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Earlier, LoginTransaction’s initialize method had set up a call‐

back to handle OAuth messages:

The makeOAuthRequest call will cause the login prompt to appear in

Garmin Connect Mobile. Once the user has completed credential
entry, the accessCodeResult callback is invoked with the response
from the authenticating server, including the temporary access code.
At this point, the user is done with the browser on her phone, and
your app will use makeWebRequest to request the access token with
an HTTP POST request. If this request is successful, it will call our
delegate’s handleResponse method with the access token:
// Convert the authorization code to the access token
function getAccessToken(accessCode) {
// Request an access token via POST over HTTPS
// URL
// Post parameters
// Options to the request
// Callback to handle response

// Callback to handle receiving the access code

function handleAccessResponse(responseCode, data) {
// If we got data back then we were successful. Otherwise
// pass the error on to the delegate
if( data != null) {
} else {
Sys.println("Error in handleAccessResponse");
Sys.println("data = " + data);

54 | Chapter 4: Projects

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