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Correcting Mistakes

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Conversation Cheat Sheet

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Main Dialogue CLICK HERE

A man is showing his friend a picture on his phone.

Est-ce que Non, c’est

c’est Paris ? Tokyo.

Is it Paris?

No, it's Tokyo.

Focus Example
Non, c’est [______]. Non, c’est Tokyo.

No, it's [________]. No, it's Tokyo.

Key Vocabulary

Londres Mexico San Francisco Shanghai

London Mexico City San Francisco Shanghai
Vocabulary Related to Making Corrections
clair clear

déroutant confusing

facile easy

difficile hard

faire une erreur make a mistake

erreur mistake

problème problem

correct right

solution solution

faux wrong

Pointing Out a Mistake

Q. Est-ce que c’est correct ? A. Non, il y a une erreur.
Is this right? No, it's wrong.

Q. Est-ce que cette prononciation est A. Non, elle ne l’est pas.

correcte ? No, it isn't.
Is this pronunciation correct?

Negative Sentences
Ne dis pas ça ! Je ne peux pas le faire. Je ne veux pas y aller.
Don't say that! I can't do it. I don't want to go.

Je n’ai pas dormi. Je ne devrais pas manger. Je refuse d’y aller.

I didn't sleep. I shouldn't eat. I won't go.

Want More?
Learn How to Correct Mistakes in French

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