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1-If seeds are harder to get The traits that are better adapted to the available seeds

will have a higher chance of survival and reproduction, passing on their

advantageous traits to the next generation.

2-They would watch the birds for several decades, which allowed them to track
changes in the finch populations over time and to keep track of which bird they
would mark a bird and then would carefully measure various physical

3-The finches, with their diverse beak shapes and feeding behaviors, are
well-equipped to adjust to these variations, and their populations can recover as
environmental conditions stabilize.

4-Finches with larger and stronger beaks were better adapted to the new, harder
seed resource.

1-The sound that the finches do has the information about the male's fitness,
territory quality, and individual identity, while also stimulating female choice and
influencing reproductive success.

2-Each audio recording is time-stamped, and the location is recorded to ensure

researchers know when and where each bird song was produced.

1-When Various species arrive independently and evolve into distinct forms, there
are also instances of a single species diversifying into multiple species due to
isolation and adaptation.

2-Species interact with each other, adapt to local conditions, and evolve over time.
These observations can support the idea of independent evolution and adaptation on
the island.

3-Living on different islands or in separate regions, can contribute to species

recognition. Isolated populations are less likely to interbreed and may evolve

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