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Telf.: 940196177 Teacher: Edward Goyo

Student: Melani Villagaray Date: 22-02-2023 Unit 04: Food, glorious food SCORE

Task: Write an article about Peruvian food. (150 words)

1. STRUCTURE (2 points)

1. A typical Peruvian Starter at a restaurant.

2. A typical Peruvian main course at a restaurant.

3. A typical Peruvian dessert at a restaurant.

4.- Include words like any, some, a little, a few. Not many and not much

5.- Include words like: need, should, have/has, add

6.- Remember to mention some of their ingredients.

Introductory paragraph

Body: one or two paragraphs


2. VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR (8 points)

( ) food:

( ) quantifiers: any, some, a little, a few. Not many and not much

( ) fruit:

( ) vegetables:

( ) Connectors: first, second, then, after that.

3. FINAL WRITING (10 points)

Peruvian Food
What do you know about Peruvian food? Peru is very famous for its food. In this article I’m going to
mention some typical Peruvian food. It can be evidenced that Peruvian food is very nutritious because it is
made with natural ingredients that help people to stay healthy, but as long as it is consumed in moderation,
here are some foods that stand out in Peru.

First, in a Peruvian Restaurant, a typical starter is the Ceviche, the main ingredient is fish is essential for
this very popular food in Peru because of its great taste, but it also includes different kind of sea animals but
not much, like Pota the muy-muy or shrimp, in my opinion you should add crab which according to me is
like shrimp. Once I went to a restaurant where they prepared a very spicy ceviche even my mother could not
eat it so I could say that I like the ceviche but with a little bit of aji. Second, the Lomo saltado is delicious is
popular too it needs ingredients like beef, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, which turns out to be very healthy for
people's health.

Then, the Mazamorra a typical Peruvian dessert very delicious, for this dessert you must add some raisins
which are dried grapes, delicious if you ask me. After that, you add the purple chicha made from purple
corn which is the main ingredient for the preparation, also you add chuño for the chicha to have that
thickening that characterizes.

In conclusion it is worth mentioning that Peru has the best food there can be, which is due to its flavors,
some of them very spicy, others sweet, but nevertheless they are very delicious and healthy for people.

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