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Joshin Kokkyu Ho

(Hikari No Kokyu-ho)
(Breathing Method to Focus the Mind)
Joshin Kokkyu Ho means 'Technique
for Purification of the Spirit' or 'Soul
Cleansing Breathing Method'.
This is a meditation that focuses on the

It is used to focus the mind, clear the

meridians and build energy in the hara.
This is the version of the technique
which is used in ‘Kenyoku-ho and
Joshin Kokkyu-ho Sequence’ or within
1. Sit and gassho to center your mind
and set your intent.
2. Put your hands on your lap with your
palms facing upwards and breathe
naturally through your nose.

Focus on your hara and relax.

3. When you breathe in, visualize
energy or light flooding into your crown
chakra and passing into your hara and,
as you pause before exhaling, feel that
energy expand throughout your body,
melting all your tensions.
4. When you breathe out do the Hado
breathing with the ‘Haa’ sound slowly
and firmly.

At the same time imagine that the light

which filled all of the body, is emanating
out through the skin and spreading into

You should soon feel energy/tingling in

your hands and even in your feet, as the
meditation progresses.
5. Repeat 3 and 4 for a couple of
minutes or as long as you like.

This exercise may take anywhere

from five minutes to half an hour.

If you begin to feel dizzy, finish the

exercise and slowly and gradually
increase your practice time.
6. Gassho to give thanks.
It does not matter how you actually
visualize the energy.

Some people can visualize really easily,

while others find it very difficult to ‘see’ a
visual image in their mind’s eye.
This is not a problem because it is the
underlying intent that is the important

The energy moves in response to your

So, the energy will follow your thoughts,
follow your focus.

If you focus your attention or focus your

awareness on your hara then you will be
placing energy there.

Ki is moved by the mind: where the

attention goes, Ki flows".
By directing your attention towards and
moving energy to the hara, the integration
of body and mind is deepened and
strengthened, and you are dynamically
grounded in the present moment.

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