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Third Critical Thinking Assignment

Bryan Ogbu-Felix
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Third Critical Thinking Assignment

So much can change in a nation during times of war. Tensions begin to rise, along with

individual roles changing throughout households and the workplace. People live in fear and look

for ways to reach any sort of comfort. With WW2 being named one of the deadliest wars in

human history, it’s not hard to believe the idea that those who grew up in this era did not have it

easy. The war changed how Americans lived and worked by changing family dynamics,

increasing employment, causing segregation, and causing poor living conditions.

Men were either sent away from their homes to fight in the war or they fought

voluntarily. According to “The Perilous Fight,” More than 3 million American men were drafted

into the armed forces during 1942” (PBS 2004). This means that there would be an increase in

single parent households. In other words, mothers would have to take on extra responsibilities in

order for survival. As the narrator of the film stated, “Women and people of color received

opportunities that they’ve always been denied”(PBS 2004). Since there were so many men out in

war, women were able to take on positions such as becoming factory workers. These same

women often worked two jobs; a homemaker, and a factory worker. This means that they’re both

keeping the home intact along with going out and having to work jobs that often include physical

labor (which was usually the man’s contribution). As expected, this lead to a lot of fatigue and

exhaustion. Because Japan was on the opposing side of the war, white Americans decided to look

at Japanese Americans as a potential threat. “In spring of 1942, 110,000 Japanese born and

Japanese Americans living along the west coast were forced to relocate into internment camps”
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(PBS 2004). These camps were not in good conditions, holding lots of dirt and cold

temperatures. Many had to stay in bed all day just to keep warm and comfortable (PBS 2004).

While Japanese Americans faced these poor living conditions, the rest of society dealt with a

lack of resources in order for war funds. Those who fought in the war itself did not have a

desirable living condition either. “Soldiers constantly lived under tension and anxiety, along with

not being able to wash and shave as frequently as they liked”(PBS 2004). Soldiers began to focus

on love and lust during their travels in distraction from war and destruction.
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“The Perilous Fight: America’s World War 2 in Color Part 2.” YouTube, December 24,


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