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What to expect Something to try

when quitting
List goals, change plan, or treatment
information here:
 When you stop using marijuana, it will
1. ______________________________________
take at least six weeks before most of it
has left your system.
 Change takes time.
2. ______________________________________ MARIJUANA:
 You will need support.
______________________________________ A Guide to Quitting
3. ______________________________________
 You may have some withdrawal
symptoms. ______________________________________

 Contact your doctor if you are having

any medical concerns.
 Your doctor or Behavioral Health
How do I stay off marijuana?
Clinician can help you set up a plan.

 Try to develop daily and weekly plans,

create new routines.
 Create a plan of action for stressful
HELPFUL TIPS  Try to establish new relationships.
 Try to be conscious of the value in your
 Set a goal to quit.
 Quitting cold-turkey is the most
effective method. If this isn’t for you,  Try to avoid situations and places that will
try to establish a tapering plan. lead to using again.
 Portion out your pot ahead of time.  If or when you get cravings, try to find the
 Make your decision clear to your origin.
family and friends.  Once in a while it is important to focus on
 Find distractions. what made you decide to quit.
 Stick with it!  Get rid of all your smoking paraphernalia.
An initiative of CT DMHAS, in collaboration with
 Plan a small celebration a month  Do not substitute your marijuana habit with UConn Health.
from your quit date. alcohol or other drugs. Funded by SAMHSA-CSAT.
Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana Emotions and Mental Health

Brain  Increased anxiety/panic/paranoia
 Decreased memory and  Worsened depression
The active ingredient concentration  Lowered pleasure/satisfaction
in marijuana is  Lowered judgment and  Increased risk for mental health
delta-9-tetra- processing skills problems
 Impaired learning skills  Relationship problems
hydrocannabinol, also
 Memory problems
known as THC.
THC changes the way Lungs Heart
 Increased risk for  Increased heart rate
your brain works and smoking marijua-
breathing problems
na leads to some changes in the brain  Chronic bronchitis Alertness
similar to those caused by cocaine,  Lung cancer  Excessive drowsiness
heroin and alcohol. You may not no-  Impaired coordination
tice the changes, but marijuana may be Did you know…  Slower reaction time
affecting everyday things. Smoking 5 cannabis joints is
like inhaling the same amount
 Possible weight gain due to
of toxic chemicals as a whole increased appetite or the
pack of cigarettes. It’s true; “munchies”
What’s my level of risk? marijuana smoke contains 50-
70% more cancer causing Fertility
 Decreased fertility in both
Low You are at low risk of health and material than cigarette smoke
men and women
other problems from your current (American Lung Assoc).  Interferes with sex drive and
pattern of use. hormone production
Immune system
Moderate You are at risk of health and other
 Worsened allergy symp- Did you know…
problems from your current pattern
toms (breathing related)
of use. Marijuana smoking may expose a
 Slow recovery time
High You are at high risk of developing Diabetic concerns user’s respiratory system to infec-
severe problems as a result of your tious organisms such as molds or
 If binge eating after use,
current pattern of use and are likely
blood sugar can be fungi (Journal of Gen Internal Med).
to be dependent.

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