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Past perfect simple and continuous

Exercise 2
Key with answers. ________________________________________

When did they finish the house?

They finished the house after they had been building it for a year.
Why didn't she eat anything?
She didn't eat anything because she had had lunch.
What did he tell her?
He told her that he had seen her before.
Why was he so exhausted?
He was so exhausted because he had been cutting the grass all day.
When did they land?
They landed when the storm had ended.
Why was he so dirty?
He was so dirty because he had been digging the hole in the rain.
When did they accept your offer?
They accepted my offer after they had been refusing it for a month.
What did you forget?
I forgot that I had wanted to buy some bread.
How did she know that?
She knew that because someone had told her before.
Why was it so hot in the kitchen?
It was so hot in the kitchen because Sue had been baking cakes.

Our tip: All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.

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