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Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, 16, 608-621

ISSN: 1574-888X
eISSN: 2212-3946

Current Stem Cell

Research & Therapy

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Patients with Ischemic Heart Fail- Impact

ure-Past, Present, and Future


Peng Liang1,#, Fang Ye1,#, Cong-Cong Hou1, Lin Pi1 and Fang Chen1,*

Department of Cardiology, Chui Yang Liu Hospital, Tsinghua University, Beijing 110105, China

Abstract: The prevalence of Heart Failure (HF) has increased over time. Ischemic heart failure ac-
counts for 50% of HF, which results from ischemic coronary heart diseases such as Myocardial Infarc-
ARTICLE HISTORY tion (MI). Conventionally, reduction of cardiac load and revascularization partially increase cardio-
myocyte survival and preserve cardiac functions. Nevertheless, how to improve cardiomyocyte rescue
Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Received: August 29, 2019 and prevent HF progression remain as challenges. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are multipotent
Revised: October 24, 2019
Accepted: December 19, 2019 stem cells that give rise to various lineages. The administration of MSCs promotes cardiomyocyte sur-
DOI: vival and improves cardiac functions in animal models of MI and patients with ischemic cardiomyopa-
thy. However, after injection, MSCs persist for a very short time, indicating that the prolonged protec-
tive effects of MSCs on cardiomyocytes may be mediated by paracrine functions of MSCs, such as
exosomes. In this review, we focus on MSC-derived exosomes in cardiomyocyte protection to facilitate
future applications of exosomes in HF treatment.

Keywords: Heart failure, ischemic cardiomyopathy, mesenchymal stem cells, exosomes, cardiomyocytes, myocardial infarction.

1. INTRODUCTION indicate that the occurrence of atrial fibrillation is less, but

ST-segment elevation and T-wave inversion are more fre-
A report from the American Heart Association suggests
quently seen in patients with HFrEF in comparison with
that the overall prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases
HFpEF patients [2, 3]. Moreover, in a retrospective study
(CVDs), including Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Heart involving 8833 HF patients, multivariate-adjusted Cox re-
Failure (HF), stroke, and hypertension, is 48% in adults
gression showed that the risk of mortality was 13% higher
aged ≥20 years, indicating that there are 121.5 million pa-
for HFrEF patients than HFpEF patients [4].
tients worldwide. CVD prevalence excluding hypertension
(CHD, HF, and stroke) is 9% (24.3 million in 2016). Ac- Aging, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and athe-
cording to this report, an estimated 6.2 million Americans rosclerotic disease are common risk factors for HF. Data
aged ≥20 years had HF and the prevalence of HF will in- from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
crease to 46% from 2012 to 2030, resulting in more than 8 have demonstrated that the prevalence of HF is 1.5% for
million patients by 2030 [1]. men at 40–59 years of age and 6.6% for men at 60-79 years
of age, which increases to 10.6% for men at ≥80 years of
HF is the main cause of mortality, resulting from CVD.
age [5]. In a pooled cohort study, 19, 249 participants aged
There are two main types, HF with a reduced Ejection Frac-
45 years and 23, 915 participants aged 55 years were fol-
tion (HFrEF) and HF with a preserved Ejection Fraction lowed up for 27.1 and 20.3 years, respectively, among
(HFpEF), which are defined by left Ventricular Ejection Frac-
which 53.2% and 43.7% of participants had no hyperten-
tions (LVEFs) of ≤50% or >50%, respectively. When com-
sion, obesity, or diabetes. Following an HF incident, the
paring clinical features, patients with HFrEF are younger and
survival time of participants aged 45 years with three risk
there are more prevalences of males, coronary heart disease,
factors was 9.8 and 13.0 years less for men and women,
and diabetes, who display a lower systolic blood pressure and
respectively, compared with patients without hypertension,
higher a heart rate and serum potassium levels compared obesity, and diabetes. Further dissecting the effect of each
with HFpEF patients. Electrocardiogram characteristics
individual risk factor on HF illustrated that survival time
after HF for men aged 45 years was reduced to 4.0 years for
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Cardiology, patients with hypertension, 2.8 years for patients with obe-
Chui Yang Liu Hospital, Tsinghua University, Beijing 110105, China; sity, and 6.5 years for patients with diabetes. Similar find-
Tel: +86 13501361615; Fax: +86 1067720012; ings were obtained for female participants: the survival time
These authors contributed equally to this work. was 3.7, 3.4 and 8.8 years shorter for patients with hyper-

2212-3946/21 $65.00+.00 © 2021 Bentham Science Publishers

MSC Therapy for Ischemic Heart Failure Patients Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 609

tension, obesity, and diabetes, respectively, compared with As the inflammation persists, lymphocytes and macrophages
corresponding controls [6]. continue to home to the scar, strengthening cardiac remodel-
ing and decreasing cardiac functions, leading to HF [13-15].
Based on the etiology, HF is categorized into non-
The underlying mechanisms of cardiomyocyte death in HF
ischemic and ischemic HF [7]. Despite advances in the treat-
ment of CHD using medicines, percutaneous coronary are summarized in Fig. (1).
intervention, and bypass surgery, ischemic heart failure re-
sulting from coronary heart disease still has a poor progno-
sis with 40%-50% mortality by 5 years [8]. Cardiomyocytes
are the primary heart cells with a very limited proliferation Conventionally, treatments of ischemic HF include gen-
potential. Stem Cells (SCs) are ubiquitous and uncommitted eral/basal treatments, agents, devices, and surgical interven-
cell populations. Under optimal conditions, stem cells can tion. For basal treatment, patients are subjected to lipid and
be directly differentiated into functional cardiomyocytes or sodium restriction (<3 g/d) as well as water restriction (<2
indirectly promote cell survival via secreted exosomes [9]. l/d). Aldosterone receptor antagonists, renin-angiotensin
Thus, stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes provide a promising system inhibitors, and β-blockers are administered to inhibit
means to replace dead cardiomyocytes to restore cardiac ventricular remodeling and reduce the mortality of HF pa-
functions. In this review, we discuss the current status of tients [16-22] as well as diuretics to reduce the symptoms of
treatments for ischemic heart failure, and the efficiency and congestion [23]. The PARADIGM-HF trial showed that the
recent advances of Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) therapy blockade of the RAAS system by sacubitril/valsartan de-
and MSC-derived exosomes for cardiomyocyte protection in creases the risk of the primary composite endpoint by 20%
the treatment of IHF. compared with enalapril [24, 25].
Ivabradine reduces the heart rate by specifically inhibiting
the cardiac sinus node pacing current. The SHIFT study
Physically, efficient diastolic filling is highly dependent showed that ivabradine reduces the relative risk of cardiovas-
on cardiomyocyte relaxation and the passive property of the cular death and hospitalization by 18% and significantly im-
heart. Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum proves left ventricular function and life quality of patients
via the ryanodine receptor, and the increased intracellular with HF [26, 27]. Digitalis drugs produce positive inotropic
Ca2+ concentration activates cardiac contraction. During effects by inhibiting Na+/K+-ATPases, enhance the parasym-
diastole, Ca2+ is extruded from the cytosol back to the SR pathetic activity, and reduce atrioventricular conduction.
via SERCa2a (Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase) Studies have shown that [28] a meta-analysis showed that the
and sequestered there [10]. Thus, calcium homeostasis is long-term use of digoxin by patients with heart failure has a
crucial to coordinate cardiac contraction and relaxation. neutral effect on mortality, but reduces the hospitalization risk
Myocardial infarction impairs calcium homeostasis and re- [29]. Nitrates can also be used by patients with uncontrolled
sults in the abnormal diastolic filling. angina. Trimetazidine facilitates the improvement of the Left
STAT3 restrains Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic re- Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) [30, 31].
ticulum and thus reduces overloading Ca2+ in mitochondria Currently, percutaneous cardiovascular interventions and
[11]. Coronary arteries provide nutrient and oxygen supplies coronary artery bypass grafting are applied to restore vascu-
for cardiomyocytes. In addition, coronary endothelial cells larization [32]. Prophylactic implantable cardioverter defi-
and cardiomyocytes are in close communication to preserve brillators reduce the rate of sudden arrhythmic death in pa-
cardiac functions. For example, redox gene STAT3 is an tients with HFrEF, which is more important for IHF because
important messenger in this communication. As a redox of a higher risk of malignant arrhythmia compared with
gene, STAT3 preserves mitochondrial integrity, restricts non-IHF [33]. CRT can be used for HF patients with cardiac
reactive oxygen species formation, and regulates the expres- dyssynchrony; however, not all patients respond to CRT,
sion of target genes such as ErbB and Bcl-xL in cardiomyo- and it appears that patients with non-ischemic etiology have
cytes. STAT3 expression is reduced in infarcted cardiomyo- a greater increase in the LVEF and a decrease in the NYHA
cytes, promoting cell death and fibrosis [11]. functional class after CRT than patients with ischemic heart
disease [34]. Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) sys-
Following the blockade of blood flow-induced myocar-
tems, particularly extracorporeal life support and extracor-
dial infarction, apoptotic cardiomyocytes and activated en-
poreal membrane oxygenation, can be used as a ‘bridge to
dothelial cells attract inflammatory cells infiltrating into the
decision’ for patients with acute and rapidly deteriorating
injured site for clearance. When macrophages digest apop-
HF or cardiogenic shock to stabilize hemodynamics, recover
totic cells, they produce various inflammatory cytokines,
including IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, and TGF-β. Following car- end-organ functions, and allow for a full clinical evaluation
for the possibility of either heart transplantation or a more
diomyocyte apoptosis, fibroblasts transition to myofibro-
durable MCS device [35, 36]. For patients with severe end-
blasts, and activated myofibroblasts in the apoptotic border
stage heart failure, heart transplantation is the only treatment
zone produce a series of inflammatory cytokines and MMPs
[37, 38].
to assist cardiac fibrosis. Activation of TGF-β in myofibro-
blasts induces fibrosis. The inflammatory cytokines increase In the past 30 years, there has been significant progress in
cardiomyocyte apoptosis with impaired autophagy as well the treatment of heart failure. However, the prognosis of pa-
as activation of fibrosis, leading to cardiac hypertrophy [12]. tients with heart failure is still unsatisfactory. In the ESC-HF
In concert with the remodeling of extracellular matrix pro- pilot study, hospitalized heart failure patients and stable/out-
teins, dead cardiomyocytes are replaced by scar formation. of-bed patients had 12-month all-cause mortality rates of 17%
610 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 Liang et al.

Fig. (1). Schematic illustration of the pathogenesis of cardiomyocyte death in heart failure. When cardiomyocytes are challenged by hypoxic
and nutrient deprivation conditions such as myocardial infarction, endothelial and inflammatory cells produce a series of inflammatory cyto-
kines and miRNAs. Uptake of miRNAs into cardiomyocytes induces an increase of proapoptotic gene expression and decreases ant-apoptotic
gene expression through regulation of target genes. Dysregulation of genes such as STAT3 in cardiomyocytes reduces cell survival, increases
reactive oxygen species production, and impairs autophagy. Together with inflammatory attack, cardiomyocytes undergo apoptosis. Fibro-
blasts transition to myofibroblasts that activate in the infarction border area. TGF-β signaling in the activated myofibroblasts drives fibrosis
and scar formation. Ultimately, loss of cardiomyocytes reduces cardiac functions, leading to hypertrophy and heart failure. (A higher resolu-
tion / colour version of this figure is available in the electronic copy of the article).

and 7%, respectively, and 12-month hospitalization rates of are adherent cells and aggregate into uniform cell colonies
44% and 32%, respectively [39]. The 5-year survival rate of to form fibroblast-like clones. Under a phase-contrast mi-
patients with heart failure is still less than 50%. The treat- croscope, the dominant cells have a spindle or whirlpool-
ments for IHF still require further exploration. Considering like shape with ample cytoplasm and a large dark nucleolus.
that stem cells can be differentiated into functional cardio- MSCs undergo rapid proliferation after 7 days of cultivation
myocytes or improve cardiomyocyte survival by paracrine and can reach 80%-90% confluence by day 14.
functions, stem cell therapy may have certain application
prospects for the treatment of ischemic HF. 4.1.2. Placenta-derived MSCs
MSCs have been identified in the placenta [43]. There
4. MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS are two methods of MSC isolation from the placenta. The
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) (also referred to as placenta is first mashed into small pieces and digested by
mesenchymal or multipotent stromal cells) were first dis- trypsin, DNase, and collagenase. To promote MSC adhe-
covered in bone marrow in the early 1970s [40]. MSCs are sion, digested cells are blocked with external placenta tis-
multipotent stem cells that can be isolated from various sues before seeding [44].
adult tissues such as bone marrow, umbilical cord, adipose,
peripheral blood, liver, and tooth roots [41]. The criteria for 4.1.3. Umbilical Cord Blood-derived MSCs (UB-MSCs)
MSC identification were traced back to a decade ago by the In 2000, Erices et al., isolated mononuclear cells from
International Committee for Cell Therapy (ISCT). Cur- the umbilical cord blood of preterm infants and found that
rently, the ISCT recommends to the term “multipotent mes- 25% of the cell population gave rise to fibroblast-like cells
enchymal stromal cells” (MSCs) instead of “mesenchymal and expressed MSC-related surface markers [45]. Cell cycle
stem cells”. However, researchers are more prone to use analysis revealed that >85% of these cells were in the
“mesenchymal stromal cells” or “mesenchymal stem cells”. G0/G1 phase, suggesting a strong proliferative potential.
UM-MSCs can also be obtained by Percoll-based gradient
4.1. Tissue Sources of MSCs density centrifugation.
4.1.1. Bone Marrow-derived MSCs 4.1.4. Adipose Tissue-derived MSCs (AT-MSCs)
BM-MSCs are isolated from BM cells by Percoll-based MSCs were first identified in adipose tissue suspensions
density gradient centrifugation [42]. After seeding, MSCs obtained by liposuction in 2001 [46]. After culture, these
MSC Therapy for Ischemic Heart Failure Patients Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 611

cells display prompt proliferation and multilineage differen- the other MSC types, suggesting that they have a stronger
tiation [47, 48]. After digestion by trypsin, MSCs in adipose self-renewal property [63]. Upon differentiation, BM- and
tissues can be isolated by Percoll-based density gradient AT-MSCs display dramatic differentiation potentials to gen-
centrifugation similarly to BM-MSCs. erate osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondrocytes, whereas
cord blood- and placenta-derived MSCs show weak differ-
4.2. Biological Properties of MSCs entiation potential [63]. Moreover, adipocytes differentiated
from AT-MSCs secrete high amounts of collagen type II
Multilineage differentiation, immunomodulation, and
and III, whereas adipocytes derived from BM-MSCs pro-
anti-inflammatory effects are the main properties of MSCs.
duce high amounts of angiogenic factors such as TGF-β1,
When cultivated MSCs are stimulated by certain cytokines,
TGF-β2, collagen type II and IV, heparan sulfate, laminin,
they give rise to osteoblasts [49], chondrocytes [50], adipo-
and aggrecan [64, 65].
cytes [51], skeletal muscle cells [52], neurons [53], cardio-
myocytes [54], and endothelial cells [55]. MSCs have sev- Modulation of immune and inflammatory responses is
eral advantages for cell therapy, including low immuno- also an important feature of MSCs. When MSCs are cocul-
genicity, immunoregulation, and anti-inflammatory effects. tured with mononuclear cells isolated from human periph-
Studies have shown that MSCs do not express major histo- eral blood, BM-MSCs produce higher amounts of IL-10 and
compatibility complex (MHC)-II molecules, cell membrane TGF-β1, and potently suppress T cell proliferation induced
surface glycoprotein (Fas) ligands, or costimulatory mole- by phytohemagglutinin compared with MSCs from other
cules (B7-1, B7-2, CD40, and CD40L), and the expression sources [63]. MSCs inhibit the inflammatory cascade via
of MHC-I molecules is low [56]. When MSCs are cocul- several mechanisms, most of which are mediated by anti-
tured with a mixed population of T cells or with mitogen- inflammatory cytokines and factors released from MSCs.
stimulated T cells, T cell proliferation is reduced signifi- Lipopolysaccharide and TNF-α activate NF-kB signaling in
cantly, implying low immunogenicity of MSCs [57]. macrophages, leading to inflammatory cytokine production
and the recruitment of neutrophils to enhance the inflamma-
4.3. Characteristics of MSCs Isolated from Different tion cascade. Paradoxically, activation of NF-kB signaling
Tissues by lipopolysaccharide and TNF-α induces TNF-α-stimulated
gene/protein 6 (TSG-6) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) ex-
The common surface markers of MSCs in different tis- pression [66, 67]. Once secreted, TSG-6 binds to CD44
sues are CD29, CD13, CD44, and CD10 [58]. Nonetheless, hyaluronan that prohibits nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activa-
MSCs isolated from different tissues also express their dis- tion in macrophages and PGE2 stimulates switching macro-
tinct markers, as listed in Table 1 [59-62]. Apart from sur- phage polarization from the proinflammatory M1 phenotype
face markers, MSCs from different tissues have different to the anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype [66, 67]. As intro-
capacities for lineage differentiation. When BM-, cold blood-, duced earlier, activation of NF-kB signaling is crucial for
adipose tissue-, and placenta-derived MSCs are cultivated in cardiomyocyte death in myocardial infarction. Therefore,
vitro, BM-MSCs have a longer doubling time than other MSCs have therapeutic properties to prevent cardiomyo-
MSC types [63]. Upon passaging, placenta-derived MSCs cytes from ischemic injury.
can be subcultured more than the other MSC types [63].
When the same number of MSCs are seeded in CFU assays, Next, we focus on the differentiation potential of MSCs
BM- and cord blood-MSCs give rise to more colonies than for cardiomyocytes and paracrine functions of MSCs, both

Table 1. Comparison of MSCs isolated from various origins.

- Bone Marrow Umbilical Blood Adipose Tissue Placenta

Surface markers SH2, SH3, CD71, CD13, CD44, CD49e, CD9, CD13, CD54, CD166, SH-2/CD105, SH-
CD90, CD106, CD54, CD90, ASMA, SH2, CD55, CD71, CD90, 3, SH-4, SSEA-4, TRA-1-
CD120a, CD124 [59] SH3, HLA-ABC [60] CD105, CD146 [61] 61, TRA-1-80 [62]

Proliferation capacity in vitro - - - -

Number of passages in vitroA [63] + + + ++

Self-renewal + + + +
Tri-lineage differentiation potential ++ - ++ +

Suppression of T proliferation in ++ + ++ +
vitro [63]

Suppression of B cell activation ++ + ++ +

A, Number of passages before reaching cell replicative senescence.
B, Self-renewal of MSCs is the number of MSCs colonies after seeding in a CFU-F assay.
C, Trilineage differentiation includes adipocytes, osteoblasts, and chondrocytes.
612 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 Liang et al.

of which are implicated substantially in the treatment of were injected into the border zone of myocardial infarction
heart failure. in rats, the percentage of BM-MSCs in the heart decreased
rapidly from 34%-80% to 0.3%-3.5% in 6 weeks, which
5. MSCS AND CARDIOMYOCYTES was independent of the cell number and application time
[83]. Second MSC homing is one of the critical issues in
5.1. In Vitro cell therapy. When tracing by the nuclear affinity labeling
With regard to MSC differentiation into cardiomyocytes, technique, only a few percent of the injected MSCs re-
early studies showed that specific microenvironmental con- mained in the heart at 2 weeks after intramuscular or intra-
ditions, such as 5-azacytidine and platelet-derived growth coronary administration of MSCs [84]. Third, it is difficult
factor β treatments, promote MSC differentiation into car- to assess the functionality of cardiomyocytes differentiated
diomyocytes. These myocytes maintain some features of from MSCs in vivo.
cardiomyocytes, such as the expression of β-myosin heavy
chain and spontaneous calcium fluxes [68, 69]. However, in 6. EXOSOMES DERIVED FROM MSCs
another study, rat BM-MSCs could neither be expanded
6.1. Brief Characterization
extensively in vitro nor induced to differentiate in an ex-
pected cardiomyogenic manner by 5-azacytidine-treatment When immunodeficient mice were subjected to acute
[70]. In parallel, Alvarez-Dolado et al., reported that BM- myocardial infarction and then injected with human MSCs
MSCs fuse with cells within the heart to form mature car- via the tail vein, cardiac functions improved significantly in
diomyocytes rather than trans-differentiate [71]. the hMSC-treated group compared with controls [85, 86].
Nevertheless, hMSCs could not be detected in the heart by
Indeed, the regulatory mechanisms underlying the multi-
immunohistochemistry of GFR, real-time PCR of human
lineage differentiation of MSCs are very complicated. None-
Alu sequences, or traditional PCR of human-specific mito-
theless, accumulating evidence has shown that activation or
chondrial cytochrome oxidase I. Instead, microarray assays
inhibition of certain transcription factors direct MSC differen-
tiation toward definite lineage specification. For example, and ELISAs have revealed the production of multiple pro-
tective factors from hMSCs in vitro before transplantation.
Pax3 is a member of the paired box family. Exogenous over-
When supernatants of cultivated hMSCs were added to hy-
expression of Pax3 in MSCs restrains their differentiation
poxic HL-1 cardiomyocytes and Human Umbilical Vein
toward myogenic cells compared with other lineages [72]. By
Endothelial Cells (HUVECs), apoptosis was reduced sig-
exogenous overexpression and knockdown of candidate gene
nificantly compared with the control condition.
expression, some key transcription factors that specifically
educate MSC differentiation to ANP and cTnI-expressing Indeed, similarly to other mesenchymal cells, MSCs se-
cardiomyocytes have been identified. These transcription crete many exosomes to regulate local and distant cell com-
factors are GATA4, Nkx2.5, myocardin, thioredoxin-1, and munication. Exosomes are a type of extracellular vesicle with
Notch1 [73, 74]. Pretreatment with Transforming Growth a diameter between 30 and 150 nm. They form by fusion of
Factor-beta 1(TGF-β1) enhances the differentiation of rat late endosomes/multivesicular bodies in the plasma mem-
BM-MSCs toward the cardiomyogenic phenotype and im- brane and contain proteins, RNAs, lipids, and metabolites.
proves cardiac functions in rats with heart failure [75]. Proto- Once released, exosomes transfer molecules from MSCs to
cols are being optimized for stable and efficient cardiomyo- other cells via membrane vesicle trafficking for cell-to-cell
cyte production from MSCs. For example, the addition of 5- communication, thereby regulating the immune response,
Aza, BMP-2, and DMSO induces MSC differentiation into inflammation, and angiogenesis. Exosomes have a series of
cardiomyocyte-like cells within 24 hours. Furthermore, 2 surface markers for recognition such as CD9, CD63, and
weeks of coincubation of myocardial cell broth results in car- CD81 [87]. Presently, 850 gene products and 150 miRNAs
diomyocyte production from MSCs [76]. have been found in exosomes secreted from MSCs.

5.2. In Vivo 6.2. Exosome Isolation

In line with the in vitro studies, the expression of car- Considering that the density of exosomes ranges from
diomyocyte markers in labelled MSCs has been detected by 1.10 to 1.21 g/mL in sucrose, exosomes can be isolated by
immunofluorescence at 14 days after MSC transplantation density-gradient-based ultracentrifugation [88]. Exosomes
in swine models of myocardial infarction [77, 78]. When can also be isolated by size-exclusion chromatography [89].
MSCs were engineered to express thioredoxin-1 and in- Overall, the isolation of exosomes is time-consuming and
jected into the peri-infarct area of rats with left anterior de- expensive. Recently, polyester capillary-channeled polymer
scending coronary artery ligation, increases in cardiac func- fibers in hydrophobic interaction chromatography have been
tions and the capillary density were observed by echocardi- used to isolate exosomes from human urine samples. The
ography, and fibrosis was reduced compared with control yield was high and productive when assessed by scanning
groups [79]. However, engrafted MSCs can not differentiate electron microscopy [90]. To obtain a higher yield of
to cardiomyocytes in dogs and sheep models of myocardial exosomes from biological fluids, tangential flow filtration
infarction [80, 81]. Therefore, whether MSCs can differenti- has been tested, which reduced the isolation time and
ate into cardiomyocytes is yet to be confirmed. recovers a reproducible number of exosomes among batches
[91]. These methods have optimized efficient exosome iso-
There are several challenges when evaluating the MSC
differentiation potential in vivo. First, upon transplantation, lation with high quality. After isolation, the yielded
exosomes are characterized by transmission electron mi-
MSCs survive for only a few weeks [82]. When BM-MSCs
croscopy or the Zetasizer Nano range for size and number.
MSC Therapy for Ischemic Heart Failure Patients Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 613

The biomarker expression can also be examined by western apoptotic protein expression, increase anti-apoptotic protein
blotting and flow cytometry. expression, improve angiogenic gene expression, and ame-
liorate oxidative stress, leading to enhanced cardiomyocyte
6.3. Distinct Properties of Exosomes from MSC Types survival and functions in various models of MI. For thera-
peutic purposes, preconditioned MSCs and transfection of
The phenotype and characteristics of exosomes vary ac- miRNA constructs into MSCs are used to obtain miRNAs.
cording to the origin of MSCs. Baglio et al. compared the
tRNA profiles of exosomes from BM- and adipose-derived Similar to MSCs, exosomes from MSCs are well tolerated
MSCs and found that exosomes secreted from BM-MSCs upon injection. When exosomes isolated from human MSCs
had higher levels of Nanog, POU5F1A/B, and Sox2 [92]. In are injected into mice with oxygen-induced retinopathy, in-
another study, Wang et al., compared the therapeutic effects travitreal exosome administration increases vascular flow and
of MSCs from the endometrium, BM, and adipose tissue in reverts retinal thinning without any immunogenicity effects
a rat model of myocardial infarction. They found that [111]. A clinical study (NCT03384433) started last year to
exosomes from endometrial MSCs carried miR-21, whereas evaluate the effect of miR-124-containing exosomes in pa-
exosomes from BM-MSCs and adipose-derived MSCs did tients with acute ischemic stroke. MSC exosomes that im-
not. The blockade of miR-21 by anti-miR treatment abro- prove cardiomyocyte fate after MI are listed in Table 2 [100,
gated the anti-apoptotic and angiogenic effects of EnMSCs. 101, 103-107, 109, 93, 112-119 114-121].
Accordingly, endometrial MSC engraftment resulted in Taken together, although the paracrine mechanism is
greater protection of cardiomyocyte survival and angiogene- complex and not completely understood, the use of MSC-
sis [93]. derived paracrine factors may be a therapeutic strategy for
Despite the fact that the properties of exosomes depend myocardial recovery. Certain paracrine factors in MSC-
on the origin of MSCs, they are the executer of MSC func- derived exosomes may be beneficial to repair myocardial
tions. When added to the cell culture medium, exosomes injury with high efficacy.
promote cell proliferation and migration of endothelial cells
[94], epithelial cells [95], and fibroblasts [96]. When cul- 6.5. Clinical Trials of MSC Treatments for Patients with
tured with T cells in vitro, exosomes from MSCs inhibit T Heart Failure
cell differentiation and activation as well as IFN-γ release
Human MSCs are currently applied to the treatment of
[97]. When added to the HUVEC culture medium,
myocardial infarction, autoimmune diseases (multiple scle-
exosomes from MSCs promote cell proliferation and migra- rosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn’s disease), graft-
tion [94], angiogenic factor production, and tubular forma-
versus-host disease, wound repair, ischemia/stroke, and liver
tion [98, 99].
diseases, and to hematopoietic stem cell engraftment [120].
Expanded MSCs for clinical applications are classified as an
6.4. Exosomes and Cardiomyocytes
advanced therapy medicinal product according to the Euro-
Because MSCs improve cardiomyocyte survival and pean Medicines Agency regulation number 1394/2007 of
functions via their secreted exosomes, transfection of a gene the European Commission [121, 122].
of interest into MSCs has become a technique to obtain In 2009, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-
exosomes for therapeutic purposes. Exosomes from atorvas- controlled trial was performed, in which patients with AMI
tatin-pretreated MSCs contain higher amounts of long non- were injected with bone marrow MSCs. Bone marrow MSC
coding RNA H19 than untreated MSCs. When delivered, treatment increased the LVEF and reversed remodeling in
long non-coding RNA H19 promotes endothelial cell and post-infarction patients [123]. In another randomized trial,
cardiomyocyte survival under hypoxia in vitro. When in- allogeneic and autologous bone marrow MSCs were admin-
jected into a rat model of myocardial infarction, long non- istered to 30 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, who
coding RNA H19 increases VEGF and ICAM-1 expression were followed up for 13 months. Compared with the pla-
in endothelial cells and decreases IL-6 and TNF-α levels in cebo, autologous MSC therapy improved the 6-minute walk
the peri-infarct area [100]. Tissue matrix metalloproteinase test and Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire
inhibitor 2 inhibits metalloproteinases that assist cardiac but did not improve exercise VO2 max. Allogeneic and
remodeling. After BM-MSCs were transfected with TIMP2, autologous MSCs reduced the mean infarct size by -33.21%
exosomes from the culture medium were injected into the (95% CI, -43.61% to -22.81%; P <0.001) and sphericity
peri-infarct zone immediately after coronary artery ligation index, but did not increase the LVEF [124]. In the TAC-
in rats. Thirty days after injection, improved cardiac func- HFT trial, 65 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and an
tions were observed by echocardiography. TIMP2- LVEF of <50% received bone marrow MSCs, bone marrow-
containing exosomes promote cardiomyocyte survival via derived mononuclear cells, or a placebo. The 1-year inci-
activation of the Akt/frizzled-related protein 2 (Sfrp2) path- dence of serious adverse events was similar between bone
way [101]. Exosomes secreted from MSCs contain various marrow MSC, bone marrow MSC, and placebo treatments.
factors, including HGF and PGF, to assist MSC differentia- Nonetheless, the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure score
tion into cardiomyocytes [102]. showed improved cardiac functions after treatment with
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important gene expression MSCs (-6.3; 95% CI, -15.0 to 2.4; repeated measures of
regulators enriched in exosomes. MiR-24 [103], miR-214 variance, P=0.02) and bone marrow mononuclear cells
[103], mR-301 [104], miR-125b [105], miR-132 [106], (-8.2; 95% CI, -17.4 to 0.97; P=0.005), but not with the pla-
miR-21a-5p [107], miR-590-3p [108], miR-133 [109], miR- cebo (0.4; 95% CI, -9.45 to 10.25; P=0.38). The 6-minute
210 [110], and miR-21 [93] have been reported to suppress walk distance and infarct size as a percentage of the LV
614 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 Liang et al.

Table 2. Summary of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes for the treatment of myocardial infarction.

Exosome Component Origin Property References

Proteins and factors

CXCR4 BM Anti-apoptotic, increased angiogenesis [112]

GATA4 BM Anti-apoptotic, increased angiogenesis [113, 114]

SDF-1 Umbilical cord-MSC Increased angiogenesis and inhibited autophagy [115]


miR-24 BM Anti-apoptotic [116]

miR-214 ADSC Anti-apoptotic [80]

TIMP2 Umbilical cord-MSC Anti-apoptotic [101]

Long non-coding H19 BM Anti-apoptosis [100]

miR-301 BM Inhibited autophagy [104]

miR-125b BM Anti-apoptotic, improved autophagy [117, 105]

miR-132 BM Anti-apoptotic [106]

miR-21a-5p BM Anti-apoptototic [107]

miR-133 BM Anti-apoptototic [109]

miR-210 BM Anti-apoptotic, increased angiogenesis [108]

miR-21 Human endometrium Anti-apoptotic, increased angiogenesis [93]

miR-22 BM Anti-apoptotic [119]

mass were improved by BM-MSCs only. The left ventricu- with heart failure questionnaire [130]. Table 3 lists the re-
lar chamber volume and LVEF did not significantly change sults of clinical trials of MSCs in patients with MI or
in within group or between-group comparisons [125]. ischemic cardiomyopathy [123-135].
In the TRIDENT study, 30 patients with ischemic car- Bone marrow mononuclear cells, CD34+ cells, and car-
diomyopathy received 20 million (n=15) or 100 million al- diac progenitor cells have been tested in patients with heart
logeneic bone marrow MSCs (n=15) via transendocardial failure, and their therapeutic effects on cardiac functions are
injection [126]. Patients who received 100 million BM- listed in Table 3. Overall, there are limited clinical studies on
MSCs had a reduced infarcted size and increased cardiac bone marrow MSCs with small sample sizes of AMI and IHF
functions [126]. In the C-CURE multicenter randomized patients and relatively short follow-up durations. MSC dos-
trial, LVEF was 1.3-fold higher and the left ventricular end- ages and administration routes vary among trials. However,
systolic volume was reduced by 65% in IHF patients who most clinical trials suggest that bone marrow MSCs increase
received bone marrow MSCs compared with those on the the LVEF, reduce the infarct size, and improve other clinical
standard of care alone. The 6-minute walk distance was also measurements such as the 6-min walk distance.
improved by bone marrow MSCs (+62 ± 18 m vs. -15 ± 20
m, p < 0.01) [137]. In ischemic heart failure patients with 7. PERSPECTIVES
severe cardiac dysfunction (LVEF<45%), MSC treatment
MSC treatment has been shown to improve the cardio-
significantly improved the LVEF by 6.2% compared with
myocyte number and functions in animal models of MI and
the placebo [128].
patients with MI or ischemic cardiomyopathy. A short per-
In addition to bone marrow MSCs, other MSC types sistence of MSCs after injection has been noted in vivo,
have been tested in IHF patients. After receiving autologous which is independent of the administration route. Alterna-
cardiopoietic MSCs, IHF patients showed a progressive tively, MSC-derived exosomes have several therapeutic
decrease in both LVEDV and LVESV within 52 weeks after advantages: (1) genetic features of exosomes can be
treatment. However, other measurements, including the achieved by manipulation of MSCs by gene/miRNA trans-
LVEF, 6-min walk distance, and Minnesota Living with fer; (2) because of their small size, exosomes can taken up
Heart Failure Questionnaire, did not change [129]. Com- efficiency by cells after injection; (3) exosomes can be mass
pared with bone marrow MSCs, umbilical cord-derived produced for clinical practice; (4) exosomes can be repeat-
MSC-treated patients also exhibited significant improve- edly applied to treat patients with lower costs and better
ments in the LVEF, NYHA class, and Minnesota Living efficacy compared with MSCs.
MSC Therapy for Ischemic Heart Failure Patients Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 615

Table 3. Summary of MSC treatments in randomized clinical trials of myocardial infarction and ischemic cardiomyopathy.

First Author, Pub- Patients’ Cell Dose Follow

lication Year & Characteris- Design Number Origin (Million) / Admi- Up Main Findings
Reference tics (LVEF) nistration Route (years)

MSCs -

Increased LVEF, improved
Hare JM, 2009, 48.7% for
DB, PC 53 BM 0.5, 1.6, and 5/kg/IV 0.5 forced expiratory volume and
[123] placebo and
global symptom score
50.4% for
MSCs group

Hare JM, 2012 LVEF no change; improved 6-

ICM, Randomized,
30 BM 20, 100, 200/TEN 1.1 minute walk test; reduced
[124] LVEF<50% no PC
LVEDV and infarct size

LVEF no change; improved

Heldman AW, 2014 ICM,
DB, PC 65 BM 200/TEN 0.08 functional capacity, infarct size
[125] LVEF<50%
and 6-min walk distance

Florea V, 2017 Increased LVEF, reduced scar

DB, no PC 30 BM 100, 20/TEN 1 size and improved NYHA class
[126] LVEF≤50%
improved in high dose

Increased LVEF; improved 6-

Bartunek J, 2013 LVEF: 15%- Prospective,
36 BM 733/TEN 2 min walk test, LVESV and
[127] 40% DB, PC
NYHA class

Increased LVEF; reduced

Mathiasen AB, 2015 LVESV reduced, stroke volume
<45%, DB, PC 59 BM (77.5+67.9)/TEN 0.5
[128] improved, and myocardial mass

Bartunek J, 2017 ICM, LVEF no change; decreased

DB, PC 348 cardiopoietic 600/TEN 0.7
[129] LVEF≤35% LVEDV and LVESV

Increased LVEF; improved

ICM and
Bartolucci J, 2017 Umbilical NYHA class and Minnesota
NICM, DB, PC 30 1/kg/IV 1
[130] cord Living with Heart Failure

Jeans K, 2017 Chonic IHF, Single-

LVEF center phase 10 110 million/TEN 0.5 Increased LVEF
[136] MSC
45% 1 study

LVEF≤40% MSCs alone

alleviate LV dysfunction, alle-
Roberto Bolli, 2018 with HF of Randomized, 150/IV,CPCs alone
162 BM 1 viate LV dysfunction and re-
[137] ischemic DB, PC 5/IV,MSCs + CPCs
etiology 150+5/IV

Karantalis V, 2014 ICM, LVEF prospective, Increased LVEF; decreased

6 BM Not reported/TEP 1.5
[131] not reported no PC scar mass

Increased LVEF; improved

Guijarro D, 2016 ICM,
prospective 10 BM 61.5/TEN 0.08 LVEDV, 6-min walk test and
[132] LVEF≤35%
NYHA class

improvements in exercise time,

Stable coro-
Mathiasen AB, 2013 open, non- angina class (CCS), weekly
nary artery 31 BM 21.5/TEN 3
[133] randomized number of angina attacks and
use of nitroglycerine

Table 3 contd….
616 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 Liang et al.

First Author, Publi- Patients’ Cell Dose (Mil- Follow

cation Year & Ref- Characteris- Design Number Origin lion)/Administratio up Main Findings
erence tics (LVEF) n Route (years)

Viswanathan C, 2010 MI, LVEF (5.86 ± 2.36)/TEP LVEF no change; improved

PC 15 BM 0.5
[134] not reported mean percentage perfusion

Wang JA, 2006 Dilated CM, Prospective, LVEF no change; improved

12 BM 2/IC 0.5 BNP level and 6-min walk
[135] LVEF<45% PC distance

Other types of stem


Boris A, 2014 BM, LVEF and 6-minute walk test

IHF, LVEF Randomized, 20 injections per
60 0.5 no change; scar size and re-
[138] <35% DB, PC CD133+BMC 0.5ml/TEP
gional perfusion improved

Ischemic Phase 1,
Atul R, 2012 cardiomyopa- randomized, 1X106/5X105/ Increased LVEF, decreased
33 CPC 1
[139] thy with open-label IC infarct size
LVEF≤40% trail

Helena Martino,
2015 LVEF<35% Randomized, BM mononu- No change of LVEF, diastolic
160 236/IV 1
with NIDCM DB, PC clear cells volumes and ejection fraction

Stephen Hamshere, Random-

2015 LVEF ≤ 45%
ized,DB, 60 BM 216/IV 1 Increased LVEF
with DCM
[141] PC

Christina Paitazoglou,
LVEF <45%
2019 DB, PC 138 BM 100/IV 0.5 Increased LVEF
with IHF

Abbreviations: CM, Cardiomyopathy; ICM: Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, DCM: Dilated Cardiomyopathy, NIDCM: Non-Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy; AMI: Acute Myocardial
Infarction, SB: Single-Blinded, DB: Double-Blinded, PC: Placebo-Controlled, BM-MSCs: Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells, CPCs: Cardiac Progenitor Cells; IV: Intrave-
nous, ICM: Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, ICM: Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, DCM: Dilated Cardiomyopathy, NIDCM: Non-Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy, IC: Intracoronary, TEN:
Trans-endocardial, TEP: Trans-Epicardial, LVEF: Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, LVEDV: Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Volumes, LVESV: Left Ventricular End-Systolic
Volumes, AR: Arrhythmogenicity, BNP: B-type Natriuretic Peptide.

Recently, Yang et al., synthesized Poly-(Glycerol Se- cial for the treatment of myocardial ischemic injury and
bacate) (PGS) and Poly-(ε-Caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds ischemic heart failure. Among all types of stem cells, the use
by 3D-printing technology and implanted the scaffolds of MSCs and exosomes from MSCs has become a promising
epicardially into a rat model of myocardial infarction [143]. therapeutic strategy to reduce the infarct area and improve the
Four weeks after scaffold implantation, the LVEF improved ejection fraction in patients with ischemic heart failure.
and the infarct size decreased significantly in the PGS-PCL
group compared with the control. Histological analysis CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
showed that the 3D-printed PGS-PCL scaffold promoted
vascularization and tissue repair, and inhibited myocardial Not applicable.
apoptosis. Maiullari et al., integrated the use of 3D bioprint-
ing with induced stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and FUNDING
HUVECs encapsulated in hydrogel [144]. These advances None.
in bioprinting technology may improve the efficacy of cell-
and exosome-based therapies for treating patients with MI
and ischemic cardiomyopathy.
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
CONCLUSION otherwise.
Although great progress has been made to treat ischemic
heart disease, the 5-year mortality rate of heart failure is still
as high as 50%, which is becoming a major health problem We thank Mitchell Arico from Liwen Bianji, Edanz
worldwide. Reducing post-ischemic myocardial injury and Group China (, for editing the Eng-
promoting cardiomyocyte and vascular regeneration are cru- lish language of this manuscript.
MSC Therapy for Ischemic Heart Failure Patients Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, Vol. 16, No. 5 617

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