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Let us put ourselves in the presence of God.

Pause for at least 5 seconds (Sign of the cross)

God of compassion and given of life, we humbly entrust you our

patient for this day the grace she/he needs by accepting your healing
gift through the skills of our surgeon, anesthesiologist, and nurses
present in this room. May she be restored soon to health and
wholeness for the service and glory of your name through Christ our
Lord, with the intercession of the blessed mother, amen.

Good afternoon our patient is ______________, (Age/Sex) ______,

diagnosed with ___________________________________________
and schedule for ______________________________________.
_____________ is given at ______ as antibiotic

Before we start the procedure let me introduce the members of the

surgical team, our surgeon (Dr. Galvez) assisted by Dr. Fetalvero
Induction of anesthesia done given via (Spinal Anesthesia) at 12:15
pm by (Dra. Paradero) our scrub nurse is (Janeth alcaraz) and
student nurse ___________________ our circulating nurse (Ritz
Jomero) and yours truly (name mo _____________)

Optional:Let us all welcome our visitors from(name of company) who

will provide us assisting during operation

Are there still any concerns before we start? Or any equipment


If there is none we may now start the procedure thank you!

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