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Opening Prayer

Let us remember Jesus in our hearts and our midst as we pray,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We pray to You, O God, to enlighten our minds to direct our wills, so that we may seek only what is right and just. Amen.

 Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues; EN8V-If-6
 Identify the use of context clues;
 Read the story “The Aged Mother”;
 Analyze the story “The Aged Mother;
 Appreciate the affection of a mother.

LESSON: Grammar: Context Clues, Inference and Definition

Literature: The Aged Mother
VALUES INTEGRATION: (PVMGO-CV) Honesty, Cleverness, Integrity, and
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Decision Making


DIRECTION: Give the words or phrases that the pictures signify.

1. 2. 3.

______________________ _______________________

4. 5. 6.

______________________ _______________________



Key Point/s:
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Matsuo Bashō

- born Matsuo Kinsaku, then Matsuo Chūemon Munefusa, was the most famous

poet of the Edo period in Japan. During his lifetime, Bashō has recognized for

Sometimes when we are reading, we don’t know what a word means! Just like a detective, we have to
use clues! There are words or phrases around familiar words that can help us understand the meaning of a word.

Context clues - Information a reader can get from the reading that helps show what a word or group of
words means. ( Like in a mystery, you have to use the clues to find the answer!)
 Activity on how to use dictionary properly
Some types of Context Clues:
1. Synonym or Restatement - words with similar meanings are used within the same sentence, or
the unfamiliar word.
Example: A. Santa Clause was so corpulent that his doctor declared him overweight.
B. Ballet students appear so lithe; they are so limber and flexible.

2. Antonym or Contrast – a word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the meaning
of an unknown term. This type of context clue usually includes the words: whereas, unlike, as opposed
to, however, in contrast to, but, on the other hand.
Examples: A. Unlike Jen, who was easygoing, Jackie was fastidious.
B. The gentleman was portly, but his wife was thin.

DIRECTIONS: Read the sentences and encircle the meaning of the italicized word using context clues.
1. I believe in the abnegation of political power.
a. moral intent c. sense of solidarity
b. a belief or doctrine d. influence someone in a deceptive way
2. He beguiled the voters with his good looks.
a. moral intent c. sense of solidarity
b. a belief or doctrine d. influence someone in a deceptive way
3. I like the enforced camaraderie of office life.
a. moral intent c. sense of solidarity
b. morally drained d. influence someone in a deceptive way
4. It is a didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice.
a. moral intent c. sense of solidarity
b. morally drained d. influence someone in a deceptive way
5. The weather has an enervating heat today.
a. moral intent c. sense of solidarity
b. morally drained d. influence someone in a deceptive way
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 Word meanings are not directly stated in the text, but definitions of unfamiliar words can be
assumed by both prior knowledge and the context in which the word sits.
Example: A. She was so famished that people felt sorry for her, and gave her food to eat.
famished = hungry
B. Since Reginald was nervous, he brought his rabbit foot talisman with him to the
exam. talisman = amulet

 The unfamiliar word is directly defined in the sentence in which it appears.
 Definitions are usually set off by commas or dashes, and may include the use of the words, as,
or, that is and in other words.
Examples: A. Guavas, green fruits that grow on trees, are my sister’s favorite.
B. John noticed that the wallabies at the zoo looked like kangaroos.

DIRECTIONS: Identify what is being asked for and write the correct answer on the space provided.
____________________ 1. An information a reader can get from reading.
____________________ 2. A words with similar meanings that used within the same sentence, or
the unfamiliar word.
____________________ 3. It show what a word or group of words means.
____________________ 4. These are usually set off by commas or dashes, and may include the use of
words, as, or, that is and in other words.
____________________ 5. Word meanings are not directly stated in the text, but definitions of
words can be assumed by prior knowledge.

A more detailed explanation is available at Happy Learning!

Other Learning Resources: Kindly read the PowerPoint presentation Context clues.
The story is also known as The Story of the Aged Mother, this Japanese folktale tells the
story of an unkind ruler who issues cruel orders, including one demand that all old folks are to be
abandoned and left to die. Basho tells a poignant story about a mother and her son and their love for
one another.

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Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed mother. They
owned a bit of land which supplied them with food, and they were humble, peaceful, and happy.
Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and cowardly shrinking from
anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to send out a cruel proclamation. The entire
province was given strict orders to immediately put to death all aged people. Those were barbarous days, and the
custom of abandoning old people to die was not uncommon. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender
reverence, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought twice about obeying the mandate of the
governor, so with many deep and hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest
mode of death.

1. What is the strict order implemented by despotic leader?

a. people kill themselves c. aged people must kill their child
b. let aged people die in sorrow d. all aged people must put to death
2. How will you describe the love of farmer to his mother?
a. he will do everything to his mother
b. he really loved his mother with tender reverence
c. he give his mother a money so she can live the place
d. he will kill her mother so that the despotic leader will not kill his mother

Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice which was the
principal food for the poor, and he cooked, dried it, and tied it in a square cloth, which he swung in a bundle around his
neck along with a gourd filled with cool, sweet water. Then he lifted his helpless old mother to his back and started on
his painful journey up the mountain. The road was long and steep; the narrow road was crossed and re-crossed by
many paths made by the hunters and woodcutters. In someplace, they lost and confuses, but he gave no heed. One path
or another, it mattered not. On he went, climbing blindly upward -- ever upward towards the high bare summit of what
is known as Obatsuyama, the mountain of the “abandoning of the aged.”

3. When the sun is down what did the farmer do?

a. he kill himself instead of killing his mother
b. he please the despotic leader not to kill his mother.
c. he went to despotic leader and give an unwhitened rice in exchange of his mother’s life.
d. he took a quantity of unwhitened rice and he cooked, dried it, and tied it in a square cloth.
4. What is Obatsuyama mean?
a. mountain of life
b. mountain of healing
c. mountain of the “abandoning of the aged.”
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b. a magical mountain that will make you look younger

The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but that they noted the reckless hastening from one path to another,
and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of
danger, so she stretched forth her hand and snapping the twigs from bushes as they passed, she quietly dropped a
handful every few steps of the way so that as they climbed, the narrow path behind them was dotted at frequent
intervals with tiny piles of twigs. At last, the summit was reached. Weary and heartsick, the youth gently released his
burden and silently prepared a place of comfort as his last duty to the loved one. Gathering fallen pine needles, he made
a soft cushion and tenderly lifted his old mother onto it. He rapped her padded coat more closely about the stooping
shoulders and with tearful eyes and an aching heart he said farewell.

5. What did the mother did when he noticed that her son did not know how to come back?
a. she throw stones into the bushes
b. she cut the trees and put it on their way
c. she stretched her hand and cut the tress
d. she stretched her hand and snapping the twigs from bushes

6. The son make a _____________ before he bid farewell to his mother ?

a. a house b. soft cotton c. soft cushion d. rocking chair

The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she gave her last injunction. “Let not thine eyes be
blinded, my son.” She said. “The mountain road is full of dangers. LOOK carefully and follow the path which holds
the piles of twigs. They will guide you to the familiar path farther down.” The son’s surprised eyes looked back over
the path, then at the poor old, shriveled hands all scratched and soiled by their work of love. His heart broke within and
bowing to the ground, he cried aloud: “oh, Honorable mother, your kindness breaks my heart! I will not leave you.
Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!”
Once more he shouldered his burden (how light it seemed now) and hastened down the path, through the
shadows and the moonlight, to the little hut in the valley. Beneath the kitchen floor was a walled closet for food, which
was covered and hidden from view. There the son hid his mother, supplying her with everything she needed,
continually watching and fearing she would be discovered. Time passed, and he was beginning to feel safe when again
the governor sent forth heralds bearing an unreasonable order, seemingly as a boast of his power. His demanded that
his subjects should present him with a rope of ashes.

7. What did the farmer decide after hearing his aged mother words ?
a. he left his mother
b. he took back his mother and hid her
c. he kill his mother because of what she said
d. he take back his mother and gave her to the leader

The entire province trembled with dread. The order must be obeyed yet who in all Shining could make a rope of
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ashes? One night, in great distress, the son whispered the news to his hidden mother. “Wait!” she said. “I will think. I
will think” On the second day she told him what to do. “Make rope of twisted straw,” she said. “Then stretch it upon a
row of flat stones and burn it on a windless night.” He called the people together and did as she said and when the blaze
died down, thereupon the stones, with every twist and fiber showing perfectly, lay a rope of ashes.
8. What did the son did to spare his mother from the cruel leader?
a. bushes b. rope of snake c. rope of ashes d. gold jewelries
9. Who help the son to give the leader what he wanted?
a. his mother c. the people in their kingdom
b. kings enemies d. his mother and the people in their kingdom

The governor was pleased with the wit of the youth and praised greatly, but he demanded to know where he
had obtained his wisdom. “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be told!” and with deep bows, he related his
story. The governor listened and then meditated in silence. Finally, he lifted his head. “Shining needs more than the
strength of youth,” he said gravely. “Ah, that I should have forgotten the well-known saying, “with the crown of
snow, there cometh wisdom!” That very hour the cruel law was abolished, and custom drifted into as far past that
only legends remain.

10.What did the governor did when he learned who idea they get to create rope of ashes?
a. the cruel law was abolished c. the law about killing the aged people remain
b. he got mad and kill the mother’s farmer d. he praise all people who make the rope of ashes

DIRECTIONS: Encircle the correct answer of the following.
1. The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun.
A. walked B. sweated C. ran D. hiked
2. The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff.
A. happily B. gracefully C. dangerously D. hopefully
3. We often travel to New England in autumn to see the bright colors of the foliage.
A. buildings B. mountains C. trees D. leaves
4. The mood was somber at the funeral of the former president.
A. serious B. social C. fearful D. lively
5. The impudent boy was assigned a detention for his inappropriate behavior that occurred during the
guest speaker's presentation
A. silly B. rude C. young D. unhappy

DIRECTIONS: Arrange the story “The Aged Mother” in its sequence. Use 1-10 in arranging the
story. Write the number on the space provided.
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_______ 1. But no one ever thought twice about obeying the mandate of the governor, with deep and
hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest mode of
_______ 2. The son’s surprised eyes looked back over the path, then at the poor old, His heart broke
within and bowing to the ground, he cried aloud: will not leave you. Together we will follow
the path of twigs, and together we will die!”
_______ 3. He went, climbing blindly upward -- ever upward towards the high bare summit of what is
known as Obatsuyama, the mountain of the “abandoning of the aged.”
_______ 4. Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed
_______ 5. The governor was pleased with the wit of the youth and praised greatly, but he demanded to
know where he had obtained his wisdom. “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be
told!” and with deep bows, he related his story. That very hour the cruel law was abolished,
and custom drifted into as far past that only legends remain.
_______ 6. Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice
which was the principal food for the poor, and he cooked, dried it, and tied it in a square
cloth, which he swung in a bundle around his neck along with a gourd filled with cool, sweet
_______ 7. One night, in great distress, the son whispered the news to his hidden mother. He called the
people together and did as she said and when the blaze died down, thereupon the stones,
with every twist and fiber showing perfectly, lay a rope of ashes.
_______ 8. Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, he ordered entire province
was given strict orders to immediately put to death all aged people.
_______ 9. Time passed, and he was beginning to feel safe when again the governor sent forth heralds
bearing an unreasonable order, seemingly as a boast of his power. His demanded that his
subjects should present him with a rope of ashes.
_______ 10. Her son did not know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of danger, so
she stretched forth her hand and snapping the twigs the narrow path behind them was
dotted at frequent intervals with tiny piles of twigs.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the given question below. Write one paragraph using context clues. (Include hints to
define difficult or unusual words)
1. 1. If you were the Son, would you do the same to your mother?

Correct usage of grammar 3 points
Concise and precise explanation in connection with the reading materials 2 points
Total 5 points

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Direction: For every verbal interpretation, there are four (4) possible answers with numbers 1 to 4
for the Learning Module. Put a check on the number that corresponds to your answer.
Weight Verbal Interpretation
___4 The information in the learning module is very clear. I can easily understand the details of the lesson and I
can answer the practices and activities.
___3 The information in the learning module is clear. I can understand the details of the lesson and I can answer
the practices and activities.
___2 The information in the learning module is quite clear and the details are confusing. I am having difficulty
answering the practices and activities.
___1 The information in the learning module is difficult to understand and I need more time to answer the
practices and activities.
Complete the sentence:
The most important thing/s I learned or discovered in this lesson that I can apply in real life is/are
Closing Prayer
Let us remember Jesus in our hearts and our midst as we pray,
We give You thanks O Lord for those who sow and harvest, for those who teach and who are taught. Amen.
Saint John Nepomucene, pray for us!
Jesus, You are my Lord, my happiness lies in You alone.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Offline Reference:
Cruz, F. B. (2013). Exploring Life through PhilippINE Literature. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Ancheta, L. R., & Sales, D. L. (2012). Grammar and Writing Workbook. Manila 1253 G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Publishing
House, Inc
Leonila C. Gonzales, P. (n.d.). Acquiring Good English.

Online References:
Oxford Languages and Google - English | Oxford Languages. (2021). Retrieved 17 March 2021, from
Definition of CINDER. (2021). Retrieved 17 March 2021, from
A Cinderella Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. (2021). Retrieved 17 March 2021, from
Cinderella lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters - Google Search. (2021). Retrieved 18 March 2021, from

includes both fiction (novels, short stories, poems) and nonfiction (memoirs, biographies, news stories).

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Sample Present Tense - ESL Gold. (2021). Retrieved 18 March 2021, from
our country flowers usually (bloom) on May 14. God (live) in all nature and we live in God




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