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Facilitate the empowerment of older people

Role play

Aged care worker: Hello, Mr. Andersen. After being in the hospital recently, I hope you are
starting to feel better. Mr. Andersen, I am pleased to introduce you to the facility Supervisor. He
aims to maintain individual well-being through personal care and living activities. Today, the
facility Supervisor and I are here to discuss some difficulties we've noticed regarding your meals
and to talk about ways to help you throughout mealtimes more effectively.

Character 1: Good morning, Mr. Andersen. As the Supervisor of this facility, I want you to know
that the best interest of your health and safety is our number one concern here. We know your
recent accident and how it has impacted on your ability to utilize your right hand. We also know
that the accident occurred. We are here to discuss ways in which we may help you keep your
freedom, particularly in the preparation of meals.

Aged care worker: Because of your sprained wrist, Mr. Andersen, we have observed that you
have had difficulty holding silverware and plates. This is because of the pain you have been
experiencing. Damage to muscle fibers and tendons causes you to have movement problems and
stiffness in wrists and hands. We are aware of the significance that you place on being able to
provide for yourself, and we want to collaborate with you to discover an answer that will help
you achieve your objectives.

Character 1: Mr. Andersen, I couldn't agree more. We respect your decision to continue living
independently and value your independence. The ability to make decisions and live according to
your values and preferences is essential. It is your right to this independence and autonomy. It is
very reasonable for you to experience embarrassment at the prospect of requiring assistance,
especially in the presence of other people. Our primary goal is to assist you in regaining your
abilities while also honoring the preferences you have expressed.

Aged care worker: We'd like to hear from you to understand your needs and goals better.
How are you after your accident and hospital stay?
Mr. Andersen: It is challenging and frustrating for me.
Aged care worker: How has your right hand's limited movement affected your ability to use
cutlery and tableware during meals?
Mr. Andersen: It's frustrating not being able to handle cutlery properly. It takes me longer to eat.
Aged care worker: Have you told these challenges to the physiotherapist?
Mr. Andersen: Yes, I have discussed it with my physiotherapist.
Aged care worker: What you feel when someone helps you in eating.
Mr. Andersen: I find it embarrassing when others need to help me eat, leading me to eat less than
Aged care worker: you are correct, Mr. Andersen. But we also need to discuss the risks of eating
unaided, like struggling with the cutlery and needing more food. Because your hand mobility is
restricted, there is a possibility that you will face various dangers, including insufficient
nourishment, the risk of choking, frustration and anxiety during mealtimes, and a slowed
recovery because of continuous strain placed on your hand.
Mr. Andersen: We want to ensure your safety and health while finding ways to empower you.
Character 1: Can you think of strategies or support services to help you eat more comfortably?
Mr. Andersen: Well, I've been going to the physiotherapist for sessions to restore movement in
my hand. I could increase my ability to eat with their direction and the help of some adaptive
Aged care worker: Perfect, Mr. Andersen. Because of the physiotherapeutic treatment, the
healing process will be enhanced. It will improve the range of motion of the joints and the blood
flow to the tissues in the hand. In the meantime, we should consider utilizing utensils that are
made to be easier to grasp and cut with. In addition, having a carer there at mealtimes allows for
the possibility of receiving assistance if required while also allowing you to maintain your
Character 1: These are some strategies we would like to implement. Mr. Andersen. We also offer
the possibility of organizing meals in a more favorable setting, in which you experience fewer
feelings of self-consciousness.
Aged care worker: Mr. Andersen. We encourage you to consider which strategies feel the most
natural to you and choose those as we respect your choice. Promoting your health and autonomy
is the primary focus of our efforts.
Character 1: Besides that, Mr. Andersen, the physiotherapist, is cooperating closely with us to
guarantee that your hand recovers as rapidly as possible. Physiotherapy involves soft tissue
releases, ultrasound, heat packs, and TENS for pain relief. A comprehensive exercise program
includes stretches and strength work. The assistance of physical therapists opens the possibility
of better outcomes. Their experience will be essential in assisting you in regaining complete
control of your movement.
Mr. Andersen: I am grateful to both of you for taking the time to talk to me about this topic. I am
thankful for both your understanding and your willingness to assist me in continuing to live
Aged Care Worker: Mr. Andersen. Your opinions are important to us, and we will all do our best
to implement strategies you are most at ease with.
Character 1: Mr. Andersen, I appreciate you taking the time to share your opinions. Your health
and happiness are our top concerns, and we are dedicated to giving you the best treatment

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