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In the Name of the Father....

Dear Lord

We offer you all our undertakings as we are about to

begin the work entrusted to us. Guide
Dr.________________________________ and
Dr. _______________________________. Bless
(Assist. Surgeon)
them with a steady and skillful hands together with

Dr. _________________________, wisdom to know

what is best to be done. Bless also
_____________________, ______________________
(Scrub Nurse) (Circ. Nurse)
Student Nurses, and Orderly to be sensitive to respond
to their needs and most of all bless
_______________________, who
through You entrusted to us her/his precious life. Grant
that what we ask is in conformity with your Most Holy
Will. Amen

Glory to the Father ....

O Mary Conceived without Sin....

St. Anthony.... Pray for us.

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