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ENGLISH 8 Catch-Up Friday, March 8, 2024

1. Pre-Reading
A. Activating Prior Knowledge. The students will be shown pictures and will be asked a question.

Ask this question-What are the pictures about?___________________

B. Vocabulary Building:
Directions: Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct word from the box.

gratify paddy mortar and pestle

emerging survived pounder

1.The man worked in the field from dusk to dawn as a ________ of rice in the rice field or ________ .
2.He recalled how he used the ________ and ________ to grind the rice from the husk.
3.From his clear memory, he ________ this process of milling the rice grain.
4.These experiences ________ his hardships in life.
5.Rice milling machine is better than a ________.
6. ________ issues and challenges caused by modernization are unavoidable.

2. During Reading
Reading In Chorus
The students will be reading the text entitled “My Childhood Sweetest Memory” by Gemma B. Espadero.
My Childhood Sweetest Memory
by Gemma B. Espadero
The power of traditional culture can
gratify hand pounding of paddy is a
great sight the power of mortar with a
pestle is missing for this kind of power
is greatly seen

as the traditional milling process of rice

grain But as time passes by, this
culture dies; As technology brings
changes this time The emerging
issues on pollution arise, I wish I could turn back the hands of
time; Where the traditional milling
process survived, For I was once a
pounder of this paddy
And it lives in my childhood sweetest

Checking Comprehension:
1. What culture is being referred to in the text?
2. List down 3 words/ /phrases that reveal the setting of the poem.
3. Please refer to the pictures provided earlier. Choose pictures that you think the speaker had experienced in his life as
suggested in the text. Be ready to explain your answer.
4. Why do you think the speaker wished to turn back the hands of time?
5. If you were the speaker, would you also wish to pound rice grains with a mortar and a pestle? Expound your answer.
Partner Reading the Text. Students will find their partners and begin to read the text one after the other.
3. After Reading
1. Compare and Contrast. Think of your childhood sweetest memory. Then, compare or contrast the
writer’s sweetest memory with yours by listing them down.
The Writer’s Sweetest Memory My Sweetest Memory

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2. Story Telling
Students will tell a story to his/her partner about this/her sweetest childhood memory. They will be asked to use the
questions below as their guide.
1.What is your sweetest childhood memory?
2.What latest technology has influenced your childhood memory?
3.If you were to turn back the time, what experience from childhood would you wish to go back? Explain.

Research on Filipino traditional culture before technology moves in. List at least 3 and be able to share next

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