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Unit IC

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1. anxious: nervous, worried, tense
2. terrified: very scared, frightened
3. punctual: on time
4. ashamed: feeling sorry/bad for doing something wrong
5. bored: uninterested
6. confused: unable to understand or think clearly
7. cross: angry, irritated, grumpy
8. delighted: very pleased
9. disappointed: sad because sg is worse than you hoped or expected
10. embarrassed: feeling ashamed and uncomfortable
11. envious: jealous, unhappy because you want something that belongs to some-
one else
12. excited: very enthusiastic and eager
13. proud: pleased with one's achievement
14. relieved: happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended
15. shocked: very surprised and upset
16. suspicious: Inclined to believe that something is wrong
17. hard-working: doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort
18. honest: telling the truth
19. outgoing: friendly and socially confident
20. unreliable: someone who cannot be trusted or depended on
21. amusing: funny, entertaining
22. amazing: very surprising, incredible
23. moving: causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy (e.g. a film)
24. unenthusiastic: not keen, indifferent, uninterested
25. disorganised: not planned or organised well
26. impatient: not patient
27. impressive: Making a strong impact
28. spectacular: beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
29. remote: distant
30. touristy: designed to attract a lot of tourists
31. affordable: not too expensive
32. supportive: giving help or encouragement
33. courageous: brave
34. hazardous: involving risk or danger


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