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:This is the Python code to reverse a dictionary and create the inverted dictionary

Original dictionary #

{ = students_courses

,Stud1': ['CS1101', 'CS2402', 'CS2001']'

Stud2': ['CS2402', 'CS2001', 'CS1102'] '

Create the inverted dictionary #

}{ = inverted_dict

:)(for student, courses in students_courses.items

:for course in courses

:if course in inverted_dict



inverted_dict[course] = [student]
Print the original dictionary #
print("Original Dictionary:")


Print the inverted dictionary #

print("\nInverted Dictionary:")



We define the dictionary students_courses, which contains lists of students and their


.Then, we create an empty dictionary called inverted_dict to store the inverted dictionary
We iterate through each item in students_courses and examine each course in the student's

.associated courses list

If the course is already in inverted_dict, we add the student's name to the list of names

.associated with that course

If the course is not yet in inverted_dict, we create a new key and add the student's name as

.the first value

.Finally, we print both the original dictionary and the inverted dictionary

:The output

:Original Dictionary

}Stud1': ['CS1101', 'CS2402', 'CS2001'], 'Stud2': ['CS2402', 'CS2001', 'CS1102']'{

:Inverted Dictionary

CS1101': ['Stud1'], 'CS2402': ['Stud1', 'Stud2'], 'CS2001': ['Stud1', 'Stud2'], 'CS1102': '{

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