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1. What is the scope of information systems and Management Information systems?

The scope of information system and management information system was to process
data from the organization and present it in the for of reports at regular intervals. The system
was largely capable of handling the data from collection to processing. It was more
impersonal, requiring each individual to pick and choose the processed data and use it for his
requirements. This concept was further modified when a distinction was made between data
and information. The information is a product of an analysis of data

2. Give three reasons for using computers for MIS in the organization?

First is the speed of carrying out the given instruction logically and numerically is
incomparable between a computer and human being. Second is the Accuracy, Computer
calculates very accurately and computer never does mistake although we often hear about the
false results of computers. This may be due to the error in data entry or due to poorly designed
program. Since, human beings do data entry and programming; hence, the error may make the
results false. Lastly is the Versatility, the computer was thought as only a calculating machine,
but a computer cans also carryout logical operation. Any job can be computerized with the help
of appropriate software. Limited sets of instructions are enough to carry out a computer

3. Designing an MIS for an organization?

Planning : The first step involves preliminary planning, which includes obtaining a full
understanding of the gaps the business is looking to fill, evaluation of alternative solutions and
the development of a preliminary budget and timeline to allocate resources if and when needed.
The planning stage helps the business make its final decision and prepares the company for the
upcoming project. Analysis : This step analyses the plan and begins to create a list of
specifications and requirements the system will have to meet. Here functions are spelled out,
communication protocols are established and a picture can be built of the end product. Often,
work moves back and forth between the analysis and planning stages, when the potential system
requirements hit a wall with regards to budget or schedule, so that the final picture can be agreed
on by everyone. Design : This is the actual development stage. The team will come together and
begin to build the code, databases and functions that will power the MIS as needed and required
by the previous stages. This stage also includes extensive testing, first by the development team
and then by the real users, to determine whether things are working as expected.
Implementation : This stage begins with formal testing and troubleshooting of the entire system
before the new MIS goes live. Once the system has been accepted, integration into the existing
day-to-day workload begins. In larger,more extensive systems, deployment may happen by
module or by department;for smaller systems, implementation can go live all at
once.Maintenance:The final stage involves monitoring the system to keep it current and
functional. Users will report bugs or problems with the system, which the customer service
support team will need to address. This stage should include extensive documentation for future
users. It also often includes an evaluation of the workplace before and after, to ensure the system
is meeting expectations;ongoing evaluations and new development are necessary to ensure the
system does not become obsolete.

4. Can you think of an MIS which could be user independent and business dependent?

For example, an MIS for an inventory in a motor shop. It calculates the expenses and also
the profit for that business

5. State the difference between MIS and a computer system.

An MIS professional focuses on how computer information can facilitate decision

making among an organization's managers. Rather than examining information specific to a
single department, MIS professionals examine data that is organization-wide while the computer
system is a specialization that has a lot in common with the traditional study of computer
science. CIS emphasizes the technical side of an organization's information systems. CIS
professionals provide expertise in the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of computer
and network infrastructure. They learn to diagnose system flaws, upgrade hardware and
software, create and manipulate databases, and optimize computer security. In all cases, the CIS
professional works to ensure that an organization has the networked computer infrastructure
needed to support modern and effective information systems.

6. Take an organization of your knowledge and give a conceptual view of MIS and physical
view of MIS.

The MIS is an idea which is associated with man, machine, marketing and methods for
collecting information's from the internal and external source and processing this information for
the purpose of facilitating the process of decision- making of the business. MIS is not new, only
the computerization is new, before computers MIS techniques existed to supply managers with
the information that would permit them to plan and control business operations. The computer
has added on more dimensions such as speed, accuracy and increased volume of data that permit
the consideration of more alternatives in decision-making process. Management information
system is an integrated set of component or entities that interact to achieve a particular function,
objective or goal. Therefore it is a computer-based system that provides information for
decisions making on planning, organizing and controlling the operation of the sub-system of the
firm and provides a synergistic organization in the process

7. State which capabilities of a computer are used in MIS to create an impact.

Fast and accurate data processing, with large-capacity storage and rapid communication
between sites. Instantaneous access to information. Means of coordination (brings parts of an
organization, or several collaborating organizations, together in a common effort). Boundary
spanning (systems through which an organization receives intelligence about its environment and
provides computerized information for its customers, suppliers, and the public at large). Support
for decision making. Supporting organizational memory and learning (means by which
knowledge from the past exerts influence on present organizational activities. Increasingly,
elements of the organizational memory are contained in the software and in the data and
knowledge bases of the corporate information systems). Routinizing organizational practice.
Differentiation of products and services. Modelling (a simplified representation of a real object
or phenomenon that helps to understand or develop the modeled object). Automation (replacing
human labor, for example, with information systems).

8. Identify the nature of impact of MIS on people, organization and the management style.

The MIS satisfies the diverse needs through variety of systems such as query system, analysis
system, modelling system and decision support system. The MIS helps in strategic planning,
management control,operational control and transaction processing. The MIS helps in the
clerical personal in the transaction processing and answers the queries on the data pertaining to
the transaction, the status of a particular record and reference on a variety of documents. The
MIS helps the junior management personnel by providing the operational data for planning,
scheduling and control, and helps them further in decision-making at the operation level to
correct an out-of-control situation. The MIS helps the middle management in short term
planning, target setting and controlling the business functions. It is supported by the use of the
management tools of planning and control

9. If application science and MIS can be brought together, the MIS design would be realistic
and useful. Discuss.
It would be realistic and useful because all necessary things that needed in that subject is that
are in science and MIS. It can create a better product.

10. Why is MIS looked upon as a strategic need of management today?

It would be realistic and useful because all necessary things that needed in that subject is that are
in science and MIS. It can create a better product.

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