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Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-3-1192-471-ING-003 / TEMA 4 / Supermarket md.

Comenzado el Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 15:17

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 15:20
Tiempo 3 minutos 2 segundos
Calificación 2.00 de 2.00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Fill in:


Se puntúa 2.00
sobre 2.00 level overflowing grabbed waste
treats deal line coupons

1. Mary only went to the supermarket for a few things, but when she reached the checkout, her cart was

overflowing !

2. In supermarkets, products at eye level are usually the most expensive because they're the first ones the

customer sees.

3. Let's eat the leftovers, or they will go to waste .

4. Mrs. Baker uses the money off coupons she receives in the mail when she goes to the supermarket.

5. John often returns from the supermarket with treats such as candy and cakes.

6. Jane had to wait in line at the supermarket checkout for ages.

7. Look! 2 pizzas for the price of 2. That's a great deal .

8. Sam grabbed the last cake before anyone else could take it.

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