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Focal spot size measurements for

microfocus X-ray sets

J.U. Madsen

The problems involved in characterizing the focal spot size of a microfocus X-ray
set are presented, and various methods which have been used for the purpose are

Keywords. focal spot size, microfocus X-ray sets, performance-related focal spot

The focal spot size is one of the most important parameters of X-rays is a three-dimensional region several microns
of a microfocus X-ray set. Unfortunately, it is quite thick and otherwise of a shape reflecting the cross-section
difficult to measure the focal spot size accurately and of the electron beam. During radiography, this three-
therefore a certain amount of controversy and confusion dimensional distribution is projected in the direction
has dominated the discussion on microfocus focal spot towards the film and thereby becomes effectively two-
sizes. Further, the standards normally employed for focal dimensional, but the underlying third dimension manifests
spot measurements u - 3] are not applicable below 0.1 or itself in that the focal spot appears different in different
0.3 mm. Within the last couple of years this question has, directions; or to put it another way, the focal spot size
however, been given a more satisfactory foundation, and created by a certain electron beam depends on the target
a recently drafted British Standard t¢1 now covers this angle.
field. It is the aim of this paper to give a comprehensive
Further, the intensity variation is. gradual. This means
view of the problems involved in measuring microfocus
that the intensity is not constant within a well defined
focal spot sizes and a discussion of some actual methods
region but instead builds up gradually, in fact rather like
which have been applied, for the non-mathematical
the population density within London. When the
comparison with the size of London was introduced
above, the reference was made to the shape of London
The meaning of "focal spot size" as it appeared on a map. But the decision about what
should be considered inside or outside London is actually
The first question one has to address when discussing
somewhat arbitrary. One geographer might decide that
focal spot sizes is what do we actually mean by the term.
if the population density exceeds 1000 persons per square
The intuitive answer is that the focal spot size is a measure
kilometre then the area is considered urban, and the
of the linear extension of the focal spot, but the fact that
would draw one map of the outlines of London. Another
there is more to it than that could be highlighted for
might adopt 500 persons per square kilometre and
instance by asking what is the size of London (or any
consider a larger area part of the metropolitan area; yet
other major city). The built-up regions of London as
another might set his threshold at 2000 and arrive at a
indicated on a map of the U K cover a fairly irregularly
smaller area.
shaped area, and one could reasonably quote the maximum
n o r t h - s o u t h length of that area, the maximum east-west This uncertainty also applies to the distribution of X-ray
length or the diameter of the minimum circle which can intensity within the focal spot, and it would apply even
contain that area as the linear extension; alternatively if the problem were one-dimensional, as seen from
one could be more subtle and quote the square root of Figure 1, which shows the (hypothetical) variation of
the area as the linear extension. Each of these approaches some intensity along a line (the x axis). Also indicated
would have merits in certain circumstances. are two suggestions for the width of the distribution: the
full width at half-maximum ( F W H M ) and the width
The above example regarding the size of London reflects
of the rectangular distribution with equal area and
the problems in categorizing a two-dimensional distribution
maximum value (WRDEAM).
in terms of a one-dimensional measure. But the problem
regarding focal spot sizes is actually far more complex The F W H M is the width (the extension in the direction
than that. In the first instance the distribution in question of the x axis) of the distribution at an intensity level of
is certainly three-dimensional. The reason is that the 50 % of the maximum. The WRDEAM is the width of a
X-rays originate from where the electrons hit the target. rectangle which has the same height and area as the
In fact the electrons penetrate a few microns (up to about distribution in question. There are other possibilities for
10 #m at 160 kV) into the target, so the effective source defining a width for such a distribution; in general they

0308-9126/89/050292-05/$03.00 O 1989 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd

292 NDT International Volume 22 Number 5 October 1989
several orders of magnitude smaller than the focal spot
Samemaximum could of course be imaged tS]. If one wishes to decide the
I00%l actual focal spot size according to this criterion, the
proper procedure is to use a range of wires with diameters
both below and above the expected focal spot size, and
to prepare for each wire a slab of the same material of a
50% SameareQ ~-~ thickness 50 times the wire diameter. Each wire and
associated slab should then be radiographed at a minimum
of five times magnification, and the focal spot size
according to the criterion is then between the diameter
-- ,r of the largest wire which would not be seen and the
4---- ----.= WRDEAM '--I.,--
"~ smallest which could be seen.
Fig. 1 FWHM and WRDEAM measures of widths of distributions This focal spot criterion has the great advantage that it
can be applied in any radiographic laboratory using only
will all lead to different results, but of course for a a fairly inexpensive wire penetrameter covering the relevant
one-dimensional rectangular distribution (which is range of diameters. ANDREX makes available a stainless
constant within its limits) the F W H M and the WRDEAM steel wire penetrameter with 10 wires in the range from
are identical, as should be any other sensible measure of 14 to 120/~m mounted on adhesive tape; the distance
the width of distributions. between the wires is 3 mm and the length is 90 mm, but
it can of course easily be cut to other lengths. The Harwell
The final complication regarding the focal spot size Portcullis IQI is more compact and, as the name implies,
concerns the fact that even when the incoming electrons is in the form of a grid of crossed wires; these cover the
all have the same energy (kilovolts), the resulting X-rays range from 40 to 125 pm in six steps. A less decisive
have a variety of energies up to the energy of the incoming advantage of this focal spot criterion is that it gives a
electrons; and as mentioned above, some of the X-rays direct indication of the level of defect sensitivity one
are generated below the surface of the target. From these should be able to expect, which is also the reason why it
deep regions the low-energy (soft) X-rays are attenuated is called a performance-related criterion.
more strongly than the high-energy (hard) X-rays and
therefore the effective distribution of the X-ray intensity The drawbacks are that wire perception in radiographs
also depends on the X-ray energy. If the radiographic is subjective, that the film type and processing are not
technique is such that the overwhelming contrast is specified and that it leads to focal spot size values which
created by the soft X-ray component then the apparent are smaller by a factor of 2 - 4 than those determined by
focal spot will be smaller than if the major contribution the more satisfactory (BAM and BS 6932) methods
to the radiographic contrast were from hard X-rays, described below (or to put it another way, in magnification
simply because the soft X-rays seem to originate from a radiography it is possible to resolve wires at the 2 % level
smaller region. not just down to the focal spot size according to these
methods, but down to one-half or one-quarter of that).
This effect must not be confused with the fact that the But then again, if a given radiographic laboratory applies
focal spot discussed here has a shape and size which are the performance-related method in a consistent manner,
a function of the kilovoltage, the milliamperage and the this is an inexpensive way to perform a periodic check
adjustment of the electron optics. For each set of these on the focal spot performance.
parameters the focal spot intensity distribution will be a
function of two linear dimensions, the direction towards As an alternative to wire penetrameters, fine mesh grids
the film/detector (which accounts for the third spatial are sometimes used; these can be produced by galvanic
dimension) and the X-ray photon energy. deposition methods. As an example, electron microscopy
specimen grids are available in a variety of materials
M e a s u r i n g t h e "focal s p o t size' (copper, silver, titanium, and even beryllium) and, for
copper, to at least 1000 mesh (per inch). Typical dimensions
After the full complexity of the focal spot size problem are 2.3 or 3 mm diameter, and they are quite cheap, so
has now been introduced, it must be obvious that any they are normally acquired in quantities of 100 pieces and
attempt to characterize the focal spot size by one or a few used only once. They are quite good for a quick check
numbers must involve simplifications and arbitrary of resolution and roundness of the focal spot, but they
choices. A few procedures which have so far been applied must be considered as less suitable for quantitative
will now be described and discussed. measurements, since their thickness is not necessarily very
well defined.
The ANDREX performance-related focal spot
This criterion is inspired by the widely applied wire-type The BAM method
image quality indicators. It has been used by ANDREX BAM stands for Bundesanstalt fiir Materialforschung
since about 1981 for want of a better and internationally und -Prfifung, the Federal Institute for Materials Research
standardized method. The criterion is that if a wire of a and Testing, Berlin. The BAM method is based on
certain thickness can be imaged onto radiographic film profiling the X-ray intensity distribution in the radiographs
through at least 50 times the wire thickness of the same of straight edges. In the actual implementation the
material and with at least five times linear magnification, straight edges are created by 0.4 mm platinum wire (at
then the focal spot size is considered to be less than the BAM 1.0 mm wires have also sometimes been used trj)
wire diameter; if unity magnification were used, details and these are imaged at between 30 and 70 times

N DT International October 1989 293

magnification. An appealing aspect of using round wires to X-ray intensity values or compensating for partial
is that the set-up is not very critical, neither for magnification transmission of X-rays through the platinum wire near
ratio nor for alignment of the wires. If rectangular-shaped the effective edge, but the added complications of either
absorbers were used, the edge of the absorber would have of these would not very likely be outweighed by results,
to be aligned very carefully with the X-ray beam direction, which in any more precise way reflected a true focal spot
but for a round wire the effective edge will always be size; they would, however, probably be necessary if a
parallel to the beam, and the magnification ratio is tomography-like reconstruction were to be attempted.
calibrated after the exposure from the width of the image One consequence is that an asymmetrical focal spot
of the wire in the radiograph. distribution can result in two slightly different widths
from the images of either side of the wire owing to the
The BAM method involves measuring the radiographic non-linear characteristic curve of the film. So in fact also
density in the image of the wire with a microdensitometer for the BAM method it is important to apply it in a
and it defines the focal spot size in the direction normal consistent manner in order to obtain results which can
to the wire as the width of the penumbra divided by the be compared - and of course always to compare like with
magnification ratio less one. The width of the penumbra like (BAM with BAM, performance-related with perform-
is defined as the distance in the radiograph between the ance-related).
intersections of a line tangential to the microdensitometer
trace at its point of maximum slope with the two It is possible to make a fast check of the focal spot size
radiographic density levels representing 100 % absorption by an electronic adaptation of the BAM method using a
(behind the wire) and 100% transmission (outside the TV-based X-ray detector and a storage oscilloscope (but
wire). Mathematically this approach is equivalent to without the need for a microdensitometer), and good
finding the WRDEAM as introduced above. A schematic agreement with the proper (film-based) BAM method has
representation of the microdensitometer trace is shown been reported TM.
in Figure 2.
The BS 6932 m e t h o d
S 1 and S2 both represent the focal spot dimension in the
direction normal to the wire imaged. They should in The philosophy behind the method for measuring focal
principle be identical, but may be slightly different in an spot sizes defined in BS 6932[4] could have been inspired
actual measurement (see below). by the BAM method. Instead of 0.4 mm platinum wires
it is proposed to use a 5 mm tungsten carbide ball. This
The BAM method is quite well defined, for instance the is advantageous if focal spot sizes in the range directly
film type, density and processing are all specifiedt6'7], and below 0.3 mm are to be measured. This is the upper limit
in theory it could be fully automated so that no subjective to the range of focal spot sizes where BS 6932 applies,
human influence would distort the results. It has the and in this range the penumbra from either side of the
further advantage that its results are broadly in line with wire could start to overlap when using the BAM method;
the intuitive assignment of width of distributions: it would the penumbra can extend beyond the nominal focal spot
assign the proper width to a one-dimensional rectangular size (see Figure 2). The larger diameter probably also
distribution as opposed to the performance-related criterion more than compensates for the increased tendency for
discussed above which would assign a somewhat smaller partial X-ray transmission through the test object for
value. It is normally applied in two orientations (wires tungsten carbide relative to platinum. Partial transmission
parallel to and at right angles to the electron beam for of X-rays will increase the apparent focal spot size; the
largest and smallest focal spot dimension), but could in BS 6932 method probably leads to a smaller increase due
theory be applied in a large number of non-parallel to this mechanism than does the BAM method.
orientations, and from such density traces the actual
two-dimensional focal spot intensity distribution could The BS 6932 method prescribes about 20 times
be reconstructed by the same mathematical process as is magnification, which is rather less than the 30-70 times
used in computer tomography. of the BAM method, but owing to the larger-diameter
test object, the image of the test object in the BS 6932
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the BAM method method is approximately 100 mm as compared with
is also somewhat arbitrary. For instance, the method does 12-28 mm for the BAM method. The higher the degree
not involve transforming back the recorded film densities of magnification, the better the precision in the focal spot
measurement, so in that respect the BAM method is
probably superior for very small focal spots. The BS
6932 method is specified down to 5 #m, and it can be
argued that the BS 6932 method covers the interesting
range anyway. The size of the aperture in the micro-
densitometer is not specified in BS 6932. The micro-
densitometer aperture (and the film unsharpness) will
add to the apparent focal spot size depending on the
magnification rates from test object to film and in the
microdensitometer; this increase will tend to be lowest
with the BAM method.
-..-~- Wired~K~eterx magnificationratio It has been pointed out [6] (but is not part of BS 6932)
that the relatively large-diameter ball should not be
X placed too close to the focus. Otherwise, the active surface
Fig. 2 BAM and BS 6932 analyses of microdensitometer traces part of the ball in profiling the X-ray intensity distribution
from radiographs of test objects will lie on a circle which is smaller than a great circle,

294 NDT International October 1989

and this will lead to an apparent decrease of the therefore the roughly equivalent BS 6932 method) gives
magnification ratio, which is computed using the diameter intuitively reasonable measures of focal spot sizes. It has
of the ball on the implicit assumption that the active also been pointed out that it is difficult to assign unique
surface part is on a great circle. The consequence is that sizes to two-dimensional distributions. As examples, the
the focal spot size will be calculated to be larger than it sizes assigned to two idealized focal spot shapes have
would have been with the ball far from the focal spot - been calculated. It is assumed that the measuring
and the size will depend on the distance. If the ball is procedures could be performed in ways that are also
squeezed against a beam exit window 5 mm from the idealized, for instance that there is no film unsharpness
focal spot (a typical distance), then the focal spot will or X-ray transmission through the test object, and that
appear 6.1% enlarged. the film density is linear with the X-ray intensity. The
Compared with the BAM method, there is a small difference two idealized focal spot shapes are: (1) a square of side
s with uniform X-ray intensity within; (2) a circle of
in the way the focal spot size is arrived at by geometrical
diameter d with uniform X-ray intensity within. In both
construction. The BS 6932 method prescribes that the
cases these are assumed to be the optical focal spot shapes
line representing the idealized penumbra should coincide
as projected in the direction of the recording.
with the microdensitometer trace at the 25% and 75%
density levels; this is in most cases probably a more
The square focal spot
practical and repeatable prescription than the BAM
method's tangent of maximum slope. The BS 6932 The size of the square focal spot depends on the orientation
method could yield slightly larger focal spot sizes than of the square relative to the edge imaged in the measuring
the BAM method owing to this difference, since BS 6932 process. If the side of the square is parallel to the edge,
uses an average slope which can be less than the maximum both the BAM and the BS 6932 methods give as the focal
slope of the BAM method. spot size s the side length of the square.
The use of a spherical ball in the BS 6932 method means If the diagonal of the square is parallel to the edge, the
that all orientations of the focal spot are explored in one BAM method will profile a one-dimensional distribution
recording, whereas as mentioned above, the BAM method which is triangular with base length x/~s. The WRDEAM
explores only two crossed directions in one recording. It is then half the base length, s/x/~ = 0.707s. The BS 6932
is unfortunate that the image of the ball cannot be method now yields a different result: the focal spot size
recorded on 100 mm wide roll film which is quite is here the width of an equal-area rectangle with height
common. The BAM method is easily performed even with equal to the average height of the middle 50 % area of
60 mm wide roll film. the triangle. The details of the calculation are unimportant;
the result is 0.828s.
The microlithographic test mask method
This method is based on imaging a special test mask [a'91 The circular focal spot
on film and evaluating the resulting radiograph. The test
The size of the circular focal spot according to the BAM
mask is made by a microlithographic process of the same
method is drc/4 = 0.785d, which is the width of a rectangle
type as is used when manufacturing integrated circuits,
of height d and area equal to that of a circle with diameter
and is quite (but not prohibitively) expensive, about £250.
The contrast stems from gold line patterns with thickness d. Again the BS 6932 method (after a little more complex,
but uninteresting calculations) yields a slightly larger
about 0.8-2 pm and with widths and separations in the
value, 0.808d.
range 1-20 #m. Owing to the range of widths and
separations, a clever analysis can reveal the focal spot It is interesting to note that in these cases (except that
size, but the procedure is still somewhat subjective. It has of a square focal spot measured parallel to the side) both
in one instance been found that a focal spot when methods give smaller values than those intuitively assigned,
measured using a Siemens star and the same analysis (an but the values are of course of the right order of
approach which is equivalent to the test mask method) magnitude. It is perhaps surprising that the size of the
appeared at least two times smaller than when measured square focal spot is smallest when measured parallel to
by the BAM method TM, and this is a surprisingly large the diagonal, but this probably corresponds to the
discrepancy. It may be that the microlithographic test effectiveness of a peaked intensity distribution in imaging
mask method, which owing to the extreme thinness of small details.
the gold lines is perhaps only applicable in the fairly low
kilovoltage range (up to about 100 kV, although it has
been possible to use it up to 160 kV[5"61),in fact only probes Conclusions
the lowest kilovoltage part of the X-ray spectrum - and It has been the purpose of this paper to demonstrate that
as mentioned above, the lowest kilovoltage X-rays may the confusion about focal spot sizes to a large degree
seem to originate from a smaller focal spot than the rest. reflects some inherent difficulties in defining sensible ways
But again, once the test mask has been acquired, it is an of measuring them. It is fortunate that a standardized
inexpensive way of measuring the focal spot and one way of measuring is now gaining acceptance, but even
which can be applied in all radiographic laboratories, and then it is important to realize the limitations of the
if one is comparing only like with like it can be used to method and to compare only results which have been
monitor the performance of a microfocus X-ray set. obtained by identical methods.

The B A M and BS 6932 m e a s u r e s o f Acknowledgements

"idealized focal s p o t s '
Useful discussions with Mr E. Nabel of BAM (Federal
It has been stated above that the BAM method (and Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin) and

NDT International October 1989 295

with Mr Peter Moiler of A N D R E X are gratefully 5 Nabel, E. and Heidt, H. 'Quick methods of supervising microfocal
acknowledged. X-ray sources for real-time radiography' in Proc 4th European Conj
on Non-Destructive Testing, London vol 3, ed J.M. Farley and R.W.
Nichols, Pergamon, Oxford (1987) pp 1993-1999
References 6 Nabel, E. private communication (1988)
7 Nabel, E., Heidt, H. and Stade, J. 'Comparison of microfocus X-ray
1 International Electrotechnical Commission 'Measurement of the units' Br J N D T 28 (1986) pp 133-138
dimensions of focal spots of diagnostic X-ray tubes using a pinhole 8 Baumann, J. 'Determination of the focal spot size in a microfocal
camera' IEC 336 (1970) X-ray tube by using X-ray lithography masks' Siemens AG, Munich
2 International Electrntechnical Commission 'Characteristics of focal (possibly unpublished internal report)
spots in diagnostic X-ray tube assemblies for medical use' IEC 336 9 Br J N D T 27 (1985) p 343 (a reprint of the test mask in an editorial
( 1982); also British Standards Institution BS 6530 (1984) comment)
3 Deutsches Institut ffir Normung 'X-ray tube assemblies for medical
use; determination of the intensity distribution of focal spots of
diagnostic X-ray tube assemblies using a pinhole camera' DIN 6823
Part 1 (1983) Author
4 British Standards Institution'Measurement of the effective focal spot
size of mini-focus and micro-focus X-ray tubes used for industrial T h e a u t h o r is w i t h A N D R E X R a d i a t i o n P r o d u c t s AS,
radiography' BS 6932 (1988) 8 H a l f d a n s g a d e , D K 2300 C o p e n h a g e n S, D e n m a r k .

Paper received 19 September 1988. Revised 12 January 1989

296 N DT International October 1989

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