

What is the range of the output values for a sigmoid function ?

What measure how far the predictions are from the actual values ?
____________ is the line that separates y = 0 and y = 1 in a logistic function.
Decision Boundary
Problems where discrete valued outputs predicted are called
Classification Problems
I have a scenario where my hypothesis fits my training set well but fails to
generalize for test set. What is this scenario called ?
How are the parameters updates during Gradient Descent Process ?
What is the Learning Technique in which the right answer is given for each example
in the data called ?
Supervised Learning
For an underfit data set the training and the cross validation error will be high

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