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Communication Planning Worksheet: A Comprehensive


Purpose of Feedback
Communicatio Communicati Message Delivery Frequenc Responsibl Mechanis
n Item on Audience Content Method y e Person m

Key project
Inform Project milestones, Regular
stakeholders of team, issues, and team
Weekly Project project project accomplishmen Project meetings,
Status Update progress sponsor ts Email Weekly manager email

Detailed manager
Gather Project description of and
Change feedback on team, change request relevant In-person
Request proposed stakeholder and potential In-person As team discussions
Review changes s impacts meeting needed members , email

Train end-users Training session
End-User on new agenda, In-person during
Training software instructions, training As Training training,
Session features End-users and resources session needed facilitator email

Regulatory authorities of Compliance Regulatory
Compliance compliance Regulatory report and Compliance feedback
Update status authorities documentation Email Quarterly officer channels

Issue Resolve critical Project Detailed issue Conferenc As Project Real-time

Resolution team, description, manager discussion,
Communication Planning Worksheet: A Comprehensive

Purpose of Feedback
Communicatio Communicati Message Delivery Frequenc Responsibl Mechanis
n Item on Audience Content Method y e Person m

proposed relevant
stakeholder resolution, and team action
Discussion project issues s decision points e call needed members items

Effective communication is the lifeblood of successful project management. A well-structured

communication plan ensures that information flows seamlessly within the project team, to
stakeholders, and other relevant parties. The Communication Planning Worksheet is a powerful tool
that helps project managers and teams organize and manage project communication effectively. In
this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the components of a Communication Planning Worksheet,
its importance, and how to create one to ensure project success.
The Importance of Communication Planning:
Effective communication is crucial for several reasons:
1. Alignment: It ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page regarding
project objectives, tasks, timelines, and expectations.
2. Transparency: It fosters an environment of openness and transparency, where team
members and stakeholders can freely exchange information and feedback.
3. Problem-Solving: Effective communication allows for early identification and resolution of
issues, preventing them from escalating into major problems.
4. Stakeholder Engagement: It engages stakeholders, making them feel valued and included,
and can help secure their commitment to the project's success.
5. Documentation: Communication records serve as an essential historical record,
documenting decisions, actions, and progress throughout the project.
Components of a Communication Planning Worksheet:
A Communication Planning Worksheet typically includes the following components:
1. Purpose of Communication: Clearly state the purpose of the communication. Is it to
inform, request feedback, make decisions, or provide updates?
2. Audience: Identify the target audience for the communication. This can include project team
members, stakeholders, sponsors, and other relevant parties.
3. Message Content: Detail the key information or content that will be communicated. This
should be aligned with the communication's purpose.
4. Delivery Method: Specify how the communication will be delivered. This can include in-
person meetings, email, phone calls, project management software, reports, or presentations.
5. Frequency: Determine how often the communication will occur. It can be daily, weekly, bi-
weekly, monthly, or on an as-needed basis.

Communication Planning Worksheet: A Comprehensive

6. Responsible Person: Assign responsibility for each communication. Who is responsible for
initiating, facilitating, or managing the communication?
7. Feedback Mechanism: Define how feedback, questions, or concerns will be collected and
addressed. An effective feedback mechanism is crucial for open communication.
Creating a Communication Planning Worksheet:
Here's a step-by-step guide on creating a Communication Planning Worksheet:
Step 1: Identify the Project's Stakeholders
Before creating a communication plan, you need to know who the stakeholders are. Start by listing
all individuals or groups who have an interest in or are affected by the project. This list may include
project team members, sponsors, regulatory authorities, customers, end-users, suppliers, and more.
Step 2: Determine Communication Needs
For each stakeholder or stakeholder group, identify their communication needs. Consider what
information is crucial for them to know, how often they need updates, and what format works best
for them. Some stakeholders may require detailed technical reports, while others may prefer
informal discussions.
Step 3: Define Communication Objectives
Clearly articulate the objectives of each communication. For example, is the communication
intended to inform stakeholders of a project milestone, gather feedback on a proposed change, or
report on project progress?
Step 4: Specify Delivery Methods
Determine the most effective delivery method for each communication. Common methods include:
 In-person meetings: These are ideal for complex discussions or decisions that require
immediate attention.
 Email: Suitable for updates, routine communications, or sharing documents.
 Phone calls: Useful for one-on-one discussions or when a quick response is needed.
 Project management software: Great for team collaboration and tracking project progress.
 Reports or presentations: These are suitable for summarizing project status for a broader
Step 5: Establish Frequency
Determine how often each communication will occur. Some communications, such as routine
project status updates, may be weekly or monthly, while others, such as critical issue resolutions,
may be as needed.
Step 6: Assign Responsibility
Designate the person or team responsible for initiating, facilitating, and managing each
communication. Clarity in roles ensures that communication flows smoothly and nothing falls
through the cracks.
Step 7: Create Feedback Mechanisms
Define how stakeholders can provide feedback, ask questions, or raise concerns. This can include
setting up regular feedback sessions, providing contact information for project team members, or
using project management software for issue tracking and resolution.
Step 8: Document the Plan
Once you have completed all the above steps, compile the information into a formal
Communication Planning Worksheet. This document serves as the reference point for all project
communications and ensures that nothing is overlooked.
Sample Communication Planning Worksheet:


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