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Java Composite Application Platform Suite

- Sun Certified Java CAPS Integrator (310-502)

Additional practice questions

Change History

Version Date Author Comment

1.0 02-07-2008 Pankaj Gupta Initial version


1. Java CAPS architecture is

a. Client Server
b. Distributed
c. Network Centric
d. Point-to-Point

2. The priority of the message in the JMS IQ Manager ranges from

a. 0-3
b. 0-6
c. 0-9
d. >9

3. The default priority of the message in the JMS IQ Manager is

a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

4. How many number of IQ managers can be configured per a logical host?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. >2

5. How many numbers of Integration Servers can be configured in Java CAPS

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. >3

6. A single OTD can be of type?

a. API Centric
b. Data Centric
c. a or b
d. a and b

7. What is the default port number for IQ Manager?

a. 18000
b. 18003
c. 18005
d. 18007

8. What is the default port number for Enterprise Manager?

a. 10000
b. 13000
c. 15000
d. 17000

9. What is the default port number for Logical Host?

a. 16000

b. 17000
c. 18000
d. 19000

10. What is the default port number for Java CAPS Repository?
a. 18000
b. 12000
c. 15000
d. 17000

11. The build file/EAR will be removed from the Logical Host when deployment profile
is undeployed. Is the statement true?
c. EAR file archived
d. None of the above

12. Every log statement in the server.log file has begun and end symbols. Is it
a. YES
b. NO
c. Only of Exceptions
d. Only for debug statements

13. How many number of deployment profiles a JavaCAPS project can have?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. >5

14. Can a Database OTD be tested with OTD Tester utility?

a. YES
b. NO
c. Partially
d. None of the above

15. The messages are live in the JMS Topic/Queue until

a. Picked up by subscribers
b. Time out
c. cleaned up
d. All of the above

16. What is the default maximum size log file?

a. 5MB
b. 10MB
c. 20MB
d. Grows till the disk space

17. By default, how many number of log files will be created per domain?
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. No limit

18. What is the symbol to specify repeat option to the filed in an user-defined OTD?
a. #
b. *
c. 1
d. -1

19. Which is JMS method used to achieve the request-reply (synchronous mode)
a. JMSCorrelationID
b. JMSReplyTo
c. JMSMessageID
d. None of the above

20. What is the default mode of message transfer for the JMS IQ Manager?
a. XA
b. Trasacted
c. Changes depepends of incoming message
d. None of the above

21. What is the default time for message expiration in the JMS IQ Manager?
a. 10Days
b. 20Days
c. 30Days
d. Will be there always

22. When the journaling is enabled on the JMS IQ Manager, will the message be
available in the IQ after it has been received by all subscribers or message is
timed out?
a. YES
b. NO
c. None of the above

23. What is the default setting for JMS Topic or Queue?

a. nondurable
b. durable
c. depends on message
d. None of the above

24. What is the type of input file need to be supplied for the XCD Tester?
a. TXT
b. CSV
c. DAT
d. XML

25. The JavaCAPS adapters are JCA complaint. Is this statement true?
a. NO
b. YES
c. Partially
d. None of the above

26. Which product of Java CAPS supports ELS feature?

a. eGate

b. eInsight
c. eBAM
d. eTL

27. The JavaCAPS supports BPMN standard. Is this statement true?

a. NO
b. YES
c. Partially
d. None of the above

28. Each transaction flowing across the BPM model gets assigned with unique BPI. Is
this statement true?
a. NO
b. YES
c. Partially
d. None of the above

29. Which technology supported by Java CAP's eVision product?

b. JavaScript
c. CSS
d. All of the above

30. Which type of chart not supported by Java CAP's eBAM product?
a. PIE
b. BAR

31. eTL stands for ------------------------------------ ?

32. eBAM stands for ------------------------------------ ?

33. eBPM stands for ------------------------------------ ?

34. ESB stands for ------------------------------------ ?

35. SOAP stands for ------------------------------------ ?

36. BPEL stands for ------------------------------------ ?

37. UDDI stands for ------------------------------------ ?

38. List log4j logging levels in the integration server

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