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Lec 5

1-All boundaries of chronostratigraphic units are Chronohorizon.

• Chronozones embraces all rocks formed anywhere during the time range of geologic feature.
2-A chronostratigraphic horizons is an isochronous stratigraphic surface.
3-System is a time-rock unit of the time unit Period.
4-Epoch is a geochronological unit of the chronostratigraphic unit series.
5- Biozones vary greatly in thickness and geographic extent.
6- Biozones refer to any kind of biostratigraphic units.
7- The time represented by a biozone is referred to as biochron.
8- Individual biozones may be subdivided into subzones.Subzones can be subdivided
further into
9- Barren interzones and intrazones are intervals lacking in fossil remains, which occur
between successive biozones and within biozones.
10-The first and last occurrence of the taxonomic unit or grouping of units which the zone
derives its name is Total range zone.
11-Acme zones are bodies of strata representing the maximum development of some

taxon or other taxon.

12-Lineage zones are strata containing species representing a evolutionary or
developmental line or trend.
13-Assemblage zone is a group of strata containing a natural assemblage of fossils with a
distinctive bio stratigraphic character.
14-Interval zones are intervals between two distinctive biostratigraphic horizons.
15-Concurrent range zone are the coincident parts of two or more specified taxons.
16-Lineage zones are boundaries depend on nature and magnitude of the morphological
17-All boundaries of biostratigraphic units are biohorizon.

Lec 4

1-The fundamental formal unit of lithostratigraphic classification is Formation.

2-Member is always a part of formation.
3-Formations subdivided into members.
4- Two or more successive formations with unifying lithologie features may be assembled
into a group.
5- Group must consist of formations.
6- The term supergroup is used when successive groups have unifying lithologic features.
Conformable relationships Unconformable relationships

Exist where there is no break in Indicate a break in deposition

deposition. either because of
Non-deposition or erosion.

Paraconformity Angular Non-Conformity Disconformity

is parallel strata A surface separating tilted or Refers to an erosional surface Is an undulating, erosional
separating only by large folded strata from overlying, оn igneous or metamorphic contact separating essentially
gaps of time undisturbed beds. rocks overlain by sedimentary parallel strat

Lec 3
1-principles of stratigraphy are used in relative age dating.

2-Present is the key to the past / processes that can be observed today were responsible
for nowadays geologic features, This principle is Uniformitarianism.

3- A sequence of the oldest beds occur at the base and the youngest at the top is

• Original orientation:

1-Shape of lithosomes 2- Sedimentary structures

• have specific shapes which • Very useful indicators of the

indicate the base and top. orientation of beds.

Ex: -Channels
-organic reefs Ex: -Cross lamination
-graded bedding
-ripple marks
-raindrop marks.
-Mud cracks.

5- Deposition normally takes place in nearly horizontal layers, parallel to the depositional
surface, this principle is original horizontality.

6- Strata either extend in all directions until they pinch out, or they end abruptly against the
edges of depositional basins, this principle is Original lateral continuity.

7- Each bed has a specific group of fossils that differ from bed to bed with respect to time,
this principle is Faunal succession.

8- Intrusive igneous structure or fault are younger than the rocks it intrudes, this principle is
Cross cutting.

9- Fragments of one rock contained within a layer of another, are older than the rock layer
itself, This principle is Inclusion.

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