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ADY 050 – Introductory Academic Reading & Vocabulary


Please complete all questions in the activities below.

Part A:

1. Part of speech: _________________

2. Part of speech: _________________

3. Part of speech: _________________

4. Part of speech: _________________

5. Part of speech: _________________

6. Part of speech: _________________

ADY 050 – Introductory Academic Reading & Vocabulary

Part B:

1. Part of speech: Verb, Definition: to continue to be effective, useful or in good condition.

2. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

3. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

4. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

ADY 050 – Introductory Academic Reading & Vocabulary

Part C:

1. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

2. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

3. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

4. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

5. Part of speech: _________________, Definition: ___________________________________

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