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Learn smart, not hard

by Anna Caruk

Warm up!
Answer the following questions.

1. What does your typical study routine look like?

2. How do you decide what to study and when to study it?
3. Do you find it easy to concentrate when studying, or do you get distracted
easily? How do you deal with distractions?
4. What tools or resources do you use while studying (e.g., textbooks, online
resources, apps)?
5. How do you take notes during lessons/lectures or while reading?
6. Do you have a specific place where you prefer to study? Why?
7. How do you manage your time when preparing for exams or completing
8. Do you review your notes or materials regularly, or do you tend to cram
before exams?

Which type of learner are you? Why?

1. Visual Learner: A visual learner is someone who learns best by looking at things.
They remember information by seeing pictures, words, or diagrams. For example,
they might understand and remember a lesson better if they watch a video or
look at colorful images.
2. Auditory Learner: An auditory learner is someone who learns best by listening.
They remember information by hearing and listening carefully. For instance, they
might remember a story or a lecture better if they hear it spoken out loud rather
than reading it.
3. Kinesthetic Learner: A kinesthetic learner is someone who learns best by doing
things with their body. They remember information by moving or touching
things. For example, they might understand and remember math problems
better by using physical objects or doing hands-on experiments.

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Match the types of learners to the pictures below, and then also, to the right

a visual learner / auditory learner / a kinesthetic learner

................................. .................................. .................................

My school day is full of In school, I really enjoy I start my school day by

action! I love the hands- listening to my teachers flipping through my
on activities, like science explain things. I sit up textbooks and looking at
experiments and art front to hear them better. I the pictures and
projects. I like to move also participate in diagrams. They help me
around, so I often choose discussions and group understand what we're
a standing desk or sit on activities because talking going to learn. During
an exercise ball. During and listening help me class, I pay close attention
breaks, I like to play remember information. I to the teacher's slides and
sports with my friends to sometimes use voice notes the colorful posters on the
get my energy out. I to record important points walls. When I need to
remember things better so I can listen to them remember something, I
when I can touch and later. write it down and make
interact with them. mind maps with lots of
pictures and colors.

................................. .................................. .................................

Do you think it's possible to mix different learning styles, like being
both a visual and kinesthetic learner? If so, how do you think you can
combine these styles effectively to enhance your learning experience?

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Match the names of learning strategies to their descriptions. Then, answer the

Mind mapping / Self-assessment / Active listening / Note-taking /

Time management / Visual aids / Setting goals

1. ......................................... means really paying attention when someone is talking or

teaching. It's about hearing the words and trying to understand their meaning. You
can show you're doing that by looking at the speaker and nodding or asking
questions to make sure you understand.
2. ......................................... is about writing down important information when you're
learning. You can use different methods, like writing in a special way or using
symbols to help you remember what's important.
3. ......................................... is all about using your time wisely. It means making a plan
to do your work or study without wasting time. You can use a schedule or a list to
help you manage your time better.
4. ......................................... means deciding what you want to achieve and making a
plan to get there. It's like having a target or a destination in mind. When you have
clear goals, it's easier to know what to do to reach them.
5. ......................................... is like checking how well you're doing in your learning. You
can ask yourself questions like, "Do I understand this?" or "Did I do my best?" It
helps you figure out what you need to work on and what you're already good at.
6. ......................................... are things that help you understand information with your
eyes. They can be pictures, charts, or diagrams that show information in a simple
way. They make learning easier because you can see the information.
7. ......................................... is a way to organize your ideas or information visually. You
start with a central idea in the middle and use lines and shapes to connect related
ideas or details. It's like making a picture of your thoughts to help you remember
and understand better.

What can you do to show that you're actively listening in class?

Do you take notes in class? If so, how do you take them?
What tools or methods can you use to make sure you use your time wisely?
Have you ever set a goal for yourself in school? What was it?
How can you tell if you understand something you've learned?
Can you think of a time when a picture or diagram helped you understand
something better?
Have you ever tried making a mind map to organize your ideas or study for
a test?

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Watch the video about 10 Things You Should Never Do Before Exams.
Make a list of the tips mentioned in the video. Then, explain each one.

1. ............................................
2. ............................................
3. ............................................
4. ............................................
5. ............................................
6. ............................................
7. ............................................
8. ............................................
9. ............................................
10. ............................................


1. Did you find the video helpful for preparing for exams? Why or why not?
2. Which tip from the video do you think is the most important to remember
before an exam?
3. Have you ever made any of the mistakes mentioned in the video before an
exam? If so, what happened?

Look at the pictures below. Do you think the people are learning effectively? Why? /
Why not?

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Circle the answer that is true for you.

Learning Habit Self-Assessment Worksheet

1. I have a regular study routine.

1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
2. I set clear goals for my learning.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
3. I manage my time effectively when studying.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
4. I actively participate in class discussions and ask questions.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
5. I take organized notes during lectures or while reading.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
6. I use a variety of study resources (e.g., books, online materials, videos).
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
7. I review my notes and study materials regularly.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
8. I stay focused and minimize distractions while studying.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
9. I seek help or clarification when I don't understand something.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)
10. I regularly assess my progress and adjust my study habits accordingly.
1 (Always) 2 (Often) 3 (Sometimes) 4 (Rarely) 5 (Never)

What do you think your answers say about you and your learning habits?
Check below and say if you were right.

Total Score: Add up your scores for all the questions to assess your current
learning habits.
10-20: Excellent! You have strong learning habits.
21-30: Good job! There's room for improvement, but you're on the right track.
31-40: You're making progress, but there's more you can do to enhance your
learning habits.
41-50: Consider making significant changes to improve your learning habits.

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

There are many unconventional and unusual learning techniques that some
individuals find effective. Here are a few:

1. The Memory Palace: This technique involves associating information with specific
locations or rooms in a familiar place, like your house. As you mentally walk through
these spaces, you can recall the information associated with each location.
2. The Feynman Technique: Named after physicist Richard Feynman, this method
involves explaining a concept in simple terms, as if you were teaching it to a child. It
helps identify gaps in your understanding and reinforces your knowledge.
3. Pomodoro Technique: While not exactly unusual, this technique involves breaking
your study time into short, focused intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by a short
break. It can help maintain concentration and productivity.
4. Mnemonic Devices: These are memory aids that use associations, acronyms, or
rhymes to help remember information. For example, "PEMDAS" (Parentheses,
Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction) is a mnemonic for
the order of operations in mathematics.
5. Speed Reading: This technique involves training to read faster while maintaining
comprehension. Speed reading techniques include minimizing subvocalization
(pronouncing words in your head) and using a pointer or finger to guide your
6. Learning Through Gamification: Some people find that turning their study material
into a game makes it more engaging and memorable. This can involve creating
quizzes, flashcards, or using educational apps and platforms designed like games.
7. Chunking: This technique involves breaking down complex information into smaller,
manageable "chunks" or groups. It's particularly useful for memorizing long
sequences or lists.
8. Reverse Teaching: In this approach, students take on the role of the teacher. They
research a topic, create a lesson, and teach it to their peers. This method can deepen
understanding as students must master the material to teach it effectively.
9. Binaural Beats: Some individuals use binaural beats, which are audio tracks that
play two slightly different frequencies in each ear. The theory is that this can
enhance focus and relaxation, though scientific evidence is mixed.
10. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques
can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance memory retention. Some
students incorporate short mindfulness exercises into their study routine.

1. Have you ever tried any unusual or creative techniques to help you learn or remember
things? If so, what were they, and did they work for you?
2. Do you find the idea of teaching a lesson to your peers (reverse teaching) appealing?
Why?/Why not?
3. Have you ever used technology or apps to enhance your learning, such as speed reading
apps or educational games? Did you find them helpful?
4. Do you practice mindfulness or meditation? How do you think these relaxation techniques
might benefit your learning process?
5. Which unconventional technique would you be willing to try in your future studies? What
subject or topic do you think it could help you with?

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

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