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Room III

Hall of
This product requires the use
A room-based
of Dungeons & Dragons, encounter for use with
Third Edition rules D20 Fantasy Rules

This document is part of System 20:

A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
that can be re-used in other adventures,
such as magic pools, fake treasures, and
ingenious traps.
Room III The Add-A-Room product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at

Hall of
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost

of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
A series of unique and challenging weapons to incorporate into your D20
chambers, designed to be dropped into fantasy campaign.
an already existing adventure; Add-A- This product requires the use of
Rooms are quick and easy ways to add Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
a little something extra to your game. rules.
Each Add-A-Room features elements

Add-A-Room III: Hall of Mirrors is available for download on the Creation Edge Games
website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.

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The content of this document entitled “Add-A-Room III: Hall of Mirrors” which describe game mechan-
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Add-A-Room III: Hall of Mirrors - for use with D20 rules - © 2005 Creation’s Edge Games
Hall of Mirrors


A3 11 C C 12 A4

C 10 C

8 9

A2 6 C C 7 A5


3 4
A1 C 1 2 C A6


This map was created using the on-line Map Creator

available at
Add-a-room III: should be warned that they may be destroy-
ing their only means of escape.
Hall of Mirrors
1) Mirror of the Red Curse

The Set Up Looking into this mirror afflicts the viewer

with a curse. The character suffers a -1
While adventuring though a dungeon, the penalty to their saving throws for as long as
players find what appears to be a small set of they are cursed. Unlike the effects of other
closed black curtains mounted upon a wall. mirrors this curse is not countered by a dispel
Drawing the curtains aside the players find a mirror (see description). Images reflected by
mirror which promptly sucks them through to this mirror all bear a red tint to them. A char-
it’s other side. There the players find a maze acter can only be cursed once by this mirror.
like hall of magical mirrors that must be care- This curse can only be removed by a cleric of
fully navigated in order to find their way to 6th level or higher.

Description 2) Mirror of Draining

One of the viewer's attributes is temporar-

This room is actually divided into nine
ily reduced by a point. Roll 1D6: 1= strength
smaller rooms. Each room bears four magic
2= dexterity 3= intelligence 4= wisdom 5=
mirrors (one mounted on each wall) covered
constitution 6= charisma. In the case of a
with a small set of black curtains. In order to
strength reduction the reflection will appear
navigate this hall of mirrors a player must part
weaker, in the case of an intelligence reduc-
the curtain and look into a mirror. Doing so
tion the reflection will appear less intelligent,
will allow the mirror to pull the player though
etc. The actual reduction does not occur until
it to the other side. It also allows the mirror’s
the character has passed through the mirror.
magic to affect the player doing the looking.
This condition remains until negated by a dis-
pel mirror (see description).
Each room, save the starting room, is
occupied by a mirror man. The mirror man
will attack players coming through the mir-
3) Mirror of Emotions
rors. Mirror men are new creatures. They are
described in the new creature section.
This mirror will bear an image that differs
slightly from the character peering within. The
The Mirrors reflection of the viewer's face will be twisted
into an extreme emotion determined at ran-
Each mirror measures 3 feet wide by 4 feet dom. Roll 1D6: 1= despair 2= fear 3= friend-
high. They are securely mounted to the wall ship 4= hate 5= hope 6= rage. This effect is
about 2 feet off the ground. A pair of black similar to an emotion spell (as described in
curtains cover each. The curtains and mirrors the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
are protected by a powerful spell that renders Handbook, Third Edition) and lasts for 1d4
them invulnerable to most attacks, with the rounds. The actual emotion does not over-
exception of the prison mirrors. A persistent whelm the player until they have been pulled
party may discover a means of damaging the through the mirror.
mirrors (DM’s discretion) however, they
7) Mirror of Blinding
4) Mirror of Reversed Image
Characters looking into this mirror will be
Looking into this mirror the viewer is greet- startled by that fact that their reflection has no
ed by an image of their own back. The mirror eyes. Once pulled though the mirror the char-
reflects the back of the character giving the acter will lose their sight for 1d4 rounds. This
appearance that they're standing behind blindness functions the same as a blind-
themselves. Once through the mirror every- ness/deafness spell as described in the
thing will seem normal until the character Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
attempts their next action. The character will Third Edition, save for its duration.
discover that they have been reversed, their
right has become left and left has become
right. Adjusting to this condition takes 1D4 8) Mirror of Armor Removal
rounds during which time the character suf-
fers -4 to their dexterity and a -2 to their Anyone looking into this mirror will see an
strength. Spells with somatic components image of themselves as though they were
have 10% chance per level of failing during looking into a standard mirror, however the
this time period as well. This condition is cor- reflected image is not wearing armor. Players
rected by a dispel mirror, which unfortunately pulled through this mirror will arrive on the
means going through another period of other side armor-less. A character's armor is
adjustment (1d4-2 rounds). spit out of the mirror into their new room 1D4
rounds after their arrival. There is a chance
that magic armor will not be affected. For
5) Dispel Mirror each +1 bonus the armor possesses there is
a 20% chance that the wearer is unaffected
A character pulled though this mirror is by the mirror's armor stealing ability.
cured of all mirror-inflicted conditions, save
for the curse bestowed by the mirror of the
red curse. In addition the character is healed 9) Mirror of Recent Events
for 1d6 hit points worth of damage. Passing
through this mirror also resets all curtains When this mirror is first peered into it will
within the hall of mirrors, closing any that seem to only reflect the contents of the room
were open. minus the characters that are currently stand-
ing within (and possibly displaying the image
of a mirror man standing at the ready).
6) Thief's Mirror Events displayed within this mirror are actual-
ly occurring several minutes in the past. If the
Characters peering into this mirror will spy viewer waits long enough they'll see their
a black-cloaked figure seemingly sneaking arrival in the room and other events played
around behind their reflection. This mirror will out within the mirror, up to their approaching
steal one item at random from anyone pass- the mirror and peering within, at which point
ing through it. The item is either lost forever they'll be pulled through. The black curtain
or turns up later among the treasure found in does not appear within the mirror, although
another room within the complex, possibly the act of a character opening them is dis-
one set up for the sole purpose of storing the played. A character passing though this mir-
stolen objects. ror has a 30% chance of being slowed as per
the slow spell (as described in the Dungeons
& Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third
Edition). This effect lasts until canceled by a since spells require precise pronunciation of
dispel mirror. any words associated to them there is only a
20% chance of success. Activation words for
items have a 40% chance of success. A char-
10) Mirror of Contagion acter attempting to be understood by speak-
ing backwards has a 60% chance of success.
This mirror affects anyone looking into it
as though targeted by a contagion spell. The
type of disease is determined at random. Roll A) Jump Mirror
1D8: 1= blinding sickness, 2= cackle fever,
3= filth fever, 4= mindfire, 5= red ache 6= the A character looking into a jump mirror will
shakes, 7= slimy doom, 8= no effect. Each be instantly transported to a random room
disease is fully described in the Dungeons & within the hall of mirrors. A roll of 1D6 is used
Dragons® Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third to determine the character's destination. A
Edition. A player will be granted a quick vision mirror that dumps a character in a room at
of themselves under the effects of whatever random will stay linked to that room until the
disease they contract in the mirror just before mirrors are reset by a character passing
being pulled through. The full effect of the dis- through the dispel mirror. It is possible for a
ease doesn't 'kick in' until the player is jump mirror to spit the character back into the
through the mirror. This condition remains same room they just left (which could lead to
until negated by a dispel mirror. some painful collisions depending upon the
positioning of the rest of the party members).

11) Dispel Mirror

B) Prison Mirror
A character pulled though this mirror is
cured of all mirror-inflicted conditions, save These mirrors function slightly different
for the curse bestowed by the cursed mirror. than the other magic mirrors found within this
In addition the character is healed for 1d6 hit hall. These mirrors function as normal mirrors
points worth of damage. Passing through this until touched. A character who touches the
mirror also resets all curtains within the hall of mirror becomes sucked into an interdimen-
mirrors, closing any that were open. This mir- sional space. This effect is similar to that of a
ror will also transport the players out of the mirror of life trapping (as described in the
hall of mirrors (see Leaving The Hall). Dungeons & Dragons® Dungeon Master’s
Guide, Third Edition). Unlike the mirror of life
trapping a prison mirror pulls the character
12) Mirror of Back Talk along with their belongings into the mirror. A
prison mirror also contains only space
Characters pulled through this mirror will enough for one creature. If another creature
discover that they now talk backwards. This already occupies the space that creature is
affliction lasts until removed by a dispel mir- ejected from the mirror. Prison mirrors shatter
ror. While under this condition it becomes easily with a solid blow from a blunt object. A
impossible for characters to perform tasks trapped creature is freed if the mirror is shat-
that require proper speech such as casting tered however they are dealt 1d6 points of
most spells or speaking activation words for damage in the process. The DM is free to
magic items. A character could try intentional- determine what creature, if any, the mirror
ly speaking backwards, which may result in already contains.
their speech being understood, however
C) Black Mirrors the mirror in order to be pulled through there
are a number of things that the players can
These are actually the backs of function- do to make sure that this occurs on their
ing magical mirrors that the characters have terms.
or can pass through. These mirrors appear to
be little more than a framed hole opening up The players can 'elect' one person to be
into blackness. Touching this blackness will the 'mirror tester'. This person bravely throws
cause it to ripple, as though it were the sur- the curtains aside and describes what they
face of a murky pond. If a player stick's the see as accurately and quickly as they can
blade or head of their weapon into one of while the others avert their eyes. This can at
these mirrors, the weapon becomes coated least give the players some idea as to what it
by a shiny black substance. This substance is they'll be facing and allow time for prepara-
causes the weapon to deal an additional 1d4 tion if possible.
points of damage to mirror men. This coating
dissolves after one hour. Trying to collect A character lucky enough to be carrying a
some of this black liquid by placing some- mirror could use it to view the magic mirrors
thing like an empty potion bottle into the mir- within the hall. A mirror viewed in this fashion
ror will result in the bottle becoming coated will still pull the viewer through, however
with the liquid. This substance is ineffectual there is only a 30% chance of the mirror's
against anything other than mirror constructs. magic having any effect.
It would have little value or use outside the
hall of mirrors. Travel spells such as passwall and tele-
portation do not function within the hall. The
magic of the mirrors interferes with spells of
Dealing With The Mirrors this type, however there are a number of
other spells that may come in handy, such as
those which allow communication between
It won't be long before players begin tak-
two characters over distances. Spells of this
ing the 'my character looks at the mirror with-
type could be used to relay information
out LOOKING at the mirror' route in an
between characters who have passed
attempt to avoid any ill effects.
through mirrors and those who haven't.
Any player within a room when the curtains
A character who falls unconscious, is
are opened and a mirror is exposed is
killed, or otherwise rendered sightless can be
assumed to be looking at the mirror unless
carried though the mirrors by a seeing char-
they have previously stated otherwise. A
player can either choose to avert their gaze
from the mirrors or close their eyes. For each
round a player averts their gaze near an Leaving the Hall
opened curtain there's only a 50% chance of
them accidentally catching their reflection in a The dispel mirror at position 11 on the map
mirror and being pulled through. Closing their will spit the players out into the room contain-
eyes makes them effectively blind but affords ing the mirror they used to first enter the hall
them 100% protection against the exposed of mirrors. Of course the DM could choose to
mirror's magic (unless they touch a prison have the final mirror deposit them in a far less
mirror). familiar area - such as a dragon’s treasure
hoard or a cloud giant’s castle...
While a character must look directly into
A Note About Challenge Ratings
Seed #4
Add-A-Rooms are designed to be incorpo-
A prison mirror contains a doppleganger
rated into existing adventures. As a result
which assumes the identity of the character
they are intentionally designed without a set
that’s pulled inside. The doppleganger is in a
character level in mind. Creatures encoun-
weakened state from being imprisoned. It will
tered are, for the most part, left up to the DM
stay with the party until it regains its strength
to insert (as in the case of the prison mirrors).
at which time it will attempt to slip away.
This encounter features a new creature
Seed #5
called a mirror man. DM’s should feel free to
down-scale the mirror men if they prove too
An unconscious or dead character can-
difficult for the party. This can be done by low-
not pass through the mirrors for some rea-
ering hit points, removing the camouflage
son, even when carried. The players must
ability, or only having one or two encountered
discover a way to get aid to their fallen party
throughout the hall. A higher level party may
member or members.
have to deal with more than one mirror man
per room, in which case their infinite visions
Seed #6
ability comes into play, making them even
more difficult to defeat.
A player’s spell misfires causing a
bizarre reaction in the mirror men. The origi-
Adventure Seeds nal mirror used to gain access to the hall
begins spiting them out one after the other.
Soon a literal army of mirror men are ready
Seed #1
to march.
One of the mirror prisons contains the
body of a dead thief which bears a sealed
scroll addressed to a distant Thieves Guild. Reusing the Mirrors
The information contained within could be of
great value to the guild... or its rivals. Add-A-Rooms are designed to bring
you new items for your adventures in an inter-
Seed #2 active room based environment. The mirrors
featured in this document can easily be
One of the black mirrors malfunctions and dropped into any adventure.
pulls a character into it. This character must When encountered outside the Hall of
be rescued from a pocket dimension of Mirrors, these mirrors loose the ability to suck
absolute darkness. the viewer through. The magic of the mirror
affects the viewer the moment they peer into
Seed #3 it. For example a character peering into the
thief’s mirror would have an item stolen the
The act of shattering one of the prison mir- moment they looked into the mirror instead of
rors doesn’t free a character trapped within. having to be pulled through it first. The mirror
Now the party must gather up the shards of of armor removal sucks the character’s armor
the mirror and journey to a place where it can into it, spitting it back out after the proper
be fixed and an alternative way of freeing the number of rounds have passed. And so on...
trapped character discovered.
New Creature
Mirror Man

Type: Medium Construct

Hit Dice: 2d10+3 (14hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30ft. (can't run)
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +2 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Shatter
Special Qualities: Construct, spell invulnera-
bility, spell reflection, camouflage, infinite
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 0, Int 0, Wiz 10,
Cha 1
Skills: None
Feats: None
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or Gang (2-6)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral reflecting qualities to disrupt their opponents
Advancement: None before moving in for the kill.

Description Shatter (Ex): When a mirror man sustains

enough damage to destroy it there is a 50%
Mirror Men appear to be just that; men chance that it shatters. This shattering deals
made out of shiny reflective glass. Their 1d4+2 points damage to everyone within 20
bodies resemble that of an average feet of the mirror man. A successful reflex
humanoid with little in the way of features. save (DC 15) results in half damage. Some
They are usually created to be used as mirror men are intentionally designed with
bodyguards or treasure guardians and are small flaws which make them shatter more
valued for their invulnerability to spells that easily. These have an 80% chance of shat-
target them directly. tering.

Combat Spell Invulnerability (Ex): A mirror man is

invulnerable to spells that target it directly.
When encountered singularly a mirror
man will immediately attack unless it has Spell Reflection (Ex): Any spell cast direct-
been commanded by its master to do other- ly upon a mirror man is reflected back at the
wise. In groups mirror men are usually caster.
instructed to attempt to surround their foes,
relying upon their infinite vision and spell Camouflage (Ex): The reflective nature of a
mirror man makes them difficult to maintain Infinite Visions (Su): Being surrounded by
a constant focus upon. Attacks made mirror men creates a disturbing vision. The
against a mirror man have a 20% miss surroundings are reflected into infinity as
chance. though standing between two mirrors. A
character must make a Will save for each
round they spend between two or more mir-
ror men (DC 5 x the number of mirror men
that flank the character). Failing this check
results in the character being confused as
though affected by a confusion spell. This
effect lasts for one round.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing

effects, poison, sleep, stunning, paralysis,
disease, and similar effects. Immune to abili-
ty damage, ability drain, and energy drain.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage,
or risk of death from massive damage.


Height: 6ft. Weight: 200lbs. Materials:

150lbs. of glass and 50lbs of pure silver.
Cost to build: 1000gp Skill: Craft (Based
upon items used) Spells: lesser geas, fabri-
cate, minor creation, charm monster Caster:
12th level arcane. Drain: 200xp.

While on-line visit

The map included in this document was

created using the on-line Map Creator
available at

The Map Creator’s easy to use interface

allows you to create detailed, full color maps
in a matter of minutes. Use the available
image sets or upload your own.

Also available is an On-Line Character

Creator and item Database!

Oh, and while your at it, please feel free to

stop by as well
Mirror Man artwork ©2005 David Fox
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