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Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-3-1192-471-ING-003 / TEMA 4 / Vocabulary md.

Comenzado el Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 14:54

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 14:56
Tiempo 1 minutos 53 segundos
Calificación 1.00 de 1.00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Choose the correct words.


Se puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00 1. Mary bought a few second-hand appliances including an old toaster from a neighbor's garage sale.

2. It was stylish in the 50s to wear pencil skirts with a wide belt.

3. Joanne Massey longs to go back and live in the 1950s.

4. Beth got out her best dishes for her dinner party.

5. Kevin wore a stylish suit and a trilby hat to the 50s convention.

6. In today's fast-paced society, technology is advancing at an incredible rate.

7. Unfortunately, the rain spoiled the picnic.

8. My grandparents tried to pass on to me their traditional values as well as good manners.

◄ Grammar md. 2 Ir a... Cuestionario md. 2 Review ►

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