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What is the importance of attachment in childhood development?

What are the predicted outcomes for

average children that do not form a healthy attachment?

-It allows a child to feel loved and secure which will get them to be more social. When they do not form
a healthy attachment, they develop anxiety and tend to not make friends easily.

List and describe the stages and achievements of Piaget’s cognitive development model. Include the
respective age ranges for each stage to earn full credit.

- Sensorimotor, which is from birth to 2 years, is a child discovering the difference between themselves
and their surroundings. The goal is to get an understanding of object permanence. Preoperational,
which is 2 years to 7 years, is when the child is controlled by everything through themselves, and they
cannot consider other people's viewpoints. The main goal is to attach meanings of objects with
language. Concrete operational, which is 7 years to 11 years, is when logic sets in and they start to be
more aware of external events. The main goal is to start working things out outside of just themselves.
Lastly, Formal operational, which is from adolescence to adulthood, is people achieving the goal of
development, abstract, and logical thinking. The goal is to consider possibilities beyond what we see.

Referring to the learning activities in this module, what can you (specifically) do to increase your identity
capital? What is a goal you have that you can use identity capital to help you achieve.

-You must do something that adds value to yourself. For example, going to college for your future job
would add value to your education. My goal is to be a physical therapist, and if I go to college and get my
docatorate degree, I can accomplish my goal and better my education to become a physical therapist.

Based on your own experience (and the Lesson), give an example of a social/emotional change
experienced by those in adolescence.

-An example would be teenagers spending more time with their friends instead of their families. They
want to be more independent and less reliant on their parents.

Referring to the learning activities in this module, identify one specific behavior or task that older people
may do to "successfully age" and explain why older people are happier.

-One thing older people do to “successfully age” is physical exercise. Older people are happier because
of their subjective age. Old people feel younger due to their own perception of aging.

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