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 Comprises ocean crust and more than 90% of all volcanic


 Erupts frequently so we can watch and learn!

 Fundamentally a mafic volcanic rock (dark gray to black)

 Erupts from “nice” volcanoes: fissure, shield, cinder cone

 Textures vary: aphanitic, porphyritic, vesicular, even glassy

o Use textural term as adjective: “porphyritic basalt” or

“vesicular basalt”

 Fresh basaltic lava often is iridescent, eventually weathers to


 Porphyritic Basalt: phenocrysts (large crystals) usually

plagioclase or olivine

 Scoria: highly vesicular basalt (not pumice)

 Cinder: BB to golf ball sized (0.08 to 2.5 in or 2-64 mm)

pieces of vesicular basalt, erupted as pyroclastic material

 Volcanic bomb: partially molten blob of magma erupted

into air (>2.5 in, >6.4 cm)

 Reticulite: frothy, tan, >90% vesicles. Lowest density rock.

Formed during gas-rich lava fountain eruptions
 Pillow basalt (pillow lava): glassy rind, formed by
subaqueous or subglacial interaction with lava
Basalt Baby #1 (born May 2007, Hawai’i)

Basalt Baby #2 (born May 2014, Hawai’i)

Basalt Baby #3 (born Aug 2022, Iceland)

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